"Dragon, Ryuguin......"

He started to speak awkwardly. He had witnessed Ryuguuin Aoyama's strength in the fight with Serizawa yesterday.

Ryuguuin Aoyama raised his hand and grabbed the other man's red hair, and with his other hand grabbed the other man's yellow hair, forcing the two men to lower their heads. Ryuguuin Aoyama's face was full of displeasure. He sighed slightly, and used both arms to push down, throwing the two men to the ground.

He raised his leg and kicked one of them four or five meters away.

Just as he turned around to kick the yellow-haired man, Makise Takashi rushed up and grabbed the yellow-haired man on the ground, and punched him hard.

Xiao Keiko was stunned. She had always thought that Makise Takashi was vicious, but she didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Ryuguuin Aoyama glanced at Makise Takashi, then turned to look at Aizawa Ruka in front of him,"Are you not scared? This is a boys' school, and we can't stand girls coming."

Aizawa Ruka pursed her lips and looked at Ryuguuin Aoyama. She was very grateful for his sudden appearance.

Because she was anxious to bring Keiko to Suzuran, she didn't expect to encounter such a thing, and she even forgot to send him a message.

"It's okay, I just brought my friend here to look for your brother, and he actually......"

Before Aizawa Ruka could finish her words, she saw her friend Keiko throw herself into Makise Takashi's arms, her face frozen.

"What happened?"

Ryuguuin Aoyama knew the answer but still pretended to ask. He didn't want Aizawa Ruka to think that he was the kind of person who raided girls' rooms at night.

Aizawa Ruka touched the hair beside her ear a little embarrassedly,"No, it's okay......."

Makise Takashi's heart was beating fast when being hugged by Xiao Keiko. He loosened his hand that was holding the yellow-haired girl, took a deep breath, and hugged her in his arms.

He tilted his head slightly, let out a long breath, and showed an expression of"enjoyment" on his face.

"I was so scared. Fortunately you showed up. I thought I was going to be bullied. Woohoo~~"

Hugging Makise Takashi, Xiao Huizi burst into tears. She was really scared just now. She really thought that the two of them would definitely be bullied.

"Don't worry! As long as you are in danger, I will definitely rush to you to protect you!"Makise Takashi took advantage of the opportunity to show himself in front of Xiao Huizi.

Looking at the interaction between the two, Ryuguin Aoyama was speechless. What the hell, by accident, they both got it together.......

Ryuguuin Aoyama, who knew everything, and Aizawa Ruka, who was unaware of the situation, had their perceptions refreshed by Makise Takashi and Koeko.

Following them were Mikami Gakkou, Mikami Gou, and Suzuki. They arrived at the school gate and took a look at the red-haired and yellow-haired people on the ground. The two brothers picked up one each and said calmly,"Can we take them with us? We're a bit bored before school is over."

Ryuguuin Aoyama nodded calmly,"Oh, go ahead!"

He watched the two Mikami brothers dragging the red-haired and yellow-haired people away from them.

"Where are they taking their people?" Aizawa Ruka was a little curious. Ryuguin Aoyama shrugged and said,"I don't know. Mikami and his friends usually have a lot of tricks to kill time. I don't know either.""

"Since you are here, I will take you somewhere else! Suzuran, don't go in. It's not suitable for a girl like you to be there."

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama say this, Aizawa Ruka naturally nodded in agreement. This was also one of the reasons why she came here.

"But what about Xiao Huizi?"

Before leaving with Ryuguin Qingshan, he did not forget to care about his friend.

"Let's go, your friend. I believe that Makise Takashi will take good care of her."Ryuguin Aoyama said this, holding Aizawa Ruka's shoulder with his hand, and turned to walk out of the school.

Looking at Makise Takashi, he couldn't help but chuckle. This guy actually had such shitty luck.

The two people taken away by the Mikami brothers were dragged all the way to the basketball court by the two brothers, and they were knocked unconscious by three punches and two kicks.

Suzuki also asked three or five people to bring a ladder, and tied the two people to the basketball hoop. A group of people stood below to admire their"masterpiece". The school bell rang, and the Mikami brothers hugged Suzuki and left, leaving only the yellow-haired and yellow-haired tied up.

When the two woke up, it was dark, and the noisy lily of the valley was silent at this time.

The red-haired looked at the yellow-haired opposite. The two people looked hopeless and shouted for help at the top of their lungs.......

Makise Takashi felt that his chance had come. He glanced at Xiao Keiko beside him, and then his eyes fell on a temporary vending machine that sold that kind of thing next to the alley.

Makise Takashi's forehead was covered with sweat, and his eyes were fixed on the vending machine.

Xiao Keiko looked at Makise Takashi who suddenly stopped leaving, and followed his gaze. She happened to see the machine, and Xiao Keiko's face suddenly became not so good.

"Makise Takashi!!!"

Xiao Huizi's tone was a little angry.

"Xiao Huizi......"

Not understanding the anger in the other person's tone, Makise Takashi's brain was now completely dominated by desire.

"Can you?......"


Xiao Huizi slapped Makise Takashi on the face

"No, you can't!"

This slap temporarily dispelled Makise Takashi's desire, but Xiao Huizi had already left him angrily.

"Don't go, Xiao Huizi......"

Makise Takashi hurried to catch up, but his body suddenly didn't allow him to do so.......

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