It was a small noodle shop. The boss was a middle-aged man with a bald head. Soon after the brother and sister sat down, they were served steaming udon noodles.

"Please enjoy, you two!"

"It's very good, thank you boss! Let's eat!"

Misaki smiled and picked up the chopsticks, ready to try the udon she had been longing for.

Suddenly, the door of the store opened, and a group of idle hooligans walked into the store from outside.

Frightened by the sudden incident, Misaki dropped the chopsticks in her hand, and pressed her other hand on her heart. Her heart suddenly beat rapidly, her breathing became heavy, and her face began to turn pale.

"Misaki, Misaki、......"

"What’s wrong with you......"

Ryuguin Aoyama supported Misaki who looked a little unwell. This was the first time he saw Misaki like this.

"elder brother...Call"

Increased breathing and incoherent speech

"Medicine, medicine......In my bag......"

Ryuguuin Aoyama supported Misaki, and quickly opened the handbag beside him with one hand, found the spare medicine in the interlayer and gave it to Misaki.

This group of sloppy hooligans didn't care about their behavior at all. They laughed and shouted loudly, lit cigarettes skillfully, and shouted loudly for the boss to make noodles for them.

The originally quiet shop became smoky because of their arrival.

Misaki, who took the medicine, gradually breathed normally, but her face still didn't look good.

Ryuguuin Aoyama stood up angrily and walked up to the group of hooligans,"Hey, you! You are affecting us, apologize~"

The group of hooligans looked at each other, then stood up with laughter, pointing their fingers at the chests of the people in front of them

"Boy, you didn't say anything wrong, did you? Apologize? You actually, dare, ask us to apologize? What a joke!!!"

He grabbed Ryuguin Aoyama's clothes, because he was a head taller than him, and pulled his clothes hard, trying to make him bend down.

Ryuguin Aoyama held his wrist tightly, and easily took his hand away from his clothes with his arm.

""You brat!"

The thug was about to throw a punch when the boss came out from behind the counter and apologized to them.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everyone calm down, it's hot, I'll buy you all a bottle of soda~"

Ryuguuin Misaki, who had recovered, didn't want to make a big deal out of it, especially since the other party was a group of hooligans, so she quickly stood up and ran over to hug her brother's arm, lowering her voice:"Forget it, brother, let's go......"

Misaki saw that her brother didn't move, and the gang of thugs in front of her all stood up, looking like they were ready to fight at any time.

"Come on, let's go......"

Pulling his arm with all his strength, his voice was filled with anxiety.

Ryuguin Aoyama suppressed his anger and started a fight in front of Misaki, which was not good for her, so he had to follow Misaki and leave.

"You sickly guy, why are you still going out to eat? You might as well die quickly, hahahaha......"

As one person laughed, the others followed suit.

Aoyama stopped at the door of the store. Misaki hugged his arm tightly and whispered,"Brother~ Forget it, let's go home and eat something else."

Ryuguin Aoyama stared at these laughing people, and the anger in his heart was burning up little by little.

"Hey, kid, what are you looking at? If you don't agree, try it yourself.~"


""You cowardly boy, I'll beat you up if you do that~"

The gangsters not only laughed but also waved their fists at him.

Misaki could feel that her brother was angry, but she didn't want him to have anything to do with these gangsters because of her. It was definitely not a good thing to have anything to do with gangsters. It

's better to have less trouble than more. Taking a step back will open up a new world.

""Brother, let's go! I'm fine~ Let's go!"

She held her brother's arm tightly with both hands, afraid that he would impulsively cause trouble for these people, and raised her face to smile at him, indicating that she was really fine.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama was dragged out of the noodle shop by Misaki, but the anger in his heart did not decrease at all because of leaving.

Leaving the commercial street just now and coming to a clothing mall, Ryuuguuin Aoyama suddenly stopped,"Misaki, buy some clothes! Let's go to the mall and buy some clothes!"

"You can buy it......but......"

Qingshan held Misaki's shoulders from behind and pushed her into the mall, saying,"Pick carefully, I'll go out and buy you ice cream! Just walk around inside and look at the clothes first.""

"But here are......"There is a small shop selling ice cream......

Before she finished her words, her brother had already run out and disappeared.

She ran back to the door of the udon noodle shop, Ryuguin Aoyama took two deep breaths and wiped the sweat from his forehead. There was laughter coming from the shop. He opened the curtain of the shop door, looked at the place where the gangsters were sitting, strode forward, raised his hand to hold one of them's head, and pushed it directly into the still hot bowl of noodles.

"ah——"Make a miserable cry

"What the hell! It's you, kid!!!"

Longgongyuan Qingshan raised his head, looked at the man who was talking, released his hand that was pressing on his head, and kicked the man to the ground.

"Kid? I'm your father!"

After saying that, he kicked the man out, and he slid three or four meters on the ground, knocking over a table before stopping.

"Hey, do you know who we are? You dare to cause trouble for us! Are you tired of living?"

The rest of the people surrounded Longgongyuan Qingshan, and two of them grabbed his arms by surprise.

One of them clenched his fist and swung it at Qingshan in front of him, wanting to hit him in the face, but unfortunately he was not tall enough, and Qingshan turned sideways and hit him on the shoulder.

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