Ryuguuin Aoyama walked into the campus and looked up at the teaching building. The windows of the corridor were crowded with people.

The people in Class C looked at Ryuguuin Aoyama who was walking over, and their nerves were tense. They had experienced this guy's fists in the morning, and they were still a little scared.

Ryuguuin Aoyama came in front of Makise Takashi, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and asked,"Want a smoke?"

Makise Takashi, who was sitting on a chair, raised his hand to open the cigarette in front of him,"Now is not the time to smoke. We went to Class C to cause trouble and hurt my brothers. I need an explanation for this." Ryuguuin Aoyama slowly poured a cigarette out of the cigarette box and held it to his lips. He took out a lighter to light it for himself, took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke

"No need to explain! I just want to fight with you, nothing else!"

Makise Takashi kicked away the chair that was in the way, clenched his fist and punched Ryuuguuin Aoyama in the face.

The people watching the scene gasped, as expected of the famous 'gorilla' who started fighting as soon as he said he would, without any hesitation.

The fist was about to hit his face, but Ryuuguuin Aoyama narrowed his eyes, turned his head and easily dodged the punch.

He tilted his head and asked,"Can you wait a minute? I want to finish this cigarette.""

""Wait for your uncle!!! I won't wait for you even for a second!" The furious Makise Takashi cursed, his fists not stopping.

Ryuguin Aoyama bent his body backwards and swung his fist past his nose.

Hush - everyone made the same sound.

It was the first time they saw people fighting like this, with fists coming at them and not letting go of the cigarette in their mouths.

Ryuguin Aoyama held the cigarette in his mouth, raised the corners of his lips, and showed a playful smile. He was worthy of being the famous"gorilla" and his punches were quite fierce.

This also proved that the opponent's fists were very strong and powerful.

While dodging Makise Takashi's fists so that he could not get close to him, he watched for the opportunity and swung his own fists steadily, accurately and fiercely.


The fist was swung out and hit Makise Takashi on the side of the face. The force of the punch was so great that his arm shook slightly.

Makise Takashi spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered to the side and took two steps back, and finally steadied himself.

He raised his hand to wipe the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth. The place on his face where he was hit was burning with pain. His eyes stared fiercely at the person in front of him, his chest heaving, and he breathed deeply.

At this time, Ryuguin Aoyama clamped the cigarette in his mouth with his hand, flicked the ash with his fingers, put it back to his mouth and took a puff. The cigarette was almost burned to the end.

He threw it on the ground, stepped on it with his foot, crushed it out, raised his eyes and met Makise Takashi's eyes.

Makise Takashi half raised his hands and made a"forward" gesture. The brothers behind him rushed out from behind him one by one.

Tokaji Yuji and others who had been on the rooftop had been watching this revenge battle of Class C to see who fell in the end and who stood up.

"Hehe, Tokisei, I might win~"

Looking at the people in Class C all coming up, Tokaji Yuuji laughed. He thought that he would definitely win the bet with Tokisei, and reached out to take the money that Tokisei had pressed with a brick, but Tokisei held his hand down.

"Tokaji, we haven't seen the end yet, why are you in such a hurry? It's yours, it will be yours eventually, just wait a little longer." Shisheng said with a relaxed expression.

Serizawa, who was sitting at the mahjong table at the back, shouted,"Hey, you guys, come here, we are short of one, who's coming?"

I'm still short of money lately and I really need money. For now, I can only earn some money by playing mahjong."

Tokaji Yuji glanced at Ryuguuin Aoyama who was hanging out with the C class people below. Although he didn't suffer any loss for the time being, if he spent more time and energy, he would definitely suffer a big loss when facing Makise Takashi.

Retracting his gaze, Tokaji Yuji walked to the mahjong table and sat down, playing mahjong with Serizawa and others.

Tsutsumoto Masaharu watched Ryuguuin Aoyama knock down one person with one punch, constantly waving his fists without showing any sign of fatigue, and felt that Tokaji might be happy a little too early.

Ryuguuin Aoyama aimed at the people approaching his body, and punched or kicked them quickly. His clothes were soaked with sweat.

The person who was lying at his feet and couldn't get up for the time being pulled back his hair on his forehead with his hand to make his vision clearer.

"You come along too, don't waste my time!" He said to Makise Takashi.

He was surrounded by the people from Class C again, and one of them was holding the chair that Makise Takashi had kicked away before, and swung it at him.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama took two steps back and bumped into the people who surrounded him from behind. He bent down quickly and the chair hit the person behind him heavily.

Taking the opportunity to stand up, Ryuuguuin Aoyama grabbed the chair and kicked the person away. He threw the chair in his hand backwards and smashed it on the open space in the distance.

At the same time, Makise Takashi rushed up and punched him hard in the abdomen.


Ryuguin Aoyama frowned slightly, feeling a little tired, and relaxed a little, giving Makise Takashi a chance.

The fist hit his abdomen, but fortunately he grabbed Makise Takashi's arm in time, giving him a buffer, so he didn't take the punch completely.

"That's enough, you gorilla.——"

Grasping his arm with his left hand, he threw a heavy punch with his right hand, hitting Makise Takashi once again at the same spot where he had been hit before.

PS: Thank you for the 500 flowers and the monthly ticket!

I am updating this chapter, please support me, and I will publish the next chapter after I finish coding it.

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