After this battle, more people joined the"Blue Dragon Society"; and although Serizawa lost the battle, his status in Suzuran did not decline. After all, his own strength was there.

And with Serizawa's bravery, his"Hundred Beasts Army" still followed him wholeheartedly; in Suzuran, one victory does not mean forever, it is a spirit similar to sportsmanship!

Coming out of the toilet, Ryuuguuin Aoyama bumped into Hayashida Kei who was walking over, met Hayashida Kei's gaze and watched him pass by him.

After taking two or three steps, Ryuuguuin Aoyama suddenly stopped, turned around, and shouted casually:"Hey, Hayashida Kei——"

Hearing him calling her, Lin Tianhui stopped and turned around. She unconsciously clenched her hands in her sweatshirt pockets into fists and slowly raised her eyes to look at him. Is it coming so soon?

"They say you are the strongest person in this school?" Ryuguin Aoyama said.

Hayashida Hui did not respond, but looked at Ryuguin Aoyama coldly, waiting for his next move.

Facing Hayashida Hui's vigilant gaze, Ryuguin Aoyama suddenly chuckled, took his hand out of his pocket, and raised it casually.

"Don't worry, there will be a fight between us, but it won't be today."

With a large piece of OK bandage on his hand, it is indeed not suitable to challenge Lin Tianhui impulsively now.

Hearing him say this, Lin Tianhui's fist in the pocket of his sweater slowly relaxed, and his eyes became a little softer.

"you......It seems a little different......"

Hayashida Kei, who had been silent, suddenly spoke and pulled down the hood of his sweatshirt, revealing his entire face.

The people who wanted to use the restroom saw Hayashida Kei showing his face, and were so scared that they turned around and ran away without going to the restroom.

Normally, seeing Hayashida Kei wearing a sweatshirt hood would be unsettling enough, and now that he pulled down the hood, maybe something big is going to happen, so it's best to run away.

On the other side, Izaki Shun, Migaku, Mikami Go, and Makise Takashi, who were still playing basketball on the court, heard the news.

Everyone had a confused look on their faces.

"Just now, Aoyama said he was going to the bathroom, why did he suddenly meet Hayashida Kei?" Makise Takashi turned around and asked them

"How can I know that? Maybe it is~" Sangaku shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t understand it anyway.

Izaki Shun threw the basketball in his hand,"What are you doing~ Waiting for der! No matter what he is like, go and take a look now!!!"

As he spoke, he turned around and ran towards the school toilet. When the others saw Izaki Shun running away, they didn’t even pick up the clothes on the ground, and ran after Izaki Shun with their heads down.

When they arrived, they saw Hayashida Kei turning around and leaving, while Ryuuguuin Aoyama acted like nothing had happened.

Seeing them rushing towards him, Ryuuguuin Aoyama showed confusion in his eyes,"Hey, you, all of you......Urgent need to urinate???"

"You're in a hurry to pee, someone said you and Hayashida Kei had a fight, so we rushed over."

Makise Takashi rushed over, holding Ryuguuin Aoyama's shoulders with both hands to see if he was hit.

Pushing away his big painted face that was almost pressed against his own, Ryuguuin Aoyama took a step back to distance himself,"Who said that? I just came out of the toilet and met Hayashida Kei, and chatted with him for a few words."

Seeing Ryuguuin Aoyama say this, everyone's eyes began to turn to the guy who just gave them the false news;

"Don't look at me like that. I heard it from other people......."The whole person squatted down in confusion and huddled up.

Mikami Gou stepped forward and picked him up, saying,"Boy, I'll use you to practice shooting today."

As he spoke, the others also joined in, carrying the man towards the court.

Ryuguin Aoyama and Izaki Shun walked behind, looking at the lively people in front, the two smiled at each other, and did not join in.

"Actually, you can give it a try."

Hearing Izaki Shun say this, Ryuguuin Aoyama raised the corner of his mouth;

"Yes, of course."......

On the top floor of the teaching building, Serizawa put his hands on his waist and looked at the wall that had been painted over;

Tokaji Yuji, who was standing next to him, stared at the name on it with an unhappy face, strode to the wall, picked up the remaining white spray paint on the ground, and wanted to paint over the words"Qinglonghui" written on it.

Serizawa, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up,"Hey, Tokaji! What are you doing?!"

Tokaji Yuji said with an unhappy face,"I'll paint it over, it's annoying to see!" Then he climbed up the iron frame and was about to go up.

Serizawa rushed up quickly, grabbed his leg, pulled him down, and kicked the white spray paint that fell on the ground away.

"No graffiti! No one is allowed to graffiti without my order."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at everyone intimidatingly, and strode to his usual seat;

Tsutsumoto Masaharu stepped forward and pulled up Tokaji Yuji who had fallen to the ground, patted his shoulder, shook his head slightly, and signaled him not to do anything that would make Serizawa unhappy.

As the leader of the"Hundred Beasts Army", if he lost the battle, then the opponent would have the right to write his name on it.

Serizawa lit a cigarette, took a puff, turned his head to look at the wall, his eyes changed slightly; this was only temporary, it had just begun, a battle could only represent the present, not the future and forever......

Shi Sheng in the hospital has regained consciousness. He was wearing a respirator and lying on the bed. He slowly straightened his eyes and saw the white ceiling.

Someone leaned over and shone a small flashlight on his pupils."The patient has regained consciousness. Go and call the doctor for further examination."

Hearing the words of the medical staff beside him, Shi Sheng's mouth moved and a faint smile appeared on his lips; he won, and from now on, he will have the final say in his own life.......

PS: Please support me!

Thanks to [1748***748】、【1343***721】Waiting for the votes from the big guys!

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