""Fuck, you're a piece of shit! You can't hit me like this?!"

The person who shouted was the leader of the group. He was the one who just laughed at Misaki for being a sickly person. He grabbed the man's shoulders and threw him out.

His hand joints cracked and he shook his neck left and right.

"Damn you kid, you dare to mess with us, you are really looking for death~"

Bang—— with a dull sound, a punch hit Longgongyuan Qingshan's abdomen


Longgongyuan Qingshan slightly hunched his body, it was impossible not to feel pain,"Hu, hu, hehe......"The pain made him gasp.

""Hahaha, kid, are you still so arrogant?"

He touched his bald head with his hand and laughed wildly. He raised his hand and grabbed Longgongyuan Qingshan's hair, pulling it down tightly, forcing him to lower his head.

"I just didn't like you, and now you've come to me on your own initiative. I'm going to beat you so hard today that your parents won't even recognize you."

Ryuuguin Qingshan, who had recovered from his shock, raised his head and bumped into the bald man's chin. His arms were held tightly, so he could only raise his legs and kick the bald man in front of him.���go out

""Don't touch my hair!!!"

Ryuguin Aoyama roared, breaking free from the two people holding his arms, clenching his fists and punching them hard on both sides, knocking them to the ground.

Such explosive power surprised Ryuguin Aoyama himself, as he had never used force before. He strode to the front, grabbed the collar of the bald man who had just hit him and scolded Misaki, and

"How rampant?"

A punch hit him in the face, splitting the corner of his mouth; the bald man endured the pain, his eyes widened, veins bulging on his hairless head,"You kid......Dare to do it......"

"I ask you, is it illegal to be rampant?"

Without responding to the bald man's words, Longgongyuan Qingshan punched him in the face again;

"Did you kick the door open like an uneducated thing?"

He punched the bald man in the face again. Three consecutive heavy punches made the bald man's head buzz.......

"Have you lived till today and still not learned the courtesy to speak to others properly?"

"Damn it, I'll take some time to teach you today!"

No one can make fun of or bully her. One punch after another, Longgongyuan Qingshan was like a machine, repeating the same action. The bald man who was just shouting was hit hard by Longgongyuan's punches. He was stunned, his teeth were knocked out, and blood flew out of his mouth.

Everyone around was stunned. Ordinary diners had already fled the store when they started fighting, and the store owner was nowhere to be seen at this time; bang - a chair hit Longgongyuan Qingshan's back. He leaned forward and let go of the bald man who had been beaten by him and couldn't fight back.

He slowly stood up and looked behind him with murderous eyes. His eyes fell on the yellow-haired gangster who was still holding the chair.

Longgongyuan Qingshan shook his hand, and the blood on his hand flew on the white wall.

"You hit me from behind?"

His eyes fell on the chair and he staggered forward,"You hit me with it!? Oh, really......"

The fist cut through the air and hit the yellow-haired man's nose hard. The man stumbled and knocked over the table behind him, and his nose burst into blood.


Before the fist hit his face, the man started to shout. Ryuguin Qingshan chuckled and raised his fist without intending to let him go.

With the anger in his heart, Ryuguin Qingshan knocked the gangsters to the ground in one breath. None of them could stand up and fight back.

Looking at the five people lying on the ground, he sneered:"Trash like you are not even worthy of being gangsters!"

"Pooh——"He spat on the ground, walked up to the bald man, raised his leg and aimed it at his abdomen.......

【Ding Dong! System allocation in progress......】

Suddenly, a feminine AI voice appeared in his head.

Ryuguin Qingshan put his legs up, supported his head with both hands, and closed his eyes tightly, trying to listen carefully. Maybe he was too excited and hallucinating.

【Ding Dong! System allocation completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Hot-Blooded Combat System!】

【Hot-blooded combat system is binding......】

【Hot Blood Battle System Binding 1%......10%......20%......】......

Ryuguin Aoyama stood there, listening carefully to the prompts that sounded over and over again in his head. He was very sure that this was not an auditory hallucination, but that the sound really existed in his head.

And it seemed that he had beaten up the gangsters, thus activating the so-called"hot-blooded combat system".

The artificial intelligence voice in his head continued to talk about the system of the"hot-blooded combat system".

To put it simply, as long as he followed the tasks issued by the system, he would get corresponding rewards.

Among the onlookers, someone shouted,"The police are here, the store owner called the police!"

When the gangsters on the ground heard the"police", they didn't want to go to the police station to be educated, and they supported each other to escape from the store.

Ryuguin Aoyama opened his eyes and looked at their fleeing backs. It was also a fight, and he would be educated if he was caught by the police. He rushed out of the store quickly and bumped into the police who came in from the opposite direction. The police staggered.

Ryuguin Aoyama ran quickly on the street and turned his head to look behind him. The police were still chasing him wildly.

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