The morning sun shines into the bedroom, shining on the girl's snow-white skin.

Her long eyelashes blinked slightly, and the next moment, Shoko Sugimoto slowly opened her eyes.

Immediately, a calm and handsome face came into view.

At this time, the other party was still asleep, and the golden light of the morning sun shone on his cheeks, making him look like a banished celestial being from heaven.

Just looking at each other quietly, Shoko gradually curled up the corners of her mouth.

She was so blind to such an outstanding and responsible man that she gave up the exquisite jade and fell in love with the rough rubble.

After an unknown amount of time, the girl noticed that the other party was about to wake up, and hurriedly closed her eyes. After a moment, seeing the slightly blinking eyelashes and looking at her recent thoughts, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and then lowered his head and kissed her lightly.

As if he didn't notice the few blushes on her cheeks, he said affectionately:"Shoko, perhaps only when you are asleep can I speak my mind without scruples. You know I..."

As Bai Ziyu spoke, the girl's originally snow-white skin gradually turned a faint pink, her long eyelashes kept flashing, and there were tears at the corners of her eyebrows.

At the end, Bai Ziyu sighed softly:"I know there has always been someone living in your heart. Maybe we have no possibility in this life, but I will always be behind you, silently protecting you!"

After that, he was ready to leave.

But at this moment, a soft and delicate body suddenly pressed tightly against his back, and a pair of jade arms that were as white as frost and snow tightly hugged his waist.

The next moment, a voice with a slightly crying tone suddenly rang in his ears:"Ouni, don't go~"

His body trembled slightly, and Bai Ziyu slowly turned around, with a bit of"embarrassment" on his face.":""Shoko, when did you wake up?"

Ignoring the question, the girl's beautiful eyes were filled with tears:"Onii-chan, Shoko was wrong before, can you please forgive Shoko? Shoko will stay with Onii-chan from now on, and we will never be apart." ¨!"

Seeing the beautiful woman crying, Bai Ziyu's eyes showed some pity, and he quickly reached out to wipe away the tears:"Shoko, do you really want to be with me?!"

"Well! Shoko never wants to be separated from Onii-chan again!"

Nodding her little head fiercely, Sugimoto Shoko immediately pressed her head tightly against the broad chest.

As the girl's confession fell, a faint white fluorescence rose from the top of her head and shot into Bai Ziyu's body.

In an instant, three pleasant system prompts rang in his ears one after another:

【Congratulations to the host for successfully collecting the tenth goddess - Sugimoto Shoko."Goddess Record" feedback reward: rescue points: 2000, skills: double full hands (purple), invisible cloak (blue), space mark】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Protect Sugimoto Shoko from the evil spirits. Mission Reward: Hypnosis (blue), Rescue Points: 500】

【It was detected that the host had saved 10 goddesses. The first feature of"Goddess Record" was activated - summoning.

The last system prompt made Bai Ziyu change his original idea of checking the reward and check"Goddess Record" instead.》

"Name:"Goddess Record"

Type: Rare Item

Level: None

Number of Goddesses: 10

Effect: You can collect a trace of the spirit of the goddess whose favorability reaches 100 and store it on it. The appearance of the collected person will be forever frozen. Unless the holder dies, he will be immortal.


1. Summoning: Communicate with the spirit on it and summon the goddess to your side instantly (can be activated if the number of goddesses is 10)

2、****: (Goddess number 20 can be opened)

3、****: (Can be unlocked when the goddess number is 40)..."

"I didn't expect that the first feature of"Goddess Record" is summoning, but now I have a space gate!"

Looking at the introduction of the first feature of"Goddess Record": Summoning, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but be speechless. This effect can be said to be highly overlapped with the space gate.

In fact, the space gate is more convenient than it, after all, it only summons, not after-sales.

Originally, he was looking forward to the first feature of"Goddess Record", but after a moment, Bai Ziyu, who had no choice but to accept this reality, shook his head gently in his heart:"Forget it! Forget it! It's not bad, don't ask for too much, be content with what you have! Be content with what you have!"

Immediately, he checked the system tasks he had just completed and the rewards reported by"Goddess Record":

"Name: Hypnosis

Type: Skill

Level: Blue

Effect: Can hypnotize people below level 4, and control them for a short period of time.

Introduction: A very practical little skill, the crystallization of a famous hypnotist's life before his death in a certain world."

"Name: Double Hands

Type: Skill

Level: Purple

Effect: Able to control and modify memory

Description: One of the Eight Wonders in a certain world, with extremely powerful power"

"` ~ What a pity, it would be nice if it could show the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

Looking at the dual-hands reflected by"The Goddess Record", Bai Ziyu thought with a little regret.

Although the dual-hands are good, he still wants the Mangekyō Sharingan more.

After all, he doesn't want to be distracted from time to time to consider whether he will be counterattacked during the battle.

Just at this moment, the girl in his arms seemed to feel something, her ears suddenly turned red, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito:"Onii-chan~"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu came back to his senses in an instant, and was stunned when he saw the girl like this.

The next moment, he noticed that there was something wrong with himself, and a bit of embarrassment immediately appeared on his face:"Sorry, Shoko, it..."

"It’s okay."

Her ears turned red and she shook her head gently, then asked,"Are you feeling uncomfortable, Onii-chan?""

"Yes, some, but it doesn't matter, it will be fine in a while!"

After hearing this, Sugimoto Shoko hesitated for a moment, and then said softly:"Let Shoko help Onii-chan solve the pain!"

After that, the girl left Bai Ziyu's arms and slowly...

After a while, the girl raised her head slightly, her eyes smiling:"How do you feel now, Onii-chan?"

Reaching out his right hand, he gently stroked the jade-like beauty, Bai Ziyu's eyes were gentle:"Well! I feel much better, thank you Xiangzi!"

Although the girl's cloud masterpiece was very young, it had a unique flavor.

Hearing Bai Ziyu's praise, the girl's face smiled even more, looking at that...

In the afternoon, looking at Sugimoto Shoko, who was nestled in her arms and as lazy as a kitten, Bai Ziyu said softly:"It's getting late, I'll take you home, otherwise your grandfather might come to ask for you in person!"

After gently moving her body and finding a comfortable position, the girl whispered softly:"He won't, he would rather I stay here and not go back." Bunch.

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