Here, Takiya Genji has agreed to fight with Serizawa Tamao at another day. Serizawa

Tamao glared at Genji, he was still unwilling to accept that the unparalleled national hero was gone, he was very sad at this moment, so much money flew away in vain?

Ryuguin Aoyama saw Genji was about to leave, stepped forward and pressed Genji's shoulder,"Are you free now? Stay~"

Genji turned around, frowned slightly,"What? I'm free, but you have something to do?"

"Oh, nothing, since you are free, just stay and play a few rounds of mahjong. After all, you just kicked over the mahjong table, and the national master is gone, so stay and play a few rounds!"

Taking back his hand from Genji's shoulder, Ryuguuin Aoyama shrugged and tilted his head to signal him.

Genji became a little hesitant. He went to the top floor to find Serizawa for a fight, and now the fight didn't happen, and he had to sit down and play mahjong with Serizawa.......

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama say this, Tokisei thought it was a good idea. It would be a good thing to use mahjong to let Genji and Tamao get to know each other better.

He agreed,"Yeah, Genji, if you have nothing to do, play a few rounds~"

Tokaji Yuji looked at Tokisei, and his temper started to rise again. Damn it, they didn't teach this arrogant guy named Genji a lesson, but let him stay to play mahjong?

And this guy named Ryuguin Aoyama, why should they listen to his arrangements?

He was just a new transfer student, but he was bossing around in front of them, which really made him unhappy.

"Beat, beat, beat your mother!!!"

Tokaji Yuji rushed towards Ryuguin Aoyama while cursing.


As soon as he raised his fist, he was hit hard on the corner of his mouth. He took a step back in confusion.

Ryuguin Aoyama retracted his fist and stared at Tokaji coldly,"Your mouth is a little dirty, let me wipe it for you."

As he spoke, Tokaji Yuji felt a warm sensation at the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand to wipe it, and it turned out that the corner of his mouth was cracked and bleeding.

"You, you kid!......"

"Tokaji, wait a minute!"

After taking a punch, Tokaji Yuji was furious and raised his fist to fight with Ryuguuin Aoyama seriously, but was stopped by Serizawa.

"Serizawa! You......"

Meeting Serizawa's gaze, Tokaji Yuji did not continue. They were brothers and a group, but Serizawa was their leader after all.

Ryuguin Aoyama stood in the middle. Serizawa spoke up to stop Tokaji Yuji, proving that he acquiesced to his proposal. Now it was up to Genji.

"Hey, Genji! How is it? If you don't have money, I can pay for it first."

He lowered his head and pretended to search his pockets. His hands were in his pockets but he didn't take them out. He didn't believe that Genji didn't even have money to play mahjong.

The son of the eldest brother of the Meteor Club didn't have pocket money. Who would believe it if he told others that he didn't have pocket money ?

"No, I don't need to advance this little money, let's play a few games!" Genji put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the mahjong table and sat down.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The system rewards you with +3 physical strength and +7000 money. 】

A smile flashed across Ryuguin Aoyama's mouth, and he took his hand out of his pocket, motioning Serizawa to sit back at the mahjong table.

The three of them sat down one after another, but there was still one person missing. Tokaji Yuji didn't wait for Tokisei and Tsutsumoto Shoji to say anything, and sat down on his own. He couldn't do anything to Genji and Aoyama for the time being, so he would defeat the two of them at this mahjong table first!

Huhu, the four people touched the mahjong on the table together, and built a long wall of cards in front of their respective doors, drawing cards, playing cards, and it was already opened.

Tokaji Yuji glanced at his own cards, and then his eyes glanced at the cards that had been played on the table. Opposite him was Ryuguin Aoyama, who was the banker.

His hand touched a bird, and put it on the table,"A bird!"

A sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. According to the current situation of playing cards, he guessed that Ryuguin Aoyama should"eat" Jiutong, Jiujo or Jiuwan.

So he forcibly opened his own cards and played a birdie, deliberately tripping up Ryuguin Qingshan and preventing him from winning.

Ryuguin Qingshan lowered his eyes to hide the smile in his eyes, tapped his fingers on the table twice, raised his eyes, and said,"Thanks! I won!~"


Tokaji Yuji's forehead was filled with black lines. He had clearly calculated everything, how could he possibly"eat" the birdie?!

Seeing Tokaji's unbelievable expression, Ryuguin Aoyama reached out and took the birdie that Tokaji Yuji had played, put it in his own cards, and pushed his own cards over for everyone to see.

"Oh my god, it's true!"

Serizawa looked over and saw that he had won.

""Tokaji, how did you play your cards!!!" Ryuguin

Aoyama won the first hand, which made Serizawa very angry.

"" I'm sorry, I made a mistake! I'll pay more attention next time." While apologizing to Serizawa, he took money out of his pocket and gave it to Ryuuguuin Aoyama.

Genji didn't take it seriously because he just lost the first game.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama took their money with a smile,"Thank you~ It's a good start!"

He glanced at Tokaji Yuji, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, wanting to count his cards, hehe.

PS: It's cold and my hands are frozen while typing, please support me.

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