‘Study hard and get a recommendation for university'

There was a note with this sentence on the lampshade of the desk lamp. It had been there for some time and the paper had turned yellow.

Standing in front of the desk, Ryuguin Aoyama looked at the words on the note, shrugged and chuckled. Study hard?

For a man who had gone through nine years of compulsory education, three years of a devilish high school, and finally entered a prestigious university, and accidentally traveled through time and space, study again?

Studying is impossible; I have learned everything I should learn, so I can never learn again in this life.

When the soul traveled through time and space, it happened to be the day when the Ryuguin family had a car accident, and his soul entered the body of Ryuguin Aoyama.

Ryuguin Misaki was his sister; after the funeral, he learned from the hidden letters of the family's parents that he was just an adopted child of this family, and his sister didn't seem to know that he had no blood relationship with her.

Because her parents passed away, her sister was not in good health. She had a congenital heart disease and could not do strenuous exercise. She needed someone to take care of her, so after the funeral, she was taken to her grandmother's house far away in the countryside to live and go to school. Her grandmother took care of her daily life on weekdays.

Now, he was the only one living in this apartment, and he felt relaxed and comfortable.

Last night, he received a call from the countryside, saying that his sister would come over today for a routine physical examination. As a brother, he naturally had to go to the station to pick her up.

As soon as he opened the door and went out, the scorching sun was so bright that he couldn't open his eyes.

The last time he saw Misaki was in spring. At that time, Misaki, wearing a school uniform, was waiting for him under the cherry tree outside the station.

A breeze blew, and along with the falling cherry blossoms, the corners of Misaki's skirt also danced slightly.......

Ryuguin Aoyama glanced at the watch on his wrist. The train that Misaki was on was about to arrive, so he had to hurry to the station to pick her up.

When he arrived at the station, a large number of people were pouring out of the station.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at the crowd and saw a woman in a dazzling white dress. Before he could shout, he met Misaki's gaze.

""Brother! Here."

Ryuguin Misaki took off the hat that matched her skirt and waved at him with a smile.

Just as she stopped to wave, a hurried person behind her bumped into her arm, and Misaki missed the step and fell to the ground.

Ryuguin Aoyama, with a nervous heart, rushed forward and caught the person steadily before he fell to the ground.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't notice that, please forgive me!"

"Do you feel uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?"

The man apologized to Misaki very apologetically. Because of the hot weather, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he kept wiping his forehead with a handkerchief. Aoyama, who successfully caught the person, breathed a sigh of relief. Misaki, who stood firm, smiled and shook her head.

""No, no, uncle, don't worry! I'm fine, my brother caught me~" As she spoke, she looked up at her brother with a smile in her eyes. When she looked down at Misaki, Aoyama paused. Her fair face was flushed due to the hot weather, pure and moving; her clear eyes were smiling, making her look even more dazzling.......

Realizing his own gaffe, Ryuguuin Aoyama coughed lightly to cover up, and looked away.

The man confirmed again and again that everything was fine, and then left with peace of mind.

Ryuguuin Aoyama picked up the hat that fell on the ground, patted the dust on it, and handed it to Misaki, admonishing her:"Pay more attention to your surroundings in the future, and be more careful about your health."

Putting the hat back on, Misaki stuck out her tongue mischievously,"The air in the countryside is good, grandma's cooking skills are great, and I'm in good health, so don't worry too much, brother!"

"You~" He tapped her forehead with his finger,"Stop talking nonsense! Let's go, it's almost time to make an appointment with the hospital for a checkup."

When they arrived at the hospital, a trace of disappointment flashed across Ryuguin Misaki's bright face, and soon a smile appeared on her face again, and she looked like nothing happened again.

But this scene was all seen by Ryuguin Aoyama......

The scorching sun shone on the asphalt road, and the oily asphalt road looked like it had been melted by the sun.

After leaving the hospital, the doctor's instructions were still echoing in Ryuguin Qingshan's ears.

‘Everything is fine now. The heart can temporarily bear the functions of the whole body, but this is not something that can be taken lightly.’

‘You should also consider heart transplant surgery. If your physical condition is good, the success rate of transplant surgery is relatively high.’

‘There are many people waiting for heart transplants. Waiting for a heart source takes time, so it is right to prepare now.......’......

Heart transplant surgery......

"Brother, what are you daydreaming about? Come on, I'm hungry. How about we have udon noodles for lunch? Udon noodles!"

Ryuguuin Aoyama came back to his senses and looked at Misaki's carefree face, temporarily putting away the doctor's words in his mind.

He raised his hand and patted her head with a faint smile,"Eat if you want to. There's an udon restaurant in front that tastes pretty good. Let's go there!"

PS: Hello everyone! I'd like to ask for some support first, such as flowers, comments, and collections!

The new book is a fan fiction book with a passionate high school as the background. I hope to get your support.

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