Ding ding - the sound of a police whistle rang out from behind, and Ryuguin Qingshan ran even faster.

"Stop! The one in front, I order you to stop quickly!"

He turned into a small alley, turned left and right for a while before finally getting rid of the police.

Sweating profusely, he squatted under a faucet to wash his face, rubbed the blood off his hands, revealing the back of his hands with broken skin.

He didn't pay attention when he punched, and now that he washed his hands, he felt pain.

When he came out of the hospital, he took two Band-Aids and put them on the wound on the back of his hand. After simply tidying up his clothes and seeing nothing unusual, Ryuguin Aoyama turned back to the clothing mall, bought two ice creams there and went to find Misaki.

He found Misaki on a seat on the second floor of the mall, with a bag of clothes next to her. It seemed that she had already bought clothes, so he walked over quickly with the ice cream.

"You must be waiting impatiently! Here, eat it!"

"What kind of ice cream is this? It's been almost two hours!"

Misaki pouted her lips slightly, raised her hand to pick up the ice cream, and found that he had a Band-Aid on his hand, and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Brother you......Injured?! Did you go back to find those hooligans?!"

She stared at her brother with worry in her eyes, looking him up and down to see if he was injured anywhere else.

She put the ice cream in Misaki's hand and sat down nonchalantly,"No~ I just accidentally scratched it. Eat it quickly, girl, the ice cream is going to melt!"

Seeing that her brother was really fine, Misaki didn't ask any more questions and took out a short-sleeved shirt from the shopping bag.

"I bought this for you, my brother. When I was shopping for clothes, I thought it would suit you very well, so I checked out without waiting for you to come."

Looking at the Crayon Shin-chan pattern on it, Qingshan couldn't help but chuckle. He really didn't think Crayon Shin-chan would suit him very well.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you like it? I bought the same one."

Misaki lowered her head and took out her own piece from the shopping bag.

Two pieces of clothing, one is Crayon Shin-chan, the other is Chibi Maruko-chan;

Aoyama showed an expression that was hard to describe. Looking at such a large shopping mall, there are so many beautiful clothes, but this girl only bought two short-sleeved shirts like this.......

Because it was the weekend and she didn't have to go to school, Misaki stayed at home for one night and left the next day.

Watching Misaki, who was wearing a Chibi Maruko-chan T-shirt, walk into the station, Aoyama lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body, shaking his head helplessly.

Unable to resist her nagging, he put on this dress and sent her to the station.

Coming out of the station, he ran into Edogawa Suzuki, who was in the same school and class as him. He was a child from a petty-bourgeois family. His parents opened a sushi restaurant. He was one of his best friends at school.

"Qingshan You......your clothes...Phew, it's quite interesting."Suzuki finished his words while holding back his laughter.

Ryuguin Aoyama glanced at this guy,"Laugh if you want to laugh, be careful not to get sick~"

Speaking of illness, Suzuki hugged Aoyama's arm and said,"I got his adult ID card from my cousin, let's go to the video store to borrow a few movies!"

As he spoke, a different look appeared on his face.

It goes without saying, that kind of movie.

This guy is good at everything, but his curiosity in this area is more persistent than ordinary people.


I was thinking about how to reject Suzuki, but Suzuki was kicked and fell to the ground with a thud, grimacing in pain.......

"Hello, Suzuki, what are you doing?......"

He was about to bend down to pull Suzuki up from the ground, but was hit on the shoulder by the person behind him, causing his body to fall forward.

"If you don't walk on the road and just stand there, are you waiting to die? Hahaha......"

The red-haired man who was speaking stuck out his tongue at the two of them. The metal chains on his body made a clattering sound. He was obviously a bad boy. The black school uniform hanging on his shoulders directly revealed his identity. The black school uniform that looked like a crow was the uniform of the notorious Lily of the Valley Boys' High School. The students there were not much different from the thugs on the street.

Fights happened every day, and the ambulance had to"visit" this school almost every day.

The teachers inside were so scared when they saw the students that they dared not say a word. Many teachers, unable to bear the daily shock, either resigned or used their connections to transfer to other schools to teach.

【Ding Dong! Hot-blooded Battle System Mission: Defeat the trouble-making Linglan student in front of you!

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Ryuguin Qingshan stood up straight, shook his neck left and right, and stretched his body.

Seeing this posture, the red-haired man immediately realized that he was going to fight with him.~

"Hey, kid! You want to fight? ? ? I advise you to apologize to me, and I will consider letting you two go! Otherwise......"

He threw off the school uniform on his shoulders, clenched his fists, and the knuckles made a crisp sound.

Edogawa Suzuki got up from the ground and quickly grabbed Kaname Aoyama's arm,"Hey, apologize, this guy is Suzuran's student......."

"Sorry! Smi Masai! Please forgive me."Suzuki bowed 90 degrees to apologize.

Students from ordinary schools like them usually take the initiative to avoid these bad students when they see them, and never take action easily.

You know, the consequence of taking action will only be that they suffer.

"Hey, apologize! I'm in a hurry and don't have time to waste on you!!!"

Red-haired looked at Suzuki, who had softened, with disdain, and his attitude became even more arrogant.

PS: The author works hard to update, and the new book needs your support, flowers, comments, collections and other strong support!

Thank you

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