Ryuguin Aoyama looked at Katagiri Ken who had already walked out of the school gate, turned his head and glanced at Genji. This guy's words were really sharp and heartbreaking.~~~

Genji, who said the heart-breaking words, did not think there was anything wrong with his words. He was telling the truth, so what could be wrong with it? Seeing

Ryuguin Aoyama leaving, Genji remembered what Tokisei said yesterday,"It is not something that can be won by one person." He spoke for some reason.

"Hey, Aoyama, do you want to join me? Let's climb to the top of Lily of the Valley together!"

The words had already been spoken, and Genji turned back to think about it, feeling that it was a bit abrupt again, but it had already been said and there was no way to take it back.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama hesitated, shrugged,"Let's talk about this later, see you later, Genji!" He waved his hand and walked into the teaching building.

Genji touched his nose with his hand, turned around and left in the opposite direction.

When he went upstairs, he met the red-haired guy he had fought in the commercial street. The red-haired guy saw him, stood at attention and bowed his head respectfully,"Hello, Ryuuguuin senior!! I'm Kawaguchi from the second year, please give me your guidance!"

Ryuuguuin Aoyama nodded and continued to walk to the third floor. When he turned the corner, he heard Kawaguchi's voice below

"Senior Ryuguin needs to do laundry, please tell me!!!"

Hearing this, Ryuguin Qingshan chuckled in silence. When he asked for laundry fees, he really spent the money on cleaning the clothes, not on needing someone to do laundry for him.

After a short pause, he continued to walk upstairs.

【Ding Dong! Hot-blooded Battle System Task: Complete the challenge to Makise Takashi today! 】

The Hot-blooded System issued another task. After hearing the task clearly, Ryuguin Aoyama moved his neck left and right.

He had a stiff neck last night and his neck was a little uncomfortable. It shouldn't have much impact on challenging Makise Takashi in this state.

He opened the door to the classroom and saw Suzuki waving at him.

"Here you are, Aoyama! I saw it all up there just now~ You hit the thug with one punch and made him scream. You are awesome." He gave her a thumbs up.

Ryuguin Aoyama didn't care about him and touched her belly. She met Yumiko when she went out in the morning and took her car to school. She didn't eat breakfast on the way.

"Suzuki, did you bring your lunch box?"

Suzuki was stunned by Qingshan's question and looked for the lunch box in the drawer.

A lunch box was handed to him tremblingly,"That one......Ryuguin-san, if you don't mind, just eat mine."

Ryuguin Aoyama turned his head to look at the owner of the bento, a black-haired boy with an honest face and a pair of glasses.

""Oops!" Suzuki raised his head with a sad face,"I forgot my lunch box at home, haha"

"Eat mine, I brought a double portion!" The boy handed over the lunch box.

"Double?! Why did you bring double?

Ryuguin Aoyama was a little confused. Normally, everyone would bring one, except Suzuki. He would occasionally bring two, one of which was for himself.

The man pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said,"I brought it specially for my classmates."

Edogawa Suzuki stood up from his seat, pulled Aoyama aside, and said in a low voice,"Don't you understand? He gave the lunch box because he hoped that others would not cause trouble for him, or that you could protect him in the class."


Ryuguin Aoyama turned his head and looked at the person standing in front of the podium with an uneasy look.

Meeting his gaze, the boy raised his lunch box,"Please eat!"

Taking the lunch box from the boy, Ryuguin Aoyama casually asked,"How long have you been bringing double lunch boxes?"

"From the first year of high school to now."The boy answered respectfully


Ryuguin Qingshan was a little surprised, but for such a weak person, this is also a way to protect himself.

"That......"Thank you for the lunch!"

He took the lunch and sat down at the table at the back. The lunch contained a lot of dishes, including rice, fried eggs, sausages, vegetables, and fried prawns.

The boy saw Ryuguin Aoyama eating his lunch and left the class happily.

Halfway through his lunch, the bell rang, but it did not stop him from eating.

Students walked into the class one after another. The teacher came to the classroom with the textbook and wrote the teaching content on the blackboard. The students below were fighting and no one took the teacher seriously.

"Classmates, can you be quiet for a moment? The teacher is giving a lecture~"

The teacher said weakly on the podium, but no one in the class listened. Instead, because of the teacher's reminder, they made more noise, rolling around in the classroom, and dust was flying in the back of the classroom.

"Classmates, please be quiet. If you really can't do it, just take a nap. Is that okay? Is that okay?"

The students below laughed wildly."Haha, teacher, if you really can't do it, just take a nap!""

"Hahaha, funny, hahaha......"


Ryuguin Aoyama slammed his hands on the table.

The classroom instantly fell silent, and everyone looked at Ryuguin Aoyama who had suddenly lost his temper.

The teacher on the podium asked in a panic,"Ryuguin, what's wrong? Is there a problem?""

"There is no problem, it's just that the classroom is too noisy, the dust is flying, and it affects my eating!" As he spoke, his eyes swept to the noisy students in front.

The students who were noisy just now knew that he was talking about them, and they returned to their seats one by one and sat down obediently.

"Teacher, you continue to talk, and I will continue to eat."

"Good, good......"

The teacher turned around and wiped the sweat off his forehead, and continued to write the content of this lesson on the blackboard.

PS: Thanks to the big guy [1557*****】And [Song Huaixiao] for the reward support!

Thank you all for your support! I will continue to write.......

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