Ryuguin Aoyama looked at his brothers beside him and grinned.

Everyone laughed along, pulling the wound on their faces and gasping in pain; anyway, they won, and it was Ryuguin Aoyama who stood at the end.

Looking at Isaki Shun beside him, Ryuguin Aoyama took out a slightly deflated cigarette box from his pocket, took out a cigarette from it and held it to his lips.

Then he took out another cigarette and handed it to Isaki Shun, looking at his face.

At this time, the Mikami brothers who were talking and laughing quieted down, and everyone's eyes were on the two of them.

Because they all understood that Isaki Shun's joining, as he said yesterday, was temporary, and once this battle was over, Isaki Shun might leave.

Seeing that Isaki Shun was slow to respond, Makise Takashi urged anxiously:"Don't waste time! Hurry up and take it!!!"

Although they have been together for a short time, between boys, perhaps one action and a fight can make them close brothers.

Moreover, they just fought together against the people of the"Hundred Beasts Army", so this metaphor is even more different and profound.

Looking at the cigarette in front of him, Izaki Shun chuckled and shook his head, raised his hand to take the cigarette handed by Ryuguuin Aoyama and put it to his lips. He took out his lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette for Ryuguuin Aoyama.

Makise Takashi hooked Izaki Shun's shoulders and said with relief:"That's right!!!"

Because of Izaki Shun's official joining, the atmosphere became more jubilant, and this day will be the most meaningful day so far.

Taking advantage of the excitement, the group came to the top floor where Serizawa and the others often stayed.

Standing in front of this wall again, Ryuguuin Aoyama's mood was different from before. Genji painted this wall white and wrote his name on it when he first came to school.

Although it was painted over by Tatsukawa Toki before Serizawa saw it, it was still done.

Suzuki walked forward with a little emotion and handed over the white spray paint in his hand;

Ryuguin Aoyama took the spray paint and said with a smile:"What's wrong, you still have a little emotion?~~~"

Following Ryuguin Aoyama's words, both Mikami Gakkou and Mikami Gou jumped forward, hugged Suzuki's shoulders, and patted his head;

"Be more generous! I just didn't ask you to participate, it's not that serious!!"

"Yes, not really~" another person immediately agreed.

Suzuki looked at the two brothers with resentment,"It’s you! You two took me to that small room and locked me up!!!"

The two Mikami brothers smiled awkwardly, loosened their hands on Suzuki’s shoulders, and ran away

"You two are accomplices!!! Ah, Qingshan, move your mouth, you two locked the door!!!"Suzuki chased after the two of them madly.

After taking a look at the three people playing around, Ryuguuin Aoyama shook the paint can in his hand, walked forward and climbed up the iron frame, and used the spray paint in his hand to spray all the words under"Lily of the Valley Summit".

Finally, he wrote"Qinglonghui" on it, glanced at the people below, and then wrote his own name and theirs on it.

After doing all this, the group left from the top floor talking and laughing, and decided to celebrate their victory in the evening; and Serizawa and the others, after the duel, received a call from the hospital.

Serizawa left the school with the help of Tokaji and Tsutsumoto and went to the hospital to see Tokio.

After seeing Ryuguuin Aoyama defeat Serizawa with his own eyes, Genji came to the bar alone and sat there drinking alone.

He was quite depressed, but when he thought of the powerful Ryuguuin Aoyama on the road to the top of Lily of the Valley, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

Success that was easily obtained was meaningless.

Although the road to the top is a little more tortuous, it is more interesting this way

"Young man! You are drinking alone again. Just like the young man before, you like to sit here and drink alone every time you come."The middle-aged man smiled and spoke to Genji

"Before?" Genji frowned slightly, remembering that the person he met here before was Ryuguin Aoyama, and he couldn't help but chuckled and nodded.

The middle-aged man brought a new beer and placed it next to Genji's hand,"But you are still different!"

Seeing the middle-aged man say this, Genji couldn't help but become interested,"What's the difference between me and him?"

"He came here to drink and wait for his girlfriend; you came here to drink and be alone!"

Hearing the middle-aged man say this, Genji couldn't help but laugh and asked,"Girlfriend? Where? Which one?"

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the dance floor of the bar, looking for someone who might be Ryuuguuin Aoyama's girlfriend.

The middle-aged man pointed at Ryuka Aizawa who was singing and dancing on the stage, and said,"Look, that's Ryuka-chan. Although neither of them said anything, it seems that Ryuka really likes that guy.~"

"Oh~ How much do you like her?" Genji raised his eyebrows and asked.

The middle-aged man frowned and thought for a while, then continued:"The last time the young man came to see her, Ruka knew that he had a fever, so she took care of him and bought medicine for the young man."

Listening to what the man said, Genji nodded and picked up the wine glass to take a sip of wine.

Ruka Aizawa came down from the stage, came to the counter, and asked the middle-aged man for a glass of wine for himself;

Genji on the side pursed his lips slightly, pretended to glance at Ruka Aizawa beside him casually, sighed slightly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what a good figure.

I didn't expect that Ryuguin Aoyama was so capable in school and quite popular with women outside.

He took out the money from his pocket and put it on the counter, then got up and left; the middle-aged man put away the money under the wine glass and shouted:"Brother! Come often in the future, I like chatting with you!!!"

Genji didn't turn around, but just waved his hand subconsciously and strode away

""What did you talk about?" asked Ruka Aizawa casually.

The middle-aged man thought for a moment, and realized that they were talking to themselves all the time. He shrugged and said,"Nothing."

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