At the end of the battle, everyone's attention was focused on Ryuguin Aoyama and Serizawa Tamao. The outcome of the battle between the two would mark the end of the battle.

The battle finally reached its climax, and everyone was so nervous that they could hear their own heartbeats.

The two men standing still slowly raised their heads and looked into each other's eyes.

The sand under their feet was stepped on and left marks. The two men took steps at the same time and rushed towards each other.......

The bloodstained fists, the sweat dripping from the hair, and the footprints of the shoes as they rushed forward, all indicated their determination to defeat each other.

Facing each other, the two men kept swinging their fists, and each punch was full of ruthlessness.

Ryuguin Aoyama raised his arm to block the fist that Serizawa swung at his head, and quickly attacked with his other hand, hitting Serizawa's jaw steadily, accurately, and fiercely.



Serizawa staggered back three or two steps, breathing heavily, the taste of blood spreading in his mouth, and he spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground.

"Hehe, hehe......"

Serizawa sneered and tried to wipe the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand, but his fist was already broken and bleeding, and his hand was covered with blood.

He had always been confident in his physical strength, fists, and power, but now facing Ryuguuin Aoyama, Serizawa began to waver.

But he would not admit defeat unless he was completely defeated.

Facing Serizawa's unyielding gaze, Ryuguuin Aoyama clenched his fists tightly. Although he was very exhausted by now, he could still go on!

This time he took the lead in attacking, and when he was about to reach Serizawa, he used his legs to jump up and then swung his fist.......

Still want to do this?

With the previous lesson, Serizawa quickly crossed his arms and blocked the position in front of him; everyone opened their mouths slightly. This battle has been going on for so long, and Ryuguin Aoyama is still strong enough to jump up and punch hard.

Ryuguin Aoyama jumped up and put all his strength and body weight on his fists, hitting his crossed arms.

After receiving Ryuguin Aoyama's punch, Serizawa's legs obviously trembled and bent down. After his feet landed on the ground, Ryuguin Aoyama didn't have time to catch his breath, and then swung his arms and hit Serizawa's face on one side.

One punch, two punches, three punches,

Serizawa raised his hand to barely grab the opponent's arm, panting, and relying on the explosive power of his body, he raised his leg and kicked at the opponent's body.

Ryuguin Aoyama grabbed Serizawa's leg with his left hand, pulled the distance between the two, and punched Serizawa's head.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy and his vision was shaking. He could no longer stand still. His eyes were red and he bent over to look at the shaking ground.

There was still a trace of willpower supporting him. Serizawa knew that he was going to lose this battle.......

"Time, time......"

It's as if all the strength in my body has been drained away, and I can't say anything extra.



When Tokaji Yuji and Tsutsumoto Masaharu saw Serizawa falling to the ground, they both ran towards him.

This time, Serizawa wanted to stand up again, but his body seemed to be out of control and he couldn't stand up. Serizawa fell to the ground, and Ryuguuin Aoyama stood there with his head raised and looking at the sky. The scene seemed to be frozen at this moment.

"Win, win......"

Makise Takashi was choking with sobs as he spoke, and he slowly stood up with his hands on the ground.

The Mikami brothers supported each other and walked towards Ryuguin Aoyama.......

Ryuguin Aoyama stood up, leading them and all the people of the Blue Dragon Society to win the battle. Even though they were beaten to pieces, they were still grinning.

Coming to Serizawa, Tsutsumoto Masaharu put his arms around Serizawa's body,"Senior, Senior......"

Serizawa, who still had his eyes open, looked at Ryuguin Aoyama, unwilling to accept it, but had to admit that this guy had won.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The system strengthens the physical fitness by +170 and rewards money by +100,000. 】

Listening to the system's prompt, Ryuguin Aoyama looked down at Serizawa with a smile on his face.......

Serizawa also grinned. He lost, but Ryuguuin Aoyama did not let him down.

Seeing this scene, the whole school began to boil, and the eyes cast on Ryuguuin Aoyama became different. After all, he defeated Serizawa, who was known as the"king of beasts".

The people lying on the ground stood up little by little, supporting each other, and began to move towards the middle.

Hayashida Kei, who was standing on the roof, turned and left. Next, he might be in trouble.......

According to the usual development, after every battle, someone would come to challenge him, and this time might be no exception.......

As Hayashida Hui left, the crow standing on the edge flapped its wings, circled a few times and flew away.

Izaki Shun picked up Ryuguin Aoyama's coat on the ground, casually brushed off the dust on it, and handed it back to Ryuguin Aoyama.

""Thank you!"

Ryuguin Aoyama took the coat and put it on his shoulders, then turned to Serizawa and said,"I'm leaving first!" He turned around and left with his people. Tokaji

Yuji's cell phone suddenly rang, and he picked up the phone. The person on the phone was talking, and the expression on his face kept changing.

"What's wrong? Is it the hospital calling?"

After resting, Serizawa sat up with the help of Tsutsumoto Masaharu. After hanging up the phone, Tokaji Yuji nodded heavily and choked up,"Tokio he, he......"

Serizawa gritted his teeth and grabbed Tokaji Yuji's clothes, then stood up in one breath and pressed his body on Tokaji's body."What happened? Tell me."

Tokaji Yuji wiped the moisture from his eyes and said,"He won......."

Serizawa Matsu���He took a deep breath and his legs went weak. Fortunately, Tsutsumoto Masaharu supported him from behind.

"That's good......"

My mood became complicated and I couldn't explain it, but I was still filled with joy because Shisheng won.

PS: Thank you for your support!

Thanks to [-拾哖】、【17624***517】The big guys’ vote of support!

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