At that moment, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air:"Hiss!~".

Then he nodded quickly:"Of course! Of course! I wonder what kind of compensation Marina wants?"

"Humph! That damn girl Ai Li was deliberately making fun of me. Of course I couldn't let her have an easy time. Doesn't she like to pretend? Then I..."

After a while, when the girl finished telling him her plan, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but widen his eyes. Is this still the same Marina he knew?

Lifting her head slightly, seeing Bai Ziyu like this, Marina's cheeks couldn't help but turn slightly red:"Yes, it was Ai Li who played tricks on me first, so I-..."

Seeing the shy look of the girl, Bai Ziyu nodded.

This is the Manina he knows!

Reaching out his right hand, gently playing with the three thousand black hair scattered on his chest, Bai Ziyu said softly:"It's okay, I can understand, after all, Ai Li did go too far in this matter!"

Ai Li: That's not what you said when you were in love with me, bah! Scumbag!


Snuggling against Bai Ziyu's hot chest, listening to the vigorous heartbeat, the corners of Marina's eyebrows slowly curved into a crescent.

They were both very happy, and the world in which only Ai Li was hurt was achieved!

What goes around comes around, and no one can escape the fate of heaven!

In the middle of the night, Ai Li, who was sleeping, suddenly felt someone was watching her.

She was awakened, and in the moonlight she saw a figure standing beside the bed.

From the figure, it was obvious that this was a man.

At that moment, she was about to shout.

But the next moment, a big hand suddenly covered her lips:"Aili, it's me!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Ai Li, who was about to struggle, stopped her movements immediately.

Then, with the help of the cold moonlight, she looked around, but who else could it be if it wasn't her lover she had been thinking about?

In an instant, Ai Li breathed a sigh of relief, motioned Bai Ziyu to let her go, patted her chest, and rolled her eyes:"Onii-chan, do you know that scaring people can scare them to death?..."

As she was talking, she suddenly realized that the other party's eyes were always on the pair of treasures in front of her. Ai Li's crystal earlobes immediately turned red:"Stinky, stinky Onii-chan, what are you looking at?"

Then, Bai Ziyu also answered the girl's question with his actual actions.

Standing outside the door, listening to the low sobs coming from inside, Marina's eyes flashed with a bit of cunning, and she knocked on the door casually:"Aili, what's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?"

"Huh? I, I'm fine, don't worry, sister!"

"Are you really okay? I'd better come in and take a look!"

As she said that, she put her snow-white hand on the door handle.

Her foot was on the edge of the door, and seeing the door handle slowly turning, Ai Li's heart was in her throat.

The next moment, she pushed the door open and looked at Ai Li lying on the bed with her head buried deep in the quilt. Marina showed"concern" on her face. She walked slowly to the bedside, saying"How can you cover your head with the quilt", and wanted to lift it up.

At this moment, Ai Li took the initiative to show her little head and smiled sweetly:"Sister, I'm really fine!"

"You said it's okay, but look at the sweat on your head."

"Hmm! My forehead is a little hot. Wait a minute, I’ll go call mom~"

Then she was about to get up and leave.

How could Ai Li dare to let her go? What if she really came?

Seeing that she was about to leave, Ai Li blurted out in a hurry:"Sister! I, I was just......"

I didn't expect the other party to be so cruel. Marina, who dared to say such a thing, immediately blushed:"You damn girl, you actually......"

Since it has come to this, Ai Li simply gave up and looked at Marina eagerly:"So sister, you must not tell mom about this, otherwise I will......,嘤嘤~, my butt is definitely not going to be saved!"

""Forget it! I don't care about you anymore!"

Marina, who couldn't bear it any longer, said hurriedly and left.

After she left, Ai Li looked down with a face full of resentment:"Onii-chan..."

At three or four in the morning, after putting Ai Li to sleep, Bai Ziyu came to Marina's room, held her in his arms, and listened to her venting.

After a while, she vented all her frustrations. The girl, who was gradually becoming sleepy, smelled the pleasant smell of Bai Ziyu and slowly fell asleep.

0 ····Request flowers···· ········

The next morning, when she reached out her hand and touched nothing, Marina showed a bit of disappointment on her face. Was she dreaming?

But then, looking at the bed sheet under her, the girl's cheeks suddenly turned red. She spat secretly and got up quickly.

Outside the bathroom, she saw Ai Li who was also holding a bed sheet. There was some awkwardness between the two girls.

But Ai Li is Ai Li. She turned from passive to active in an instant and greeted her generously:"Sister, you wash the bed sheets too!"

After all, I said yesterday that in..., so it's normal to wash the sheets! ?

But what about you? My sister, how do you explain washing the sheets so early in the morning?

0..... 0

To this, Marina replied:"Yes! I accidentally knocked over the cup when I got up this morning, so I wanted to clean it."

Hearing this, Ai Li curled her lips in disdain. I think you accidentally knocked over the cup....

Although she wanted to expose the other party's clumsy lie directly, she finally held back.

After all, she didn't want her relationship with Onii-chan to be discovered by her elder sister so soon....

At the same time, Bai Ziyu, who returned to the villa, also welcomed his patient.

In the bedroom, Akimoto Aoi's ears were red, and she slowly took off her coat.

After a while, she lay on the big bed and let Bai Ziyu give her the second treatment.

The warm and broad hands slowly wandered on her back, massaging one acupoint after another.

During the massage, in order to ease the patient's embarrassment, Bai Ziyu also took the initiative to talk to him:"Aoi, did you encounter any interesting things when you were working in the hospital?"

"Hmm~, I didn’t encounter any interesting things, but I did encounter a terrifying thing. It was one night a week ago...."

Listening to the other party's story, Bai Ziyu's eyes showed a little surprise. What a coincidence, the other party turned out to be the nurse who was in charge of Sada Kenji at the time.

If he had stayed a little longer at that time, he might have had an intersection with her.

But it doesn't matter, it's not too late now!

Thinking of this, Bai Ziyu slightly increased the strength of his hands...


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