Hayashida Hui, who was woken up from his sleep, jumped down from the top, took off the hood of his sweatshirt, and passed by Ryuguin Aoyama.

For Hayashida Hui, the man in front of him was just one of many people who wanted to be the top of Suzuran, and there was no need for him to remember this guy.

The bell for school dismissal rang at noon.

The school began to get noisy, and a large number of students began to walk outside the school. After a whole morning of activities in Suzuran, a place like a Roman Colosseum, they were already hungry.

Going down from the top floor, preparing to go out for dinner with Suzuki, suddenly the system prompt sounded in his mind

【Ding Dong! Hot-blooded Battle System Mission: Defeat the Mikami brothers in your class! 】

Just when Ryuguin Aoyama raised his head after hearing the system prompt, he saw the Mikami brothers coming out of the class.

One had blond hair, and the other wore a white mask. The two brothers walked towards him with their hands in their pockets. Class B, yes, he transferred to Suzuran and was assigned to Class B, and now the Mikami brothers are the ones who rule Class B. It was him who came yesterday.

���It was the first day of school, and I didn't stay in class much, so I met the two brothers today.

Sanshang Gao bumped his shoulder against Mikami Gou,"Hey, the guy in front is the one who transferred to our class. I heard from the first-year students that he is pretty strong!"

"Strong? How can we know if it is really strong if we don’t try it ourselves~"

The two brothers looked at each other and decided to put aside the idea of fighting Serizawa Tamao for now. It would not be too late to find Serizawa Tamao after dealing with the new student.

"Hey, transfer student! Want to have a fight? How about that?"

""New guy, please accept our warm hospitality from our Sanshang brothers!!!"

Sanshang asked, and his body had already started to move.

Ryuguin Qingshan smiled, saving trouble, he didn't need to go to them, they came to him.

The fist passed through his face, he took two steps back, tilted his head and looked at the Sanshang brothers, they were indeed brothers, their moves were the same

"They started fighting again......."

Edogawa Suzuki had previous experience and automatically retreated to the second line. His soft fists were of no help at all.

"Hehe, you guys are pretty fast at dodging!"

The Mikami brothers put away their nonchalant attitude. The guy who could dodge the simultaneous attack of the two brothers at the same time should not be an ordinary guy.

Ryuguin Aoyama grabbed the punching arm of one of them and quickly threw a punch.

Bang - one of the Mikami was hit by a punch and his body hit the wall of the corridor.

After hitting one person, there was no time to hesitate and he immediately went to fight the remaining one.

The students passing by saw the three people fighting in the corridor and came forward to cheer.

The sound of onlookers and cheers spread from their floor to the outside, and the Mikami brothers were still somewhat famous in the school.

Some people who had already left the school turned back, all wanting to see whether the famous Mikami brothers would win, or the newcomers would become famous in one battle.

The teacher downstairs heard the noisy sound upstairs, hesitated for a long time downstairs, and went upstairs fearfully to persuade them to stop fighting.


"Keep fighting, keep going, going, going!"

"Up, up, up, up、......"


The excited students clapped their hands on the wall and shouted loudly, waiting for the final result.

The teacher squeezed out of the crowd and trembled to persuade them,"Students, don't fight! If you are really energetic, go do something meaningful.~~~"

No one paid any attention to what the teacher said.

One of them thought the teacher was blocking his view, so he simply grabbed the teacher's shoulder and threw him from the front to the back.

With a thump, the teacher fell to the ground and slid two or three meters away. He got up from the ground, covered his sore butt and ran downstairs.

At this time, both the Sankami brothers were more or less injured. One was beaten with a grin on his face, and the other's eyes were beaten into panda eyes.

Ryuguin Aoyama didn't suffer any injuries, but his fists were broken. He didn't control the strength of one of his punches, and after hitting someone, he hit the wall.

The flesh and blood fist hit the hard wall, and the fist felt numb in pain.

Shaking his arms, Ryuguin Aoyama took two quick steps and punched Sankami in the abdomen.


Sanshangxue showed an extremely painful expression on his face, holding his abdomen with his hands, staggered back a few steps, and fell backwards heavily.

Only Sanshang Hao was left. He looked at his brother who had fallen to the ground, and his veins bulged and he roared, and rushed forward with his fist raised.

Ryuguin Aoyama waved his arm to block the flying fist, and raised his other hand to raise a heavy fist, and swung it from bottom to top, hitting Sanshang Hao's jaw.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Mikami Gou's mouth, and he swayed left and right, took two steps on the spot, and fell forward to the ground.


"Defeat the Mikami brothers!!!"

This battle made the people's blood boil, and the eyes cast on Ryuguin Qingshan changed.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, the system strengthens the physical fitness +100, and the money reward +15000. 】

Ryuguin Qingshan slowly turned around and faced the crowd. The enthusiasm of the battle just now had not faded in his eyes. The whole person's aura suppressed the whole audience.

PS: I apologize to the big guys for the late update. Please support me.

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