Makise Takashi clearly heard the sound of his jaw being dislocated.

He staggered to one side and tried to steady himself, but his head was buzzing and his body fell to the ground.

"Damn! This is too awesome!!!"

The people watching upstairs couldn't help but swear.

"As expected of a third grader, you are different.~"

"One person taking on almost an entire class, can this fighting power be compared with Serizawa’s?"

Seeing this made the blood boil, one could not help but compare Ryuguuin Aoyama to someone close to the top of Suzuran.

In the short time when Makise Takashi fell, Ryuguuin Aoyama did not give himself time to breathe, but strode forward and quickly knocked down the last few who were injured but could still stand up and fight. There were people lying on the ground with their bodies curled up, and only Ryuguuin Aoyama and Makise Takashi were left standing.

At this time, a dozen people came running in from another entrance of the teaching hall, led by the Mikami brothers, and Suzuki, who looked worried, was also in the team.

They were originally eating outside, and got the news that Makise Takashi was in the teaching hall. A large battle array was set up in front of the school building to wait for Ryuguuin Aoyama.

The Mikami brothers and Suzuki dropped their chopsticks and hurried back to gather people to help. Ryuguuin Aoyama represented the face of their Class B.

If they were defeated by the gorilla from Class C, would they be ruled by a gorilla in the future?

Mikami Gou and Sansugakura killed this idea in their minds and quickly gathered some people to rush to help.

Seeing that everyone in Class C had fallen to the ground and only the two of them were standing, the Mikami brothers were stunned. They didn't expect that they were too late and the battle was almost over.

Suzuki looked at this scene and was shocked and speechless. He knew that he was strong, but he didn't expect him to be this strong.......

On the rooftop platform, Serizawa and his friends just finished a round of mahjong.

Tsutsumoto Masaharu shouted,"Hey, Tokaji, come here quickly, it's almost over!"

Hearing the shout, Tokaji Yuji left the mahjong table. He didn't expect it to end so soon. Ryuguuin Aoyama didn't last long enough.

He overestimated him. If he can't beat him, at least he will last longer!

"I should be the winner, haha, haha......"Walking to the edge and seeing the scene clearly, Tokaji Yuji stopped laughing and the smile froze on his face.

"What the fuck?......When did he call someone? He actually called someone in the middle of the journey?!!"

Tokaji Yuji was very angry. According to the previous situation, he would have consumed too much energy if he had fought Ryuguuin Aoyama several times, and finally had to fight with Makise Takashi.

In this way, Makise Takashi's chance of winning was definitely greater, and it would not have ended up in this one-on-one situation.

Makise Takashi touched his mandible with his hand, spat out a mouthful of blood foam on the ground, and staggered towards Ryuguuin Aoyama step by step.

Everyone held their breath. Now it was a one-on-one, the climax of this battle of revenge.

The Mikami brothers and their men stood behind Ryuguuin Aoyama. Even if they could no longer be used, they stood behind Ryuguuin Aoyama and watched him. In an inconspicuous corner on the first floor of the teaching building, Genji stood there, his eyes fixed on them, and the smoke was already burning. At the top, he reacted only after his hand was burned.

He threw away the cigarette in his hand and turned to leave. There was no need to continue watching, as the outcome was already decided.

Thinking of the day when he asked him if he wanted to hang out with him, Genji chuckled sarcastically, saying that he had not thought it through. With five steps left to Ryuguuin Aoyama, Makise Takashi quickened his pace, and with the last step, he jumped up and swung out his long-clenched fist.

Success or failure depends on this last move.

The picture seemed to be in slow motion, and one second of time was stretched very long.

He clearly saw that the other party slightly turned his body, and his fist was firmly caught by the other party. Then the picture shook, and his body was turned over and hit heavily on the ground.

Dust flew around Makise Takashi's body.

Ryuguuin Aoyama was breathing heavily, and his hand was still in the position of grabbing Makise Takashi's arm.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?......It was solved like that.、、、"

Suzuki witnessed the scene with his own eyes, and his eyes almost popped out of his head, and he spoke incoherently with excitement.

The Mikami brothers who were watching sighed and shook their heads. In the past, when they fought, they either used fists, legs and feet.

This was the first time he saw someone like Aoyama, who grabbed someone's fist, grabbed the arm of the punching with the other hand, and threw him over like an over-the-shoulder throw.

Letting go of Makise Takashi's arm, Ryuguuin Aoyama stood up straight, tilted his head towards the sky, and gasped heavily.

Makise Takashi on the ground grabbed the ground with his hands, struggling to stand up and fight again, but unfortunately his body was no longer under his control, and every inch of his bones was in pain.

After trying several times with his hands and legs, Makise Takashi still couldn't stand up again. He lost.......

With his fists clenched and his face pressed to the ground, he felt ashamed to face people. Ryuguin Aoyama defeated their Class C alone.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, the system strengthens the physical fitness +80, and the reward money +15000】

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【Ding Dong! Final reward money +30000】......

PS: I just finished writing this chapter and will update it soon. Please support me!

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