Ruka Aizawa shrugged her shoulders. Since there was nothing to talk about, why bother talking about liking to chat with others? After a simple drink of wine, Ruka Aizawa returned to the stage to sing, but when she saw Genji wearing the Suzuran school uniform, she couldn't help but remember that she hadn't seen Ryuguuin Aoyama recently and wondered what he was doing.

At home, Ryuguuin Aoyama was using a bandaid to simply bandage the wound on his hand. Fortunately, there were no obvious wounds on his face, and it would heal in two or three days. If he had to wait until the weekend, Misaki would definitely yell again when she saw his injuries.

Since she transferred to Suzuran, this girl would scan her entire body like she was going to the hospital for a physical examination every time they met to see if she was missing any limbs.

It can only be said that she was too worried and didn't understand her brother's strength.

The next day, he went to class as usual.

As soon as he reached the school gate, the first-year students passing by him all respectfully made way for him.

This made Ryuguin Qingshan a little uncomfortable. It made him feel like he had some virus in his body. Thinking of this, he shrugged his shoulders and walked into the teaching building.

""Aoyama, Aoyama, Aoyama!!!"

As soon as he stepped onto the first step, he heard the heart-wrenching voice of Makise Takashi.

Heh, he's so energetic this early in the morning. It seems that the beating he received yesterday was too light.

When Ryuguin Aoyama turned around and saw Makise Takashi rushing up from behind, he was so startled that he took two steps back and bumped his body against the wall.


"Your face? What happened?!"

Makise Takashi's face was a little hideous to begin with. He had been hit by many punches during the duel yesterday, but none of that mattered. The point was that his entire face was now covered in bloody scratches as if by some sharp claws. The overall look was a little creepy.

He touched his face lightly with his hand and smiled sheepishly,"That........."

He was yelling heartbreakingly just now, but now he became hesitant. Ryuuguuin Aoyama stared at the person in front of him,"If you have to fart, just do it quickly, don't hesitate, you sissy~"

Hearing the word"sissy", Makise Takashi's eyes lit up, and he grabbed Ryuuguuin Aoyama's arms with both hands,"Aoyama, please help me! Last night, last night......"

He stopped talking again, looking a little embarrassed.

This made Ryuguin Aoyama think that maybe Makise Takashi was successful in that aspect? ? ?

His eyes fell on his scratched face, and Ryuguin Aoyama suddenly became cautious,"What happened last night?"......Who are you stronger than?......"


Realizing that he had misunderstood, Makise Takashi's forehead was full of black lines

"What are you thinking about! I, Makise Takashi, am a gentleman and a good man after all. How could I do something that others don’t want to do?"

Makise Takashi said this with confidence.

Ryuguin Aoyama breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't do anything out of the ordinary,"Then you just didn't succeed.~"

"What do you mean by"failed to do it!"

Makise Takashi was a little anxious,"I drank too much last night, and I went to Xiaohui's house in a daze, and jumped into her room through the window......."

At this point, Makise Takashi banged his head against the wall in shame.

Seeing his behavior, Ryuguin Aoyama realized that the"masterpiece" on his face must be the work of the girl. He grabbed his clothes at the back of his neck and asked him to stop banging his head against the wall."What do you want me to help you with? Last time at the social gathering, I didn't even talk to her for more than ten sentences."

"Besides, she didn't want to see you for a long time. You dared to raid a girl's room at night after drinking a little bit of wine. Makise, you are getting bolder and bolder~"

Ryuguin Aoyama couldn't help but tease Makise Takashi. Usually, if he looked at girls a few more times, he would be almost exhausted. I didn't expect that after drinking a little bit of wine, he dared to climb through the window to the girl's room directly.

It can be seen that"alcohol makes cowards brave" is still true to a certain extent;

"I'm not asking you to help me, go talk to Aizawa Ruka and ask her to invite Xiaohui-chan out so that I can apologize to her!"

Ryuguin Aoyama's mouth twitched slightly. So that's how it is, but this matter doesn't seem to be easy to handle.......

He knew Aizawa Ruka's character, she was an enthusiastic and upright girl, and it was good enough that he asked her to help organize a social gathering last time.

Now if Aizawa Ruka knew that Makise Takashi was drunk and raided her sister's room at night, wouldn't she be slapped in the face?!

"Makise, I think you should solve this problem by yourself, and don't let Ruka know."

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama say this, Makise Takashi immediately became like an eggplant hit by frost, wilting. Let him solve it by himself, how to solve it? Ryuguin Aoyama patted Makise's shoulder and strode upstairs.

As soon as he walked into the classroom, he saw a circle of people sitting in front of the table where he had been sitting, smoking cigarettes

"Hey, Aoyama! I saw you enter the school gate just now, why did you come up only now?"Tada Tamura said as he threw a cigarette into the other person's hand.

""Nothing, Makise is a little worried, he asked me to talk to him!" He said casually, holding a cigarette and lighting it with a lighter.

At this moment, a bento appeared in his field of vision. He looked up and saw that it was Nakamura Yamada from the class.

He had eaten one of his bento before, and later he helped him once by coincidence. Although they were in the same class, they had no more interactions.

"You are......"

Looking at the lunch box handed over, Ryuguin Aoyama's eyes were a little puzzled.

Nakamura Yamada quickly said,"Here, here's to Ryuguin-san! You don't usually come so early, you must have missed breakfast!"

"So, please accept this lunch box!!"

As he spoke, he bent down 90 degrees, raised his hands���Lunch box in hand.

Ryuguin Aoyama frowned slightly, turned around and looked at Sangaku who was making a"hush" sound, raised his fist at him, signaling him to stop making trouble.

"Um, Nakamura, put it away, I've had breakfast." After saying that, Ryuguin Aoyama walked towards the group of people.

PS: Thank you for all the support!

The author would like to thank them one by one.

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