Edogawa Suzuki listened quietly to the conversation between the two brothers and was shocked that there was such a person in Suzuran.

"Hey, hey, hey, is what you said true? But I have been in Suzuran for some time, why haven't I seen the person you are talking about?"

Just listening to the story of Hayashida Kei told by the Mikami brothers was terrifying, but curiosity drove Suzuki to meet such a person.

A person with such horrific deeds must be very scary.

Ryuguin Aoyama, who was walking in front, stopped, turned his head and said calmly:"Why haven't you seen him? You saw him the second day after you came here"


"I have seen him before? How is that possible? If I had, I would have remembered him!"

Suzuki didn't believe that he had seen such a person before.

"You have seen the man wearing a sweatshirt on the roof. He is Hayashida Kei."

After Qingshan's reminder, Suzuki finally remembered the situation when he met Hayashida Kei that day. He didn't pay much attention at that time.

Now thinking about it, he didn't expect that he was the Hayashida Kei in the rumor. Suzuki just felt goose bumps all over his body and the back of his head was cold.

"Hehe, hehe......Lily of the valley is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.~~~"

Sanxue jumped up to Suzuki and said,"What's wrong? Are you scared? Haha, if you are so timid, why did you come to Suzuran?"

"Hey, you, don't talk nonsense, who is timid, I'm just a little cold!"

In order to prove his words, Suzuki deliberately hugged his arms and shook them, and raised his eyebrows at Sangaku.

Ryuguin Aoyama continued to walk in front. Suzuran was indeed a place where hidden dragons and crouching tigers were hidden, just as Suzuki said. If you are not careful, you may fall from the top.

If you don't want to fall, you must keep climbing up.

The dinner money was the money that Ryuguin Aoyama won from playing mahjong. After taking them to a big meal, it was already very late and they went home.

Not long after arriving home, the phone rang suddenly.

After seeing the caller ID clearly, Ryuguin Aoyama immediately picked up the phone,"Hello, Misaki! What's wrong?" There was no sound from the other end of the phone. Ryuguin Aoyama moved the phone away from his ear, indicating that the call was still in progress and the call was not hung up.

""Hey, Misaki, is that you? Is there something wrong or are you feeling unwell? Speak up!!!"

Her voice was filled with anxiety, and she couldn't help but think of what the doctor said during the examination.

"Hehe, hahaha~~~"

Finally, a voice came from the other end of the phone, and it was Misaki's naughty laughter. Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she was okay, he would not blame her for her naughtiness just now.

"You~how should I describe you?"

"Brother doesn't know what to say, so don't say it, hehe~" There was really nothing he could do with her. Ryuguin Qingshan found a comfortable position to lie on the bed, staring at the white ceiling.

"You're calling me so late, do you have something to tell me?"

"Of course, today is your birthday, brother. As your only sister, I naturally have to say"Happy Birthday" to you!"

Ryuguin Qingshan sat up from the bed and changed his hand to answer the phone. Birthday? Today is his birthday???

"Hello? Brother, why don't you say anything? Don't tell me you even forgot your own birthday!"

He turned his head and said,"Oh, oh, yes, my birthday, of course I remember it, what are you talking about, girl, of course I remember my own birthday."

After saying this, he took a long breath and patted his head with his hand.

"elder brother......"


Misaki's voice sounded a little disappointed and low.

"In the past, my family always celebrated my brother's birthday together. I wanted to light the candles on his birthday cake......."

"Eh? This, this......"

Ryuguin Aoyama was in a dilemma for a moment. Regardless of whether it was his birthday today, it was already eleven o'clock and it would be past midnight in another hour.

Misaki wanted to light birthday candles, but even if he went out now, even if there was a train, he would not be able to get to the countryside before midnight.

"How about next year? I will let you light the birthday candles next year. What do you think?"After thinking about it, there is only one solution now.

Misaki's laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Haha, there's no need to wait until next year. Let's do this weekend. I'll tell grandma to come back and celebrate your birthday for you, okay~"

Hearing her say this, Ryuguuin Aoyama fell heavily on the bed, closed his eyes and replied:"Okay, okay, what do you say? Let's do it! Call me when you come and I'll pick you up." After making an appointment with Misaki and hanging up the phone, the hour and minute hands of the clock pointed to '12' at the same time. It was midnight, which meant that the birthday time had passed.

The next morning, he got up and took a pen to draw a big circle on the Saturday calendar to remind him to pick up Misaki at the station on this day.

When he left the house, a red sports car stopped next to Ryuguuin Aoyama.

The person in the car took off his sunglasses and shouted:"Ryuguuin-san, good morning!~"

"Teacher Yumiko?!"

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at Yumiko in the car. She was dressed more fashionably than in school.

This was the first time they had met since they separated by the river.

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