After the duel with Ryuguin Aoyama, Genji became a little depressed when he came to school the next day; this battle made him clearly see the gap between himself and Ryuguin Aoyama, not just a little, but a big one.

Ishikawa Kumaya saw Genji's depression and squatted in front of Genji,"If you are really unhappy, let's try another school."

Genji frowned and looked at Ishikawa Kumaya,"You want me to transfer?!" He chuckled and lit the cigarette in his mouth with a lighter,"What a joke, since I transferred to Suzuran, I will not transfer away again!"

Seeing that Genji misunderstood what he meant, Ishikawa Kumaya explained:"You are wrong, I didn't ask you to transfer; Suzuran, I haven't had enough, why should I leave!!"

"So what do you mean???" Genji stared at him.

Ishikawa Kumaya raised his hand and patted Genji on the shoulder,"Go to other schools to practice your skills! Judging from Ryuguin Aoyama’s posture yesterday, he must be a man with many battles, otherwise how could he be so strong!"

"Challenge people from other schools......"Genji took a deep puff of smoke and narrowed his eyes.

In his mind, he pondered the advice given by Ishikawa Kumaya. With his current strength, no matter how many times he challenged Ryuguin Aoyama, the result would be the same.

His eyes fell on his right arm. Yesterday, the doctor at home examined his arm and found that the bone was slightly dislocated. He had to pay more attention to it for the time being.

His father must have known that he had lost; a feeling of irritation enveloped his heart.......

During the day, I made an appointment with everyone to have a drink together in the evening. Just after school, a group of people went down the stairs and happened to meet Serizawa and his group. When the people on Serizawa's side saw Ryuguuin Aoyama, their expressions changed slightly. Serizawa nodded to Ryuguuin Aoyama as usual.

Looking at Serizawa and his group going down, Suzuki said,"It looks like they want to have a drink in the evening too. Are they happy about something?"

Suzuki turned around and looked at the others, but no one responded to him because they didn't care about it.

Serizawa and his group, who were the first to walk out of the school gate, were stopped by a group of adults who were coming towards them. One of them pointed a baseball bat at Serizawa, who was in the lead.

"Boy! Are you Ryuguin Aoyama? Ryuguin Aoyama who dares to hit my brother!"

Shi Sheng put his hands in his pockets and looked at the other party with a smile. He took a step forward, but before he could speak, the baseball bat pointed at him again.

""Stand up, is it you?!"

Shisheng looked at the baseball bat pointing at him and asked,"Who is your brother?"

The man took back the baseball bat and raised it, with the top of the bat resting on the ground."The one who was beaten in the auditorium of your school!! Bastard, have you forgotten after you beat someone up?" The man was so angry that he simply swung the baseball bat at the person who was questioning him.

Shisheng, who was still smiling and cultured in the last second, saw the swinging baseball bat, and the smile on his face disappeared. His body moved quickly according to the thoughts in his brain. He grabbed the baseball bat with one hand and clenched the other hand into a fist, and punched the opponent's abdomen hard.

Bang, there was a dull sound......

The man looked painful, hunched over, loosened the baseball bat in his hand, and stepped back two or three steps.

Shi Sheng, holding the baseball bat in his hand, turned his head and asked with a smile:"How is it? It's been a long time since I last fought. I'm still okay, right?"

Tsutsumoto Masaharu gave a thumbs up,"I didn't back down."

Serizawa looked unhappy. His good mood just now was ruined by this man. Without saying a word, he strode towards them, swung his fist with the wind, and hit them hard in the face.

Shi Sheng carried the baseball bat on his shoulder and shouted:"Tama Yu, don't hit too hard. After all, these are adults. Give them some face! Hahaha~"

Others stood aside and laughed at these people who were beaten by Serizawa, and laughed at them. They didn't even look at their own strength, but dared to rashly run to Suzuran to pick a fight.

At this time, Ryuguuin Aoyama and others had just gone to the toilet and walked out of the campus, just in time to see this scene.

Shi Sheng shouted:"Hey, Ryuguuin Aoyama, look, these people are looking for your' guests’!"

The man who was beaten was stunned when he heard the other party's name shouted. He turned his head to look at the boy who was still beating his brother,"Hey, you little bastard, you are not Ryuguin Qingshan, why the hell did you hit him?!"


Serizawa knocked the man in front of him down with a punch, then slowly turned around and looked at the man,"I hate being pointed at by a baseball bat."

After saying that, Serizawa stepped over a man on the ground in front of him as if nothing had happened;

Tokisei saw Serizawa leaving, so he smiled and walked forward to"kindly" give the baseball bat in his hand to the man,"Next time, you must recognize people clearly. People from Suzuran usually have bad tempers~"

After explaining this, Tokisei took two quick steps and caught up with Serizawa.

Ryuguuin Aoyama walked up to the man, looked at him with a bruised face, and asked,"Are you looking for me? I am Ryuguuin Aoyama."

The man was so angry that he gritted his teeth and cursed,"You fucking........."

Pah - a loud slap hit the man's face.

Ryuguin Aoyama sighed slightly,"Why are you swearing in front of students~"

The man who was slapped was a little dazed, raised his hand to hold his slapped face, the corner of his mouth was cracked and bleeding, his eyes were fixed on the person in front of him.

Ryuguin Aoyama raised his hand and used his index finger to touch a little of the blood on his mouth, leaned forward and continued to speak:"What do you want from me?"

"You fuck......"

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama raising his hand again, the man quickly changed the subject;

"You beat up my brother Dujiang Yilang in the school auditorium, and I came to punish you for my brother."

Ryuguin Qingshan nodded thoughtfully, thinking about this matter in his mind.

PS: Thank you for your support!

Thank you【《?》Crown] Reward support from the big guys!

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