The two of them are two seniors whose fame has soared in the school recently.

Some people even predict that they will be the dark horse seed players who can reach the top of Lily of the Valley this year;

"Is Senior Ryuguin stronger, or is Senior Takiya better?"

Staring at the two people below, Kirishima Hiromi asked the two people beside him, Makoto Sugihara and Toshiaki Honjo, known as the trio"Ebizuka Trio""

"If you don't fight, no one can predict the outcome."Sugihara Makoto said calmly while looking down.

That's how Suzuran is. If you don't fight with someone, you'll never know how strong the other person is.

Ryuguin Aoyama below stared at the two baseball bats in Katagiri's boxing hands, with no fear in his eyes.


"Boys, I'm asking you, which one of you is Serizawa? Stand up! Dare to attack the gangsters, you know what the consequences will be!"

Ryuguin Aoyama, who was in front, moved slightly, and raised the corners of his mouth. Before he could say anything, there were two clangs, and Katagiri Ken threw away the baseball bat in his hand.

"Brat! So you are Serizawa——"

Katagiri Ken took a deep breath, raised his fist and punched Ryuguin Aoyama head on.

Ryuguin Aoyama's body moved the moment he punched, tilted his head, bent his waist, dodged, and punched.

After a set of neat and tidy processes, his fist hit Katagiri Ken's abdomen, causing the opponent's body to stiffen in pain, with a painful expression on his face.

"You, you, Serizawa, you, you,......"Ouch, ouch!"

His abdomen hurt so much that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

Ryuguin pulled back his fist from his abdomen. Katagiri Ken covered his aching stomach with both hands, hunched over, and couldn't stand up for a while.


The people watching the excitement upstairs cheered

"Did you see that? That punch from Ryuguin just now doesn't look like a joke."

"Yeah, it looks like there is no flaw overall. He will just take that punch, right? ~" Listening to the discussion on the side, Kirishima Hiromi remained silent, thinking about what the result would be if he took that punch.

Looking at Katagiri Ken who couldn't even straighten his back, Ryuuguuin Aoyama said slowly:"I'm not Serizawa, I'm Ryuuguuin Aoyama, you've got the wrong person!"

"Na, Ni——"

Katagiri Ken barely raised his head, looking shocked and speechless.

"Ouch, my stomach, damn it, did I get punched in vain?"

If it was Serizawa who hit him, at least he had found the right person, but now, not only did he not find the right person, but he also got punched in vain.

Ryuguuin Aoyama shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent. It didn't matter to him whether it was in vain or not, but he would not stand there and let people hit him in vain.

Katagiri Ken looked behind him, barely stood up, and took out his posture as a gangster.

"If he is not, then you are Serizawa~ Damn it!" Without saying anything, he clenched his fist and went up to him.

Seeing that he was going to rush towards him, Genji was not a pushover, so he simply threw away the cigarette in his hand, did not explain, and said that he would talk after the fight.

"Hey, if you're looking for someone, it's not too late to find out first. Do you want to get beaten for nothing?"

Ryuguin Aoyama reached out to stop Katagiri Ken from charging forward, and kindly reminded him.

""Eh, eh?"

Hearing what he said, Katagiri Ken calmed down and retracted his raised fist,"Hey, kid, who are you? Did you hit my brother Serizawa?"

"" Oh, no, I'm Takitani Genji!"

Katagiri Ken gave an awkward smile, raised his head and smiled at Ryuguuin Aoyama, put down his fist, stepped back two steps from the arm that was blocking him.

He touched the back of his head,"Ha, ha, wrong again! Since it's not him, then I'll leave first and look for him another day."

Katagiri Ken turned around and endured the pain in his abdomen. The damn guy, it's not Serizawa, but he punched so hard. In his current physical condition, it's really not suitable to look for Serizawa again. He picked up the baseball bat that he had just thrown on the ground and prepared to leave.

"" Hey, who are you? Don't you want to leave your name?" Genji put his hands in his pockets and took two steps forward, then asked him.

Katagiri Ken took a deep breath, straightened his shoulders, and turned around with a proud look on his face,"Me? I used to go to school at Suzuran, and I was a man known far and wide as the 'Shaving Fist' who dominated Suzuran!"


Hearing him introduce himself like this, Genji couldn't help but laugh out loud

"Oh, sorry! I really couldn't help it;" He rubbed his nose and continued:"Are you serious? Shave, shave fist? I didn't see it at all just now~"

Ryuuguin Aoyama immediately understood the meaning of Genji's words.

Just now, when Katagiri Ken threw a punch, it was indeed hitting his head directly. According to the height of the punch, it couldn't shave his head at all.

It hurts.

These words hurt Katagiri Ken's heart.

With a red face and thick neck, he shouted:"What, what! You kid...How, how can you say that? How come my fist is not a shaving fist? Isn't it just a matter of height?"

She tiptoed slightly, tried it in front of Ryuguuin Aoyama, and said,"See, like this, like this, I can do it!"

Although he refuted, Katagiri Ken himself felt a little embarrassed. In the end, he left quickly with a baseball bat in his hand, cursing.

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