The black car drove all the way to the door of Ryuguin Aoyama's house and stopped.

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama getting out of the car, Yazaki Joji lowered the window and said,"You said you had other plans. Can you tell me what they are now?"

Ryuguin Aoyama shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and smiled at Yazaki Joji.

Seeing him like this, Yazaki Joji immediately understood, smiled and shook his head, raised the window and closed it, raised his hand to signal the driver to drive away.

He is a courageous person.......

Ryuguin Aoyama watched the car disappear at the end of the road in front of his house, took out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

The dog next door started barking, the lights in the house were turned on, and the bald man in the house hurried out to comfort his beloved dog and stop barking.

Ryuguin Aoyama heard the bald man next door and a smile flashed in his eyes......

The next day, he went to Suzuran as usual.

As soon as he arrived at the bottom of the teaching building, he saw a small paint bucket falling from above, and it landed in front of him with a clang.

Ryuguin Aoyama's expression was frozen on his face. If he took half a step forward, he would definitely have a bad brain flower. It was so exciting so early in the morning. Don't be too excited.~

"Fuck, who the hell did this! Get down!!!"

Serizawa on the top floor leaned over and looked at the roaring Ryuguin Aoyama below, and turned to look at Tsutsumoto Masaharu. They had just been arguing about the difference between shooting with a bucket and a soccer ball. Unexpectedly, one of them used too much force, and the bucket hit the wall, bounced and flew out, and landed right below the building. When

Ryuguin Aoyama saw Serizawa and others, he knew in his heart that this guy had been restless on the top floor so early in the morning, and was up to something. He simply didn't call anyone else, and directly shouted:"Serizawa!! Your bucket, why the hell don't you get down here!!!"

Listening to Ryuguin Aoyama's shouting below, Serizawa leaned over to look down, raised his hand and nodded at Tsutsumoto Masaharu, asking him to argue with him. Tsutsumoto Masaharu spread his hands, indicating that it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't kick it down himself.

Suddenly thinking of something, he turned and called Serizawa,"Senior, if you don't want to go down, I can say that I kicked it, and I'll take the blame for this."

"Nani!!! Really, really?"

Seeing him say such caring words really surprised Serizawa. It turned out that the younger generation is quite good!

Seeing the joyful smile on Serizawa's face, Tsutsumoto Masaharu stretched out his hand to Serizawa. Serizawa was slightly stunned, and strode forward to shake his hand tightly.

"Go! Go down and say 'Smith Maasai' to him and bring up the bucket! I'll remember your friendship."

"OK, then senior, give me 20,000 yen"

"Hey, hey——"

Serizawa shouted, and then loosened his grip on Tsutsumoto Masaharu's hand.

"What's the meaning?"

"Senior, give me 20,000 yen, and I will take the blame for you. When I go down, I will say"Smith Masai" to you, so don't worry! I will do everything for you smoothly." Tsutsumoto Masaharu nodded to Serizawa while speaking.

Puff -

Tokio beside him laughed. When did Tsutsumoto become so"bad"? He knew that for Tamao, everything can be negotiated, except money, which cannot be negotiated at all.

Ryuguuin Aoyama, who was standing below, saw that no one came down for a long time, took out a cigarette, lit it, and shouted:"Serizawa! If you don't come down after I finish my cigarette, I will go upstairs to refresh you!"

Hearing Ryuguuin Aoyama's shout again, Serizawa turned around and went downstairs without saying a word.

Tsutsumoto Masaharu saw that he was about to leave, so he quickly chased after him and held him back,"Senior, 20,000 won't work, how about 10,000?! 10,000 is also OK!"

Serizawa shook off the hand on his shoulder and walked downstairs quickly.

Tsutsumoto Masaharu shouted towards the stairs,"How about five thousand? This is my bottom line!!!"

Serizawa, who was walking downstairs, knew that Tsutsumoto was just teasing him. He would have to give him a good beating later. He also wanted to get money from him.

Izaki Shun on the third floor heard Ryuguuin Aoyama's voice and leaned out of the classroom. Seeing that he looked fine, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that nothing serious happened last night, otherwise he wouldn't have appeared in school today.

"Hey! Aoyama, you have to find something to do early in the morning~"

Hearing the voice of Izaki Shun shouting from the upstairs window, Ryuguin Aoyama kicked the iron bucket in front of him,"It's not me who is looking for trouble, but the trouble is looking for me~" As he spoke

, Serizawa rushed down from upstairs and smiled at Ryuguin Aoyama

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" He looked up and said,"That kid Tsutsumoto kicked me down. He couldn't save face, so he asked me to come down and say a few words for you."

Ryuguin Aoyama raised his eyebrows, doubting the water mixed in Serizawa's words.

Seeing that the other party didn't quite believe his words, Serizawa patted his chest for assurance;

"We can't just let it go like that. Look, everyone is watching. If we let it go with a few words, I'll lose face."

After saying that, he motioned for Serizawa to look behind him.

Suzuran's students had already started to gather, wanting to see what the two of them would do in the end. Some even shouted for them to start fighting.

Serizawa glared and strode towards the one who was shouting for them to start fighting.

Bang - he instantly killed the other person with one punch.

"Fuck you!"

He loosened his clenched fist and continued to mutter,"It's nothing, why bother with violence?"......"

For a moment, no one dared to yell at them to fight. Facing Serizawa's murderous eyes, they all stepped back.

Seeing that no one was making a fuss, Serizawa came to Ryuguuin Aoyama again,"Okay, our business is still worth letting these brats talk about it? Let's go upstairs together!"

Ryuguuin Aoyama threw away the cigarette in his hand and went upstairs with Serizawa.

PS: Seeking support.

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