Edogawa Suzuki was so excited that he went forward and hugged Aoyama

""Aoyama, you are so awesome! Oh my god, you make my blood boil!"

He wiped the blood off his hands and put his hands in his trouser pockets,"What are you waiting for? Let's go! Let's eat. I'm hungry!"

At this time, the two brothers Mikami were still lying on the ground. They were knocked down by Ryuguin Aoyama, which meant that the third-grade Class B was no longer under the jurisdiction of the two brothers.

""Yoshi! Ryuguin Aoyama, Yoho~"

Someone whistled and shouted at the back of the figure going downstairs.

Ryuguin Aoyama rubbed his ears, turned around and looked behind him. There was Suzuran, a man who spoke with his fists. In this school, fists were the most convenient pass. After going downstairs, he met the two people who were taught a lesson by him yesterday. They stood respectfully against the wall, bent down and lowered their heads, letting him pass first.

Suzuki, who had never been treated so respectfully by anyone, straightened his waist deliberately, followed Aoyama and passed in front of the two people. After leaving the school gate, with no one around, he asked,"Aoyama, where did you learn these fighting moves? Teach me, I want to be awesome too!"

Imagine that one day he would win respect for himself with his own fists. That feeling, just thinking about it now makes me feel good.

"You? Are you arrogant?"

Ryuguin Qingshan looked Suzuki up and down. He had a skinny body, no muscles and no fat to resist a beating. He was just a skeleton. He didn't look like a fighter.

"What's wrong with me? Who is born to fight? Isn't it acquired through learning? Don't hit me hard, start teaching me from today!"

Suzuki clenched his powerless fists and shook them left and right.

Teach him?

Ryuguin Aoyama shook his head helplessly. He himself had never learned it. Every time he fought with someone, he followed his feeling and finally defeated the person successfully.

No matter what, the most important thing is to have strength.

"Hey, Qingshan, don’t be silent. Give me a straight answer whether you want to teach me or not!"

"Do not teach"


"You are so disloyal!!!"

Suzuki complained about Aoyama not teaching him to fight, but he put his hand on his shoulder, and the two went out to eat lunch side by side.

This fight made Ryuguin Aoyama's reputation in Suzuran School rise sharply.

The position of the leader of Class B naturally fell on Ryuguin Aoyama.

A few days later, the Mikami brothers, who had recovered from their injuries, jumped into the class.

The two brothers stood side by side in front of Ryuguin Aoyama's desk, knocking on the table with their hands to wake up Aoyama who was lying on it.

"Hey, Ryuguin, Qingshan! Wake up."

Being suddenly woken up, Ryuguin Qingshan, who was a little grumpy, overturned the table in front of him, stood up, frowned and looked at the two people with an unhappy face.

"Yo," the two brothers separated and were not hit by the table.

"Aoyama, now that Class B is under your charge, we two brothers are willing to work with you and reach the top together. What do you think?"

Sanshangxue took over what Mikami Gou said and continued,"Consider it, the top of Lily of the Valley!"

A crow landed on the classroom window and flapped its wings and flew away.

Looking at the direction where the crow flew away, Ryuguin Aoyama muttered to himself,"The scenery at the top of Lily of the Valley is very beautiful......."

Turning his head, he raised the corner of his lips and said,"Okay!"

Seeing that Ryuguin Aoyama agreed straightforwardly, the two Mikami brothers looked at each other and stretched out their fists to aim at Ryuguin Aoyama.

Ryuguin Aoyama stretched out his fist and bumped it with the other's fists. From today on, they were in the same group.

During the days he stayed at Suzuran School, Edogawa Suzuki was not idle either, and he got to know a lot of news.

Hearing them talking about the"Suzuran Peak", he took out a small notebook from his pocket, which was filled with densely written things.

"Hey, hey, hey, in that case, let's formulate a 'Plan to Capture the Top of Lily of the Valley'!"

"We are in the third grade, so let’s ignore the first and second grades for now. Once we subdue the third grades, we will be very close to the ‘top’!"

"Also, Aoyama, from what I understand, Genji Takiya, who talked to you that day, is also a transfer student, but he seems to have a great reputation in the school."

"Rumor has it that he has a great chance of winning the 'Top' and is considered a dark horse......"

As Edogawa Suzuki spoke, he flipped through his notebook carefully.

Seeing Suzuki's serious look, Ryuguin Aoyama chuckled and pressed the notebook in his hand.

""Aoyama, what are you doing?" Suzuki looked up and asked in confusion.

Ryuguin Aoyama, who had already walked to the classroom door, stopped, turned his head and said:"Have you heard of the saying 'Plans cannot keep up with changes'?"


Suzuki was stunned.

Ryuguin Aoyama waved his hand and left the classroom.

He knew that Suzuki wanted to do something for him, but he didn't have any plans.

The"hot-blooded combat system" bound to his body was not difficult to understand if he thought about it carefully.

As long as he followed the system to complete the tasks, it would be inevitable for him to transfer to Suzuran's school.

PS: Happy New Year! Big guys, please support us!

In addition, because the protagonist is Ryuguin Aoyama, the plot of the original work may be changed a little. I hope everyone will understand in the future.

Thank you.

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