‘Sorry, we didn't wait for the right heart source, so your sister......’

Ryuguin Qingshan looked at the doctor taking off his mask and revealing a sad face, and a chill rose in his body.


Suddenly, Ryuguin Aoyama sat up from the bed, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"Huh, huh, huh~~~"

I raised my hand to wipe the sweat off my forehead. Fortunately, it was just a dream, not reality. There was a knock on the door, and the doorknob turned. Outside the door, Misaki was wearing a kitchen apron and holding a spatula. She pushed the door open.

"Brother, you're awake, I was just about to wake you up for breakfast!"

Ryuguin Qingshan looked at his sister standing at the door and smiled with relief,"Oh, okay, I'll be out right away, just wait a moment!"

"Then hurry up~"

Misaki smiled and waved the spatula in her hand, stepped out of the door and closed the door.

Ryuguin Aoyama continued to sit quietly on the bed for a few seconds, then got off the bed, put on his clothes and walked out of the room. A sumptuous breakfast was prepared on the dining table. Misaki stood in front of the table and poured milk into the cup. Everything was ready, just waiting for breakfast.

Pulling out the chair in front of the dining table and sitting down, the corners of her mouth slightly raised,"It's nice to have someone at home. At least the kitchen and dining table are finally useful."

"Look at the food in the refrigerator, and you will know that you don't cook at home alone. I bought these ingredients fresh at the supermarket early in the morning."

Longgongyuan Qingshan didn't refute and lowered his head to eat. There were only some drinks in the refrigerator. He didn't cook, so he naturally didn't buy those things to keep at home.

"Fortunately, I learned to cook from my grandmother in the countryside. Brother, you should be thankful that you have a sister who is good at cooking."

Looking at her little mouth talking with a proud look on her face, Longgongyuan Qingshan held back his laughter and let her be proud for a while.

"Hey, bro, don't just listen to me, say something.~"

"You've said everything I can say, and I just want to listen; in short, you're right!"

Seeing him say this, Misaki pouted her lips pretending to be unhappy,"Tsk, you still didn't listen to what I said!"

"Come eat quickly, or the food you cooked will get cold!"Ryuguin Aoyama picked up a piece of food with chopsticks and put it into her bowl.

After a simple breakfast, watching Misaki washing the dishes in the kitchen, Ryuguin Aoyama couldn't help but think of that bad dream again.


"Hey, brother, what's wrong?"Misaki, who was washing the dishes, turned around and looked towards the living room.

"Oh, that's it......"Have you been feeling well lately?" Ryuguin Aoyama asked cautiously, his eyes paying attention to the expression on her face.

Misaki was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied:"No, I'm feeling well lately, I enjoy eating, and I've gained some weight recently."

Hearing her say this, Ryuguin Aoyama finally felt relieved and temporarily put the bad dream behind his mind.

The doorbell at home, which had not rung for thousands of years, suddenly rang.

""Brother, the doorbell is ringing, please open the door." Misaki, who was still washing dishes, called out. Ryuguin Aoyama got up and went to open the door. The person who rang the doorbell was none other than Yumiko, whom he had just met two days ago.

"you..."Why are you here?"

Yumiko asked jokingly outside the door,"Why? I can't come? Is there someone hiding in your house, Ryuguin?! Ha, ha......"

Yumiko was halfway through laughing when she saw the girl behind her. Her expression became a little embarrassed.

"It turns out there really is someone......"

Yumiko didn't know why, but she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Looking at the young woman standing outside the door, Misaki pulled her brother's hand and said,"Brother, who is this?""

"Oh, Misaki, you probably don’t know, this is my previous school’s homeroom teacher, Ms. Yumiko!"

"Teacher Yumiko, this is my sister, Ryuguin Misaki."

Hearing that it was her teacher, Misaki bowed and greeted her, and quickly invited her to come into the house.

Hearing that it was her sister, the unpleasant feeling in Yumiko's heart disappeared;

Misaki politely went to the kitchen to make tea. Yumiko looked at the busy Misaki and couldn't help but praise her:"Misaki is not only cute, but also good at housework. She is really good."

"No, no, teacher, please have some tea." Put the tea mat first, then put the teacup on it.

Originally, she came here to find Ryuguin Aoyama to go with her to see the location of the new store she had chosen; now that she met her sister at home, Yumiko did not explain her purpose, worked at home for a while, and found an excuse to leave.

Watching Yumiko drive away, Misaki turned around and said,"Brother, your former class teacher was young and beautiful.~"

"Well, it seems like this......"

Ryuguin Aoyama doesn't know how to talk to Misaki about this topic, but Yumiko is recognized as a beautiful female teacher in Lingfeng School.

PS: I updated late today, I apologize to everyone, the flowers have not been moved for a day, hey~ Comments about the skirt building vote, please express your opinions.

Here I explain the problem of the protagonist's enhanced ability in the comments.

Some big guys said that after the enhancement, he doesn't feel strong against five gangsters.

Here I explain that the author believes that the gangsters who have been struggling in society for many years are still stronger than students in school.

Regarding the issue of strengthening physique, I explain that every time the protagonist is strengthened, he becomes stronger.

It is not listed, but there is a comparison in the text.

It should be that the author did not write it in detail.

The author is considering how to rationalize these problems.

The author is seriously considering the suggestions made by everyone.

Finally, thank you for your support, thank you, please support us!

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