At the school gate of Suzuran.

Aizawa Ruka and her good friend Keiko appeared at the school gate.

Looking at the school full of bad students, the walls were covered with messy spray paint, and someone even threw the desk directly from the window.

With a bang, it fell directly to the ground below.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Aizawa Ruka began to feel a little uneasy, and Keiko beside her hid behind her in fear.

"Forget it! Look at all these bad students gathered here......."

Xiao Huizi was really a little scared. She was just angry. When she saw Aizawa Ruka, she told this matter to vent her anger.

But she didn't expect Aizawa Ruka to take her directly to Suzuran School to find Makise Takashi.

"this......Now that we are here, how can we just go back like this! We haven't gotten justice for you yet!" At the end, Aizawa Ruka straightened her shoulders to give herself more courage.

In fact, she brought Xiao Huizi to Suzuran to vent her anger for her sisters, but she also had a little selfish motive. She wanted to see what Ryuguin Aoyama was busy with. She hadn't seen him recently.

"But this is lily of the valley......."

Xiao Huizi held her sister's arm tightly. If Ruka hadn't been unwilling to leave, she would have left this place long ago.

"So what if it's Lily of the Valley? I can't search your room in the middle of the night!"


Two girls, both of them with outstanding looks, standing at the gate of a boys' school, it was like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth.

Soon, the two were noticed by the students in the school, and some people started walking towards them.

One had dyed red hair, and the other had dyed yellow hair. They walked towards them with metal chains hanging on their bodies, and they were holding wooden sticks in their hands.

"Ruka~ Let's go, someone is coming, coming......"Xiao Huizi's voice changed due to fear.

Aizawa Ruka raised her hand and patted Xiao Huizi's hand to comfort her,"Don't be afraid, in broad daylight, how dare they do anything to us!!!" She pulled Xiao Huizi's hand and prepared to enter the school gate of Linglan.

The red-haired and yellow-haired people blocked their way with a smile, swinging the wooden sticks in their hands, with the intention of scaring the two people.

"Get out of the way!!! What do you want to do?"Aizawa Ruka looked at the two of them with a cold face.

The red-haired man looked at the yellow-haired man, and the two smiled at each other;

"What? Of course I want to chat with the two kawaii guys, and if possible, we can do something else!"

Seeing the red-haired guy say this, the yellow-haired guy immediately added:"It's okay to do something exciting~ We won't mind!"

"Ruka sauce~~~"

Xiao Huizi was so scared that tears appeared in her eyes.

Looking at the obscene smiles on their faces, she knew what they meant without much guessing.

Aizawa Ruka raised her hand and slapped the red-haired girl on the face. With a snap, a crisp sound rang in the air.

Xiao Huizi on the side was stunned where she was. She thought Aizawa Ruka would take her away, but she didn't expect that she would slap her on the face.

The red-haired girl covered her face with her hands. He was a little dazed. He didn't expect that a weak girl would dare to raise her hand to hit him,"You little bastard, you........."


Before the other party could finish speaking, Feng Ze Ruka interrupted him and raised her hand to hit him in the face.

"Damn, you little girl, one slap is enough, but you want to slap me twice?!"

The red-haired man tightly grasped the raised wrist of Aizawa Ruka, looking angry.

"Ruka sauce......"

Xiao Huizi was so scared that tears flowed down her cheeks from the corners of her eyes. She wanted to help, but she didn't have the courage to fight with the angry bad boy in front of her.

Suzuki, who was bored, stood up and stood in front of the window, just in time to see a scene at the school gate.

""Hey, hey, hey, Aoyama! Look at the girl at the school gate, is that your friend?"

Suzuki, who is a little nearsighted, thinks that the girl at the school gate looks like the one they had at their last social gathering, but after a long time, he is not sure whether it is the same girl or not.

Ryuguuin Aoyama, who was playing cards with Mikami and the others, stood up, went to the window and looked up,"Fuck!!!" He couldn't help but swear, threw down the cards in his hand, and strode out of the classroom.

Seeing Ryuguuin Aoyama rushing out, Makise Takashi, who was holding the cards in his hand, also ran to the window to see the person Suzuki was talking about, and his eyes widened when he saw Xiao Keiko.

"Fuck, they came to me on their own accord!!!"

Makise Takashi was shocked, but he still rushed out. He couldn't let other men bully girls. The key was that he liked her.

Seeing the two of them rushing out one after another, they couldn't play this card anymore. Sangaku and Mikami Gou also went out to see what was going on.

Here, Aizawa Ruka struggled with her slender wrist, wanting the other party to let her go.

Red Hair grabbed Aizawa Ruka's wrist tightly,"You little bitch, you look okay, but you dare to hit me in the face! Do you think I don't dare to hit a woman?" Red

Hair said, with his other hand raised high

"Why don't you try to fight him?"

Longgongyuan Qingshan, who came over, said coldly behind him.

"I can beat you up if I want to. Don't bother with me.......Idleness......"

Seeing the person standing behind him, the red-haired man shook his hand and loosened his grip on Aizawa Ruka's wrist. The yellow-haired man was stunned. It seemed that the two of them had made a mess.

And it was a big mess.

PS: I wish all the big guys a happy Lantern Festival!

Thanks to [bzd叫什么] for voting and supporting!

I have something to do today, so the update is a bit late. I apologize as usual. The next chapter will be updated later.......

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