At the hospital,

Shi Sheng sat upright on the bed, staring at the clock on the wall. The second hand was ticking.......As I walked, time passed by.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and the nurse pushed a mobile stretcher into the ward.

"Shisheng, it's time for surgery."

He lifted the white quilt on the stretcher and motioned for Shisheng to lie on it.

Shisheng got off the bed and looked at it solemnly,"No need!"


The nurse was stunned.

"I will walk to the operating room by myself."

Shisheng walked out of the ward and headed towards the operating room.......

At this time, Tamao and the others were also fighting, and I also needed to face my own battle alone; no matter whether I could come out of the operating room smoothly, I had to stand and walk to welcome my own battle with the disease.

The operating door closed, the light on the door turned on, and the operation officially began.......

Come on, Tamayo; come on, yourself!

Lying on the cold operating table, being injected with anesthesia, Shisheng slowly closed his eyes.......

In the open space in front of the teaching building; the battle is still going on, and it is still in a state of equal strength. The bravery of the"Hundred Beasts Army" versus the perseverance of the"Blue Dragon Society", it is difficult to tell who is better for a while.

Being attacked from behind, Ryuguuin Aoyama turned around and hit the man, knocking him away. At the same time, his shoulder was unexpectedly twisted. Serizawa's fist hit his face with a fierce force.

Bang -

Ryuguuin Aoyama gritted his teeth, stretched his neck, took off the school uniform jacket that was in the way, and leaped towards Serizawa with a big step, punching Serizawa in the center of the face.

Bang -

Serizawa's body shook, and with a puff, his nose seemed to burst, and sticky nose blood flowed out of his nostrils.

In an instant, the people of the"Hundred Beasts Army" came up and surrounded Ryuguuin Aoyama, rushing towards him with fists raised.......

Serizawa, who was a little behind, raised his hand and wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. He sneered. After fighting for so long, this guy's fists are still very powerful.

Makise Takashi saw that Ryuguin Aoyama was entangled by so many people, and Serizawa was standing behind him. Veins popped out on his forehead.


With a burst of momentum, Makise Takashi knocked one man down with one punch, swung his legs and ran to Serizawa, punching him with his own fist.、


Mirakawa Takashi bent down in pain, and was hit hard in the abdomen by Serizawa's punch.

Serizawa sneered, pressed one hand tightly on Makise Takashi's shoulder, and punched the abdomen one after another.

"Hahaha, how cool is that, gorilla!!!"

Seeing this, Ryuguin Qingshan kicked horizontally, then quickly jumped up and stepped on the back of the person blocking the way in front of him. With the upward force, his body jumped into the air.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in his mind:

【Ding Dong! The hot-blooded battle system issues a task: Defeat Serizawa!! 】

The system's prompt echoed in his mind, and Ryuguin Aoyama clenched his fists even tighter. In this battle, he was going to defeat Serizawa.

As if sensing danger, Serizawa let go of Makise Takashi and subconsciously turned his head to look over. He saw a black screen in front of his eyes, and a huge pain spread across his face and body.

The next moment Makise Takashi was knocked to the ground by Serizawa, Serizawa fell to the ground on his side.

"Cough, cough, huh, huh......"

Serizawa looked at the ground, breathing heavily;


Tokaji Yuji showed a look of surprise on his face; three steps away, Ryuguin Aoyama slowly straightened his waist, his chest heaving, his eyes fixed on Serizawa who was lying on the ground, and his fist was faintly sore.

Those Suzuran students who were hiding in the corner watching this battle, their eyes widened to the limit, their mouths wide open in surprise;

Serizawa, known as the 'king of beasts', was knocked to the ground by Ryuguin Aoyama's fist falling from above, such a scene had never been seen before.

Makise Takashi, who fell down, looked at Serizawa who was also lying on the ground with his eyes close to the ground, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.......

After taking a few deep breaths, Serizawa, who had recovered a little, held the ground tightly with his hands, supported himself with his arms and slowly stood up.

He swayed slightly when he stood up, steadied his left leg, took a step to the right with his right leg, supported himself with his hands on his legs, raised his eyes and looked towards Ryuguin Aoyama

"Interesting, come again!!"

Although he often fights, he has never been beaten like this before. Every cell in his body is clamoring.

Ryuguin Qingshan shook his arm, smiled roguely, and rushed over with big strides.......

The battle continues......

In this battle, only when the opponent is completely knocked to the ground and can't get up can the final winner be determined.

A rumbling sound of motorcycles came from a distance, and then more than a dozen motorcycles rushed in from the school gate.

Motorcycles, leather jackets, and sunglasses, this kind of dress is only worn by people on the armed front. The leader took off his sunglasses, revealing the face of Bando Hideto.

"Bando, Hideto? ? ?"

Those who saw this made doubtful sounds, all of them knew that Bando Hideto was from the armed front. Now he was riding a motorcycle with his men, which meant that he was coming for one of their sides.

Bando Hideto looked around at everything in front of him. There were a lot of people curled up on the ground. There were not many standing people, but they had all stopped, their eyes fixed on the two people in the center.

Obviously, he came a little late. Now it was the end of the battle, and there was no need for him and his brothers to take action.

As long as Serizawa and Ryuguin Aoyama could decide the final victory, they could put an end to this battle.

Everyone's eyes fell on Bando Hideto, to see which side he was coming to help.

But they only saw Bando Hideto put on his sunglasses again, got on his motorcycle and took his men back the same way. Everyone was confused and couldn't figure it out.

Bando Hideto, who was riding on the motorcycle, had a slight smile on his face. It seemed that he would have to wait until next time to repay the favor he owed him.

PS: Ask for support!

Thanks to [1858****704】、【Be content with her fate] Waiting for the votes of the big guys!

Next chapter later......

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