Shi Sheng took two steps forward,"Hey, Genji, what are you doing here?"

His eyes returned to Shi Sheng again, and Takiya Genji casually pointed at the white paint on the top of the wall,"Did you paint that off?"

"Oh, that's not it."

Tatsukawa Tokisei's eyes strayed from Genji's, he lowered his eyes slightly, and raised his hand to touch his nose.

Seeing Tokisei's denial, Genji didn't pursue the matter further, and looked at Serizawa who had been silent from beginning to end, with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, Serizawa, I heard you are the strongest person in the third year. When you are free, will you fight me?!"

Genji seemed to be asking Serizawa, but he had already decided to fight with Serizawa.

Defeating Serizawa would be a big step towards the top of Suzuran for him.

After the fight, he achieved his goal of coming to the top floor of the teaching building, and Genji turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey, Genji! Wait a minute, what's wrong?......Why are you fighting against Tamao?"

Shisheng shouted at Genji. Both sides were his brothers. He didn't want to watch his brothers fighting.

"Hello, Genji......"

Suddenly, a school uniform fell from above.

Then, with a thump, a dark shadow jumped down from above.

"Is it you?!"

Genji, who was about to leave, stopped and turned to look at him who suddenly appeared.

Ryuguin Aoyama stood up straight, picked up the school uniform on the ground and put it on his shoulders,"Oh, it's me! Sleeping on it"

"Dragon, Ryuguin..."Aoyama?" Tsutsumoto Masaharu asked uncertainly.

He had met almost all the third-year students, but now a strange face appeared, and he didn't look like an ordinary character. He immediately identified him as the transfer student 'Ryuguuin Aoyama'.

Ryuguuin Aoyama nodded slightly, and the system prompt sounded in his mind:

【Ding Dong! Hot-Blooded Battle System Mission: Stop Takiya Genji and Serizawa Tamao from taking action!

After hearing the mission issued by the system, Ryuguin Aoyama frowned slightly. Will the two of them take action now?

Serizawa Tamao, who had been silent all this time, stood up suddenly with a gloomy face,"My cards are......It's not easy for me...Unparalleled......"

"Hey, Genji? You bastard, you ruined my Kokushi Wushuang!"

"This is how I earn my living expenses!!! You fucking ruined it for me~" The increasingly furious Serizawa Tamao clenched his fists,"Hit me, hit me now!!!"

Seeing that Serizawa agreed, Genji didn't hesitate, he stretched his neck and arms, ready to fight Serizawa

""Hey, Tamao! Calm down." Seeing this, Tokio immediately hugged the furious Serizawa.

The living expenses that were about to be received were gone just like that. How could Serizawa calm down?

He shook off Tokio who was hugging him and continued to rush towards Genji. Tokio hugged Serizawa's waist again, and Tsutsumoto Masahiro stepped forward to help.

However, Serizawa was like a wild beast in his fury, and they were pulled apart by Serizawa one by one.

"Damn guy——"Serizawa raised his fist and roared.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, if they didn't stop it, the system task would fail. Ryuguin Aoyama didn't hesitate and strode forward to the front of Serizawa.

He raised his hand and grabbed the fist that Serizawa threw at Genji. Ryuguin Aoyama frowned slightly. Serizawa's punch was far beyond the power of ordinary people. He almost couldn't catch it with his palm.

The three of Tokisei behind Serizawa were slightly stunned. They didn't expect Ryuguin Aoyama to suddenly attack and catch Serizawa's fist.

Tokisei reacted and stepped forward to hold Serizawa again,"Calm down, calm down first."

At this time, Serizawa was a little calmer and more rational. He slowly put down his fist and stood there without taking another step forward.

Takiya Genji showed displeasure on his face and put his hand on Aoyama's shoulder,"Hey~ Don't do unnecessary things!"

Turning around, Ryuguin Aoyama looked at Genji calmly,"Extra things? I don't think it's unnecessary. You said 'when he's free'. Obviously he's not free now~"

Huh? ? ?

Genji looked puzzled. What did this guy want to do?

"Serizawa is playing mahjong to earn a living, so he definitely doesn’t have time to fight with you now;"

Ryuguin Aoyama turned around and glanced at Serizawa, then turned around and continued:"Even if he fights with you now, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses. He fights with you just over a game of mahjong. Are you fighting with Serizawa over a game of mahjong?"


After hearing what he said, Genji suddenly felt that there was some truth in it.

"If you want to continue fighting, then you and Serizawa can fight!" Ryuguuin Aoyama stared at Genji and stepped back two steps to make way for Genji.

Genji looked away and looked at Serizawa who was being pulled by Tokio.

Meeting Genji's gaze, Serizawa shouted at Genji unwillingly,"You ruined my unparalleled national warrior, unparalleled national warrior!!!"

Genji's expression became a little subtle, and he glanced at Aoyama. What this guy said made sense. He challenged Serizawa to a fight for a title, not for a game of mahjong.

He loosened his clenched fists and relaxed his body,"Then..."......Let's make an appointment another day."

Seeing Genji relax, Ryuguin Aoyama's eyes flashed with a smile;

Shisheng also breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to see the two of them fighting.

PS: I wrote a chapter at 2 a.m. to make up for the chapter I asked for leave yesterday.

Big guys, please support me! There are too few flowers and comments now, please help support me, thank you.

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