"Get in the car, I'll take you to school!"

Yumiko tilted her head to signal Ryuguin Aoyama to get in his car.

As soon as he got in the car, he heard the accelerator roar, and the car drove out like an arrow.

Ryuguin Aoyama turned his head to look at Teacher Yumiko in the driving seat, only to feel that she was a little different from before.

Noticing that he was looking at her, Yumiko turned her head and smiled at him, her eyes continuing to stare at the road ahead, and asked:"What's wrong? Is there something dirty on my face?"

Ryuguin Aoyama sat up straight, looking at the passing scenery, and replied:"There is no dirt, I just feel that Teacher Yumiko is a little different than before."

Yumiko suddenly pursed her lips and laughed,"Haha, is that so? But I would like to remind Ryuguin classmate not to call me 'Teacher Yumiko' in the future."

After turning a corner, the Suzuran School is at the intersection ahead.

There are still six seconds left for the traffic light, and they are still some distance away from the traffic light. Yumiko stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and crossed the traffic light at the last second.

The car did a tailspin and stopped perfectly sideways right in front of the gate of Suzuran School.

A smile appeared on Ryuguin Aoyama's lips. Such beautiful driving skills really don't know that a person with a cute face can do it. It seems a bit contrasting.

He didn't rush to get out of the car, but met Yumiko's eyes,"If I'm not allowed to call you 'Teacher Yumiko', what should I call you?"

"I have resigned from the school. I handed in my resignation the day after we parted ways."

"I originally thought that I would just be a teacher in this life, but that vice principal was really......Haha, my family doesn't need that little salary anyway, so I might as well quit my job."

Being able to drive such an expensive sports car, he knew it in his heart without her saying anything, and waited for her to continue.

"My family gave me some money to do business or investment. By the way, you can call me Sister Yumiko from now on!" After saying that, he smiled and raised his eyebrows at him.

Ryuguin Aoyama opened the car door and got out, waving his hand,"Bye, Yumiko-chan~~~"

Yumiko smiled and shook her head, leaning forward,"Hey, call me sister! Also, I'll pick you up for lunch at noon, remember to come out after class~~~"

Ryuguin Aoyama, who had already walked into the school gate, did not answer, but raised his hand and waved twice to show that he understood.

Watching him walk into the school, Yumiko put on her sunglasses again, turned the steering wheel, turned the direction, and drove away quickly.

As soon as she entered the school, she ran into Genji who was coming out of the teaching building. Genji was stunned when he saw him, and walked towards him with his hands in his pockets.

He wanted to ask about Hayashida Kei, and happened to see Aoyama. Instead of asking other unfamiliar people, it would be better to ask Aoyama to see if he knew

"Here I come! Yesterday, Shisheng asked, do you know Lin Tianhui?"As he spoke, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth skillfully.

"I know, but are you ready to challenge Hayashida Kei?" Ryuguin Aoyama asked back.

Genji flicked the cigarette in his hand and nodded,"Yeah, isn't he said to be Serizawa's apprentice? After beating him, I will formally challenge Serizawa to a fight."

Genji frowned slightly while speaking, with a serious expression. He had asked his father last night and confirmed what they had agreed on before.

He now has only one goal, and that is to climb to the top of Suzuran and dominate Suzuran.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at Genji. It seemed that he still believed what Tokisei said, otherwise he would not have come here today to learn about Hayashida Kei.

"Well then! Rumor has it that Hayashida Hui is a mountain of Suzuran, with super strength, and now there is no......"Defeat.

The last two words came to his lips, but Ryuguin Qingshan swallowed them back. Saying these two words would expose Shisheng's lies in disguise.

"Nothing else?" Genji asked

"It's nothing. Anyway, Hayashida Kei is a very strong guy. If you challenge him, just remember not to underestimate him!"

After listening to what Ryuguin Aoyama said, Genji nodded thoughtfully, thinking that since he was Serizawa's apprentice, his strength must not be weak.

He extinguished the cigarette in his hand and threw it on the ground, raised his head and asked,"What is your purpose in transferring here? I want to reach the top of Suzuran, what about you?"

Ryuguin Aoyama did not answer immediately. His purpose of coming to Suzuran was naturally to stand on a high place and see the most beautiful and magnificent scenery.

Before he could think of how to answer Genji's words, a shout came from behind him.

"Hey! The two guys in front, which one of you is Serizawa? The Serizawa who injured my brother is so bold that he dared to attack the gangsters."

Ryuguin Aoyama turned around and faced the person behind him. He was none other than Ken Katagiri, who had studied at Suzuran before. He was holding two sturdy baseball bats in his hands and walking towards them with his feet spread out.

The students in the corridor of the teaching building saw that the gangsters who came to cause trouble at the beginning of the school year were coming again. They thought that there would be a good show soon, and shouted to the class

"Come out, everyone! The hooligans are here again. Anyone who wants to watch the fun should come out of class!~~~"

Hearing the shouts, the students in the class rushed out of the classroom, leaning against the windows and looking down.

"Look, the people below are Ryuguin Aoyama and Takiya Genji!"

Pushing aside the people blocking the view, first-year student Kirishima Hiromi appeared in front of the window, staring at the two people below.

PS: The number of flowers has hardly increased for the whole day. If you have flowers, please vote for the little author.

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