Seeing the other person's irresponsible look, Sugimoto Shoko's heart, which had been torn into pieces, instantly turned into slag.

The greatest sorrow is the death of the heart.

At this moment, the world lost its color in her eyes.

"Pah pah~, what a good show, a rich girl falls in love with a poor security guard, but it's a pity that this security guard is a waste!"

As he said that, the gang leader kicked the young man in the knee, and kicked him into a gourd rolling on the ground.

After being kicked several times in a row, the young man was tough and didn't say a word.

But at this moment, a kick happened to hit the most vulnerable part of his body.

In an instant, a low sound of eggs breaking was heard.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered.

Seeing this, the gang leader grabbed his collar, and a bit of"apology" immediately appeared on his face.":"Sorry, I said I would leave some soup for you, but now it seems you can't have it!"

Although she no longer loves him, she has loved him after all.

Seeing the other party being abused like this, Sugimoto Shoko shouted angrily:"Stop it!"

Hearing this, the gang leader cooperated very well and put him down, and then���He looked at Sugimoto Shoko jokingly:"04Oh~, I wonder what you think, Miss Sugimoto?"

"If you release the man, I will give you any amount of money!"

As soon as these words came out, the gang leader seemed to hear a big joke:"Money? Hahaha~, the granddaughter of the chairman of the Sugimoto Group, how much do you think she is worth?"

As he said this, he slowly came to Sugimoto Shoko. He scanned the girl's delicate body up and down, and his eyes flashed like a wolf. He had slept with so many women before, but he had never tasted the taste of a rich girl. Today, he must have a good time.

Then, he took out a bottle of pink medicine from his arms.

Then he gently sprayed it on Sugimoto Shoko.

Without checking for a moment, after inhaling a large amount of pink gas, Sugimoto Shoko only felt her body stiff.

Then, a heat continued to surge out of her body, and many restricted-level pictures appeared uncontrollably in her mind.

Looking at the girl with a shaky figure and flushed cheeks, the gang leader said in a deep voice:"It seems that Miss Sugimoto is not feeling well. Why don't you help Miss Sugimoto to rest?"

When the gangsters heard this, their eyes shone brightly. They immediately surrounded them using the fly rubbing technique. There are more than thirty hidden cameras here. When the time comes, just give this film with Sugimoto Shoko as the protagonist to Sugimoto Ichiro, and I believe he will know what to do.

Kidnapping is only a one-time thing, but what they want is a long-term meal ticket.

Facing the approaching crowd, Sugimoto Shoko cursed and retreated:"Get out! All of you get out of here!"

But she was already hit at this time, and she fell to the ground after just a few steps back, with her white and jade-like calves exposed.

In an instant, everyone rushed towards them like sharks that smelled blood.

Faced with this scene, the girl subconsciously closed her eyes:"Da Me!"

But at this moment, a voice that was so cold that it made people feel cold all over suddenly resounded in this empty factory:"You are really a group of dirty and lowly bastards, get ready to listen to your lullaby!"

Just when the good thing was about to be accomplished, Cheng Yaojin suddenly showed up. The leader of the gangs was immediately furious:"Who is it?"..."

But the only answer he got was a brilliant golden light.

The light and shadow clones kept shuttling between the people, using their dirty blood to compose a beautiful chapter.

And this can be regarded as a secondary use of waste.

As for Bai Ziyu himself, he came in front of Sugimoto Shoko, stretched out his right hand and gently placed it on her little head:"Shoko, I'm here to take you home!"

Hearing this familiar voice and feeling the warmth of that big hand, Sugimoto Shoko slowly opened her eyes:"Keep it together!"..."

Before she could finish her words, the drug suddenly surged up and she came up to him.

Bai Ziyu, who didn't want to use the sky as a blanket and the ground as a bed, immediately waved his hand and took out the Lamborghini.

As the two of them entered, the blue and gold Lamborghini......

After a long time, the poison that Sugimoto Shoko was poisoned with was finally solved. Bai Ziyu simply put on a piece of clothing and walked out of the car door.

Following a long trail of blood, he found a young man covered in blood on a pile of rocks 100 meters away from the factory.

At this time, the young man's legs were cut off at the knees, and the white bones were exposed. How miserable it was.

Slowly coming in front of him, Bai Ziyu looked down and jokingly said:"I didn't expect that he could run so far with his legs cut off. He is good!"

Raising his cheeks that were as pale as paper due to excessive blood loss, the young man said weakly:"Please, let me go!"

"I have no intention of killing you, but you should never, ever involve Shoko in this. A despicable person like you should go to hell and repent!"

After he finished speaking, several"sparrows" with faint lightning flashing around their bodies attacked him.


With a voice full of unwillingness, the young man disappeared, and was replaced by a ball of black charcoal.


With a disdainful snort, Bai Ziyu returned to the factory and drove Sugimoto Shoko to the villa.

Two days later, several villagers from nearby villages wanted to find some things in this abandoned factory to sell for money, but unexpectedly they discovered such a tragic scene.

More than a dozen lives can be said to be a major case among major cases, but this news was deliberately blocked and not spread outside.

Otherwise, the whole city of Kanai will be in a huge panic.

At the scene, the police found more than 20 hidden cameras. But what is creepy is that there is no information in the storage cards in these cameras, as if they were deliberately erased by something.

Of course, these are all later stories. After bringing Sugimoto Shoko back to the villa, Bai Ziyu has been quietly guarding her side.

The moon was above the willow branches, and the sleeping girl gradually woke up.

After waking up, Sugimoto Shoko's beautiful eyes were full of fear. Her arms kept waving, and she shouted,"Don't come over! Don't come over!"

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu hurriedly hugged her in his arms, gently patted her soft and beautiful back, and comforted her softly:"Xiangzi, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

""Jie Yijun, wuwu~"

Bai Ziyu's voice was like a sharp sword, cutting through the nightmare in the girl's heart. The next moment, the girl hugged his strong waist tightly with both arms, buried her little head deep in Bai Ziyu's arms, and cried loudly, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances in her heart.

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