"Otherwise, let's go to the top floor and I'll ask Tsutsumoto to apologize to you in person." The two of them went up to the third floor together, and Serizawa stopped and said;

Ryuguin Aoyama stared at Serizawa's eyes, a little bit avoiding him,"Okay then! Let's go up and ask him to apologize to me!"

"Hey, hey, hey......"

Serizawa had his hands on Ryuguin Aoyama's body, and he was just talking;

""Forget it! It's just a small matter. I'll give him a good talk later." He smiled awkwardly and blocked Ryuguin Aoyama's way up.

Now Ryuguin Aoyama completely understood that Serizawa was a guy who was always talking nonsense.

At this moment, the two Mikami brothers came over from the other side of the corridor. Seeing Aoyama and Serizawa together, the two rushed up.

"Hey, Serizawa, you don't want to challenge our Aoyama too, do you?"

"Haha, I hope we don't have to fight alone this time, let's stand aside and feel itchy~"

The two brothers sang in unison and cooperated well, teasing Serizawa in front of them; the smile on Serizawa's face faded little by little, and his expression became serious,"Also? Who is that person you are talking about?"

Ryuguuin Aoyama raised his hand to his forehead and felt the mouths of these two guys deeply. Sometimes, no one can control the door.

Genji challenged himself, that was also their business. Most people in Suzuran didn't know about this matter, and now they were exposed in front of Serizawa by the two of them.......

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama's reaction, Sangaku and Mikami Go looked at each other and realized that they had let the cat out of the bag.

"Hehe, hehe......"

"I suddenly feel the urge to pee, do you want to go?"

"What a coincidence, me too!! Let’s go to the bathroom together."

The two brothers stepped past Ryuuguuin Aoyama and pretended to go downstairs to the bathroom.

Looking at the two brothers leaving, it was obvious that they were leaving the mess to themselves to deal with;

Ryuuguuin Aoyama pondered for a moment, raised his hand and touched his nose,"It was Genji who wanted to spar with me. Anyway, I was free, so I moved around a bit."

Serizawa saw the wound on Ryuuguuin Aoyama’s hand,"It doesn’t look like a simple move~"

Ryuuguuin Aoyama looked down at his hand, which was covered with scars. It was indeed the wound he got yesterday, but it wasn’t all because of Genji and the others.

"Take good care of your hand injury. We will have another fight before the end of this semester."After saying this, Serizawa turned around and went to the top floor

"OK! But......"

Serizawa stopped and turned back to look at Ryuguin Aoyama, waiting for him to continue.

"Let's make a promise. If I lose, I'll follow you. If you lose, you'll follow me! How about that? The forces of Suzuran should gather together."Ryuguin Aoyama said to Serizawa word by word.

"Do you want to dominate the entire Lily of the Valley?" Serizawa said expressionlessly.

"Oh, yes, I want to give it a try."Ryuguuin Aoyama smiled lightly.

Serizawa pondered for a few seconds and met Ryuguuin Aoyama's eyes,"Then do as you say, Ryuguuin, I will let you follow me."

Ryuguuin Aoyama shrugged,"Then give it a try!"

The two turned and left, one went to the top floor, and the other returned to Class B.

Serizawa returned to the top floor and threw the iron bucket in his hand to the ground, his expression looked a little serious.

This made Tsutsumoto Masaharu, who wanted to continue to make fun of him, give up the idea,"What's wrong? Did Ryuguuin Aoyama make things difficult for you?!" As he spoke, his hands were already clenched into fists.

Serizawa was not in a hurry to answer Tsutsumoto's words. He took out a cigarette and took two puffs. Looking at the brothers standing beside him, he said,"Everyone, prepare well. Before the end of this semester, we will have the last game with Ryuguuin Aoyama!!"

Hearing this, Tokaji Yuji's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, realizing that Serizawa should have just declared war on Ryuguin Aoyama.

Thinking of this, he grinned and smiled. He had been waiting for Serizawa to announce this, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

"The last game?" Shi Sheng asked doubtfully. He felt something was wrong when listening to Serizawa's words.

Serizawa turned his head to look at Shi Sheng who was talking and said lightly:"Yes, the last game. He and I agreed that whoever wins will play with him!"

"What?!! You agreed?!"Tokaji Yuji's face was no longer excited and happy.

Serizawa raised his eyes,"Why, are you panicking? Tokaji, don't tell me, this hasn't even started yet, and you're already scared and think we're going to lose."

"Bah! I, Tokaji, don’t even know how to write the word ‘coward’!!" Tokaji Yuji strode up to Serizawa and met his eyes,"Serizawa, whatever you say, I, Tokaji, will do."

Serizawa stared into Tokaji Yuji’s eyes and slammed his hands on the table,"Okay! Then we have a deal, if we beat them this time, we will let Ryuguuin Aoyama and the others join us!!!"

Everyone felt their blood boiling because of what Serizawa said, and a sentence popped up in their minds: The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy.

On the rooftop, Serizawa and his brothers were ready for the battle, and they were going to combine the entire Qinglong Society into their Hundred Beasts Corps.

When Ryuguuin Aoyama returned to the class and faced Izaki Shun and the others, he simply asked about what happened after he left last night.

Speaking of this, everyone’s eyes were focused on him.

"Hey, what are you all looking at me for?"

"If not you, who else should I be looking at? You've already left, why are we still drinking and celebrating? We'll just hang out for a while and go back." Suzuki jumped out and said dissatisfiedly

"Then let's make it tonight! I just happen to have something to tell you all, I'll treat you all."

Makise Takashi smiled meaningfully, bumped his arm against him, and said,"You're not short of money, of course you treat me~"

Ryuguin Aoyama smiled, understanding what Makise Takashi meant.

PS: I'm asking for your support every day!

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