After finishing the lunch, there were still six or seven minutes left before the end of the class.

I lay on the desk to rest for a while. When the bell rang, the teacher packed up the lesson plan and textbooks from the podium and ran out.

Ryuguin Aoyama stood up from his seat and put the empty lunch box on the boy's desk.


The boy stood up quickly,"You're welcome! Thank you, Ryuguuin-san, for eating my lunch box."

The two Mikami brothers came behind Ryuguuin Aoyama,"Hey, Aoyama, what are your plans for today?"

Ryuguuin Aoyama nodded,"Yes! I'm going to challenge Makise Takashi."

Seeing him say that, the two Mikami brothers looked at each other with excitement on their faces.


"Beautiful arrangement!"

"What are you waiting for? Let's do it now! Let's go to Class C to find the gorilla."

Takashi Makise's nickname in school is 'Gorilla'. He has a rough appearance and a long scar on his face. Overall, he looks uglier than the average person.

Seeing the three of them leaving the class, Edogawa Suzuki immediately followed them.

When they arrived at Class C, Sangaku kicked open the classroom door and walked into Class C in a rogue manner.

"Hey, is the gorilla here? Come and fight with us!"

The smoky classroom suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes turned to the classroom door.

Ryuguin Aoyama walked in, glanced around, and did not see Makise Takashi who dominated Class C.

He patted Sansugaku's shoulder and said,"Let's go, he's not in the class." He turned around and prepared to leave

"Hey! You must be Ryuguin Aoyama from Class B, right? Why are you here in Class C to look for our boss?" Someone in the class stepped forward to answer.

Ryuguin Aoyama stopped and turned to look at the person who was talking,"Didn't someone just say that? Go and have a fight with him!"

One of them picked up a wooden stick and kicked over the chair in front of him,"You bastard, Class C is not your territory, why are you so arrogant?!"

Ryuguin Aoyama sneered,"Arrogant? If you say you are arrogant, then so be it! Then I am arrogant, what do you say we should do about this?"

"Haha, what should I do? Of course I will beat you up and make you crawl out of Class C!!!"

As the voices were spoken, all the people in Class C stood up, ready to fight.

Having said that, this fight must be fought. Ryuguin Qingshan turned around, clenched his fist, jumped up and punched the person in front of him.

Then he grabbed the person who had just spoken and hit him hard in the face.

"Damn, I am arrogant, what can you do to me!!!"

The whole C class became noisy, and everyone rushed towards Ryuguin Aoyama.

The Mikami brothers showed excitement on their faces, rolled up their sleeves, and joined the fight.

The two brothers moved synchronously, raised their feet at the same time, kicked down one person, and fought with the group of people in Class C with fists.

Edogawa Suzuki, who was at the back, had never really fought before. Seeing the three of them fighting with a group of people, he, as one of them, could not retreat.


""Come on!!!"

Suzuki yelled, clenching his fists and rushing forward.

Being squeezed by the crowd, his weak fist hit a muscular guy. The guy didn't seem to react, but his fist hurt.

He stared at the guy,"You.........Doesn't it hurt?"

"Love your mom!!!"


The muscular man raised his fist and punched Suzuki in the right eye.

Suzuki staggered and hit the table and chair. He was stunned and his eyes were burning with pain so much that he couldn't open them.

The muscular man didn't want to let Suzuki go so easily. He strode over and picked up Suzuki who was leaning on the table and chair, just like an eagle catching a chick.

Noticing that Suzuki was being beaten, Ryuguin Aoyama punched and kicked, knocked one down, kicked down two people, and came behind the muscular man who was holding Suzuki.

He grabbed the muscular man's shoulder, turned his body, and punched him hard in the face.


Suzuki stood up with his hand covering his eye that had just been hit.

Ryuguin Aoyama glanced at Suzuki, put his hand on the muscular man, and punched him hard in the right eye.


The muscular man staggered and fell backwards.

Ryuguin Aoyama raised his leg and kicked the muscular man on the ground. His body hit the podium table and stopped.

Suzuki, who was watching with one eye, opened his mouth in shock.

"Oh, he was defeated so easily!!!!"

The people in Class C were almost all dealt with. They were lying on the ground, with only four or five people still standing, but they were all injured.

Ryuguin Qingshan kicked one person down and stepped on him.

The teacher who was preparing for class outside saw this scene and was so scared that he quickly ran away, not daring to stay for half a minute.

"How about it? Let's go together, don't waste my time."

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama say this, the Sanshang brothers retreated behind him tacitly.

"damn it!"

"" Let's fight, damn it!"

The remaining few people rushed forward with their fists raised, but unfortunately they were beaten away or knocked to the ground before they could touch anyone.

Looking at the people who had fallen in the classroom, groaning in pain, Ryuguin Qingshan patted the blood stains on his hands.

"Hey, now I ask you, where is your boss Makise Takashi?"

After a three-second pause, no one said anything, and Ryuguin Aoyama's expression became gloomy.

PS: Continuously updating, just a quick question, is anyone watching? It seems so quiet.

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