Once again, I went to the station to send Misaki back to the countryside.

Before getting on the train, Ryuguin Aoyama pulled Misaki and told her,"Take care of yourself, bring your medicine with you, and......"

Before I could finish my words, the train roared into the station and a reminder sounded on the radio:

"Brother, I know everything you said! But you, brother, although you have transferred to Suzuran, don't hit people often! Remember?"

The door of the train made a beeping sound, reminding the passengers to get on the train quickly.

Misaki walked quickly into the car, smiled and waved goodbye to her brother outside.

After watching Misaki in the train disappear from his sight, Ryuguuin Aoyama turned and left; after leaving the station, it was still early, Ryuguuin Aoyama took the bus to the hospital to ask how long he would have to wait for a heart that could match Misaki.

After all, it was because of that bad dream that made him feel uneasy.

When he came out of the hospital, it was already past five in the afternoon, and the sun was slowly setting. He had been carrying The attending physician who treated Misaki just said that the materials had been submitted and now all they could do was wait; there was a special application to give priority to the heart transplant surgery, but Misaki was in good health right now and could not apply for such special qualifications.

Ryuguuin Aoyama looked up at the sky and it seemed that he could only wait a little longer. He put his hands in his pockets and continued to walk forward.

Passing by the entrance of an alley, he heard an unusual sound coming from inside. Ryuguuin Aoyama looked inside and saw a familiar face.

It was none other than the male classmate who gave him a lunch box at school that day.

"Boy, I asked you to hand over the money, why are you hesitating?"

"Yes, hurry up, we are in a hurry to go online, don't waste time, Baga——"

He asked for money and pushed the other person's head.......

Ryuguin Qingshan frowned slightly, raised his hand to touch the hair on the back of his head, and strode into the alley.

"Hello, that......"He wanted to call his name, but found that he had not asked his name yet.

Surrounded by three people, Nakamura Yamada looked up when he heard the voice and saw Ryuguin Aoyama coming over. A light flashed in his eyes.

"Dragon, Ryuguin classmate......"

"Oh, yes, come here for a moment, I have something to talk to you about, come with me!" He made up an excuse to ask him to leave. Nakamura

Yamada showed joy,"Oh, okay, I'll be right there!"

Boom, Nakamura's body was pressed back against the wall behind him by one of the three men.

"Hey, who are you? You come here to ask him to leave. Don’t you see that we, the classmates, are getting together to have fun on the weekends?"

Nakamura Yamada, who was pushed back to stand against the wall, shook his head slightly. Ryuguin Aoyama breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Really? Well, I'm sorry, I also want to have fun with him on the weekends. What do you think we should do?"

"Hey! Boy, we are classmates, don't show your face here, go somewhere cooler!" One of them suddenly shouted.

Temporarily suppressing his rising temper, he continued:"Classmate? He and I are in the same class.���Why haven’t I seen you before?"

"We were his junior high school classmates, Baga——"

Hearing the latter words, Ryuguin Aoyama narrowed his eyes slightly, took a step forward, and pinched the man's jaw with his hand,"He, Ba, Ga?"

The last sound came out of his mouth, and the other hand was raised to slap the man on the mouth.

Pah - the hand and face touched, making a loud sound.

The face of the person being hit was twitching in pain, and the others were confused, no one expected that he would suddenly attack.

Ryuguin Aoyama still pinched the man's jaw tightly, slapped him three times in a row, and asked:"Who did you say 'Baga' to?"

The man's face was burning and painful on the side that was hit, and the corner of his mouth was also slapped open,"I'm talking about you!"

Ryuguin Aoyama couldn't help but chuckle, raised his hand and slapped him again. This guy couldn't be confused by his beating, and his brain couldn't work~

Turning his head to look at the remaining two people, he asked:"Hey, you, can I take him away now?"

The remaining two looked at each other, and they were very unhappy to see their brothers being slapped in the face. After all, they were not people who were easily bullied.

The two men raised their fists at the same time and were about to start fighting.

Ryuguin Aoyama didn't take them seriously at all. He loosened his hands, threw the man to the ground, rolled up his sleeves and swung his fist at one of them.

Boom, his fist hit the other person, knocking him to the ground and unable to get up.

The other one saw that the situation was not good and tried to run, but Ryuguin Aoyama grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back with his hands. His center of gravity shifted backwards and his feet left the ground and fell heavily to the ground.

His eyes fell on the metal chain hanging around his waist and he sneered.

He stepped on the other person's chest,"Boy, you think you are so powerful just because you have a dog chain around your waist?"

The three of them had no chance to fight back in front of Ryuguin Aoyama. Ryuguin Aoyama felt that beating them was like bullying elementary school students.

"No, it's not."

He answered, and quickly untied the metal chain from his waist and threw it aside. He wanted to get up, but he was stepped on and couldn't get up at all.

"Can I take him away now?" Longgongyuan Qingshan raised his hand and pointed at the person beside him.

"Yes, of course, you can take it away! Please,"

Ryuguin Qingshan put away his feet that were stepping on his body, winked at the boy, and asked him to follow him.

PS: The next chapter will be released later, thank you for your support!

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