He was woken up by the Mikami brothers.

Ryuguin Qingshan once again came to the rooftop platform, climbed up to the small platform on the top wall, and took a nap.

When he woke up again, he heard the rustling sound of mahjong playing on the rooftop, as well as intermittent voices.

"Hey, who painted over the name on it?"

Serizawa Tamao asked casually while shuffling the cards.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe some cute freshman drew it~"

Chen Chuan Shisheng's words were a little vague, his face looked a little unnatural, and he lowered his head to touch the cards.

Everyone was paying attention to the cards in their hands, and no one noticed the unnatural look on Chen Chuan Shisheng's face.

"Let's ignore the first graders for now, let's deal with the third graders first! We will use Class A as our base and defeat them one by one in the order of BC, D, E."

Tokaji Yuuji threw out the mahjong in his hand and continued to draw cards. Ryuguin Aoyama, who had already woken up, heard‘BCDE’He lifted his clothes and sat up. He was now in Class B. This was the first class to defeat him.

Looking down, Serizawa was the leader of the Mahjong game, followed by his right-hand men Tatsukawa Tokisei, Tokaji Yuji, and Tsutsumoto Masaharu.

"Should we defeat Class B first? Class B has the Mikami brothers, no, now there is a guy called Ryuguin Aoyama, it seems that the Mikami brothers were defeated a few days ago."

Tsutsumoto Masaharu said calmly, touched a card, took a look, and played it casually.

"Ryuguin Aoyama? Oh, I remember now, a transfer student!"

Tokaji Yuji smoked a cigarette and played the cards in his hand;

"Speaking of transfer students, there is another one called......By the way, his name is Takiya Genji, a guy with a very high reputation~"

Tsutsumoto Masaharu said with a smile, but he didn't really take it to heart. After all, their current status in Suzuran is quite high.

Tatsukawa Tokisei listened to them quietly, without saying much advice, and his expression seemed a little absent-minded.

Instead of listening to them attentively, Serizawa Tamao was concentrating on playing mahjong, and he didn't take what they said to heart at all.

It was just a new transfer student who defeated the Mikami brothers from Class B, and Serizawa didn't take the Mikami brothers seriously.

Suddenly Serizawa raised his eyebrows, fuck! There was an excited look in his eyes

"Yosi, oh, there is no one like you!!!"

"Haha, you are in trouble now!"

Because of Serizawa's words, Tokaji Yuji and the others stopped discussing, and even Tatsukawa Tokisei raised his head and looked at Serizawa.

"Tsk tsk tsk, stop talking in your sleep, you are not cheating again, are you?"

"It must be a bluff. It's not like this guy has never bluffed before.~"

"Serizawa, you better behave yourself!"

Although everyone said they didn't believe him, they kept staring at the cards in Serizawa's hand, trying to confirm whether he was a 'national genius' or a swindler. The mahjong they played was not just a casual game, but a gamble, and the loser had to give money to the winner.

This was why Serizawa was so excited because he had drawn a good card.

If he won this time, the three of them would definitely make a lot of money.

"Hey, look carefully, my peerless national talent!"

With an excited look on his face, he put the cards in his hand into the cards on his desk and pushed them forward with both hands.......

Bang— crash— before the others could see his cards clearly, their simply set up mahjong table was kicked over, and the mahjong tiles on it were scattered all over the floor.


Serizawa made a heart-wrenching sound. His hard-earned good cards were just kicked over.

""Who the hell is this!!!"

Tokaji Yuji immediately got angry. A guy suddenly showed up and dared to overturn their mahjong table. This was a naked provocation.

This arrogant guy must be taught a lesson to let him know what politeness is. He picked up the stool under his buttocks and was about to swing it up.

"Tokaji! Calm down, calm down!"

Tatsukawa Tokisei pushed Tokaji Yuji back.

"Calm down, Tokaji, calm down~"

Seeing Tokaji constantly persuading Tokaji to calm down, Tsutsumoto Masaharu stood quietly. He was not as impulsive as Tokaji and still wanted to wait for Tokaji to give an explanation.

After all, Tokaji was their partner, and there must be a reason why he jumped out to stop Tokaji.

Ryuguin Aoyama, who was still sitting at the top, was watching the scene below from above. At this time, their attention was on Genji, and they didn't notice that there was someone above their heads.

""Hey, Tokio, who is this bastard?" Tokio Yuji asked.

Tokio turned around and looked at the person behind him and said,"Ah, that, he is the brother of my junior high school classmate!"

"So what?" Tokaji Yuji didn't buy Shisheng's story and went forward with his stool.

"Calm down! Hey, I told you to calm down!!!"

Tokio, who had been trying to calm him down in a gentle voice, suddenly raised his voice, and Tokaji Yuji paused for a moment.

Takiya Genji glanced at Tokio and simply greeted him,"Hi, Tokio!"

Then his eyes fell on Serizawa.

PS: I beg the big guys to forgive me, I'm taking a leave of absence for one chapter, and I'll make it up tomorrow! I really have too many things to do today, please forgive me.

Please support me, thank you.

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