After enjoying lunch, Bai Ziyu sent Akimoto Aoi to the door of the apartment.

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, he gently urged:"Aoi, don't forget to go for treatment tomorrow~"

As soon as these words came out, a faint light flashed in the girl's beautiful eyes.

After a mosquito-like hum, she hurried back to the apartment.

Quietly watching the graceful figure and the pair of perfect mixed essences, after they completely disappeared, Bai Ziyu stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Leaning against the door, hearing the roar of the car gradually going away, Akimoto Aoi finally couldn't help it and slowly opened a gap.

Seeing the car gradually going away, a smile gradually appeared on her pretty face. In front of Qingteng College, two girls stopped Himeno Yuri, looked around, and said mysteriously:"Yuri, do you want to do something exciting with us?"

The other party's behavior successfully aroused the girl's curiosity:"What's the matter?"

"Go to the lingerie store to steal...".

Hearing this, the curiosity in the girl's eyes quickly disappeared. I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be just this?

���If she hadn't met that bad guy and hadn't had the incident at Akina Mountain that night, she might still be interested.

But now

At this moment, seeing the familiar luxury car not far away, the girl's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with a bit of light.

After hurriedly saying"I have something else to do", she moved her long, white and slender legs and walked towards it.

Seeing that the other party was actually walking towards such a luxury car, the two girls snorted disdainfully:"You usually act so serious, but when you meet a rich man, you are still Zhang..."

"Let's go! Since they don't want to join us, why should we force them to do so?"

Yuuri Himeno, unaware that the other party was talking about her behind her back, opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, with a vigilant look on her face:"Yuichi, I'm still injured, you don't want to..."

Looking at the girl who was guarding against him as if she were a wolf, Bai Ziyu looked helpless:"I just wanted to invite you to go swimming!"

"Really ?"

Hearing this, Ji Yeyou showed doubt.

It's not her fault, it's really that Bai Ziyu's reputation in her eyes is too low...., but it turned out to be all lies.

Reaching out with his right hand, he gently gathered the other person's long hair, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of Bai Ziyu's mouth:"Really! I promise I will never touch your wound."

Half an hour later, in the villa swimming pool, Ji Ye Yuri turned around and shouted angrily:"Baga! Liar! Big liar!"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu looked"wronged".":"Yuri-chan, I didn't lie to you. I really didn't touch your wound!"

As soon as she said this, the girl gritted her teeth, wishing she could bite this cunning bastard to death.

You really didn't do that, but you...

After a long time, the waves in the swimming pool gradually subsided. Seeing that the girl was really angry, Bai Ziyu leaned against the edge of the pool, gently stretched out his arms and hugged her into his arms. After struggling for a few times and failing to break free, the girl moved her little head to the side angrily, like a food-storing chipmunk.

Gently stroking the delicate little pet with his right hand, Bai Ziyu stretched out his left hand, forcibly straightened it, lowered his head and pecked it lightly:"Okay! Don't be angry, I apologize to you!"

"Ni Zou Kai~, I don’t want to pay attention to you, you big liar!"

"If I get angry again, I will..."

She was already angry, but the other party not only did not comfort her, but threatened her.

Suddenly, the girl felt wronged, and her eyes were shining with light:"You only bully me~"

"There's nothing I can do, Yuri-chan is so cute that I can't help but want to bully her!"

"( ̄^ ̄)(θ(θ☆(_"

In the evening, after sending Himeno Yuri, whose old wounds had not healed and who had new injuries, home, Bai Ziyu took out the space door. Mitsuko

's urgent need for coal was solved last night, and it was time for him to go see his girlfriend tonight.

At the Kanzaki family, Marina, who hadn't seen Bai Ziyu for a whole week, missed him like a wild horse that had run away from its reins and could not suppress it.

But she knew that the other party had important things to do, so she had to talk on the phone every night and listen to that familiar voice to relieve her lovesickness.

Today was no exception. Looking at the bright moon outside the window, the girl took out her mobile phone and dialed the number that was engraved in her bones.

The next moment...


Hearing the phone ringing in the room, the girl turned her head subconsciously, and then...


The phone fell to the ground helplessly. Looking at the familiar figure in front of her, the girl covered her lips with her hands, tears streaming down. Bai Ziyu wanted to give the other party a surprise, but was ruined by this phone call. A bit of embarrassment appeared on his face.

But soon, seeing the crying girl, he panicked and hurried forward.

With more and more women, his heart was inevitably divided into pieces.

But among them, the status of two women can never be replaced.

One is Mitsuko, his first woman in this life; and the other is Marina, his first love in this life.

Coming in front of her, stretching out his right hand to gently wipe away her tears, Bai Ziyu said softly:"I haven't seen you for a few days, why have you become so crybaby, Marina?"

Hearing this, Marina burst into laughter, and said in dissatisfaction:"Hate~"

Then, the girl stretched out her snow-white and slender jade arms and hugged Bai Ziyu's strong waist.

Leaning her head gently against that broad chest, a happy smile appeared at the corner of her mouth:"Yuichi, welcome back!"

A short separation is better than a new marriage, and there is no need to say much about what happened next.

Afterwards, nestled in Bai Ziyu's arms, Marina looked resentful:"Yuichi-kun, you and Ai Li hid it from me so hard~"

After saying this, Bai Ziyu's right hand movement paused slightly, and an embarrassed look appeared on his face:"When did Marina find out?"

"Yesterday, a drunk man tried to take advantage of Ellie, and I happened to see him."

"Jie Yijun, if it weren't for this accident, how long would you two have kept it a secret from me?"

As she spoke, a bit of"danger" flashed in the girl's beautiful eyes.

Facing her look, Bai Ziyu sold out Ai Li without any hesitation:"Ha~, actually I wanted to tell you from the beginning, but Ai Li said it was more exciting this way, so..."

"Humph! This is something that Ai Li, that damn girl, can do, but Yui-kun has lied to me for so long, do you need to compensate me?"

As she spoke, Marina's right hand slowly moved down from his chest, and finally....

I said: Hieu Baocot

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