When he reached the entrance of the alley, Longgongyuan Qingshan suddenly stopped and turned his head to look inside.

"I have one more request. Don't have any contact with him anymore. Otherwise, I might........."Make up your fist and shake it at them

"No, please do as you please! We will strictly abide by it." He was scared after being beaten and couldn't help but use honorifics when answering.

Seeing that they would not do anything else, Ryuguuin Aoyama said nothing more, turned around and strode out of the alley.

Nakamura Yamada had been following behind Ryuguuin Aoyama timidly, not daring to breathe, but grateful in his heart.

After walking a distance, Ryuguuin Aoyama found that someone was still following him, and he couldn't help but stop and turned around,"Are you still following me?"

Nakamura Yamada immediately stood up and replied:"Didn't Ryuguuin-san say that he was looking for me?...Is there something wrong?"

"Huh? No, in the situation just now, I just wanted to save trouble, so I just made up an excuse."

Hearing the word 'trouble', Nakamura Yamada bent down 90 degrees and apologized:"I'm sorry, I have caused trouble to Ryuguuin-san! I'm very sorry!!"

Ryuguuin Aoyama smiled bitterly and raised his hand to help him up,"The trouble I'm talking about is not you, but them, understand?"

Before getting in the car, Misaki told himself not to take action casually. Although he certainly couldn't guarantee it, at least he didn't want to take action today.

But he didn't expect to encounter this incident, and he still had to use his hands to solve the problem.

"Regardless of whether it was me or not, I want to say sorry to Ryuguin-san, and thank him! Thank you for helping me out just now."

Looking at his cautious apology and thanks, Ryuguin Qingshan couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if he was like him and had no ability to help himself.

"that......May I have your name?"

"Nakamura, Nakamura Yamada!"

"Nakamura, I have a question for you. You don't look like you are suitable for Suzuran. Why do you want to go to school at Suzuran?"

It's not surprising that Ryuguin Aoyama asked this. Such an honest boy can go to any school, but he won't go to Suzuran.

It's not to mention that he lives in fear every day, and it's also common to be beaten and bullied.

"Well, I was always bullied by them in my previous school, so I came to Suzuran. I thought I could change a little, but it didn't work."

At the end, Nakamura Yamada seemed a little embarrassed. He was weak, and he was bullied by them before and now, and he couldn't resist at all.

After listening to Nakamura's words, Ryuguin Aoyama said no more. Everyone has different choices. Since you have made the choice, you have to continue no matter what.

Nakamura chose to go to Suzuran to study. Whether he used fists or other methods, being able to survive is his ability.......

It was completely dark, and street lights were lit on both sides of the road.

Passing by a bar, it didn't look like anything special from the outside, but I heard from Suzuki that many students from the school would play in it.

Of course, this was just what Suzuki heard. If he were asked to go alone, even if he had two more courage, he would not take the initiative to go alone.

Although it was already dark, it was still a little early for Ryuuguuin Aoyama to go home.

Children of his age, especially Suzuran's students, were rarely"good kids" who would not go out after dark and go to bed when the lights were turned off.

For them, the night was more like a carnival.

Walking into the bar, Ryuuguuin Aoyama walked to the counter and sat down, ordered a beer and sat down alone.

Behind him was a noisy stage with exciting music playing on it. Most of them would squeeze in front of the stage and sway their bodies to the music to release their excess energy.

"Young man, why don't you team up with the people over there!"

The middle-aged man mixing drinks put a small plate of peanuts in front of him.

"Team up???"

Ryuguin Qingshan looked in the direction the man pointed and saw Genji smoking and drinking alone. He didn't expect to meet him here.

"You guys form a team of misfits." The middle-aged man said jokingly

"Out of place? Why?"This aroused the interest of Ryuguin Qingshan.

"It's too quiet in the bar. You look out of place! Haha, that guy has been here for a while, but he hasn't made any noise. He looks like he has something on his mind."

"Troubles? ?"

The two of them talked one after another, and the sound attracted the attention of Genji on the other end.

He saw Ryuguin Aoyama, who was chatting with the man, holding up his wine glass and walking towards them.

"What a coincidence!"

"Well, it's a coincidence."

The two men clinked their glasses together and drank the beer in their glasses in one breath.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man took away the empty glasses in front of them, refilled them with beer and placed them on the counter.

Looking at the crowd behind him, Genji took a puff of the cigarette picked up by his fingers, frowned slightly, and asked directly:"What is your purpose in coming to Lily of the Valley? I want to reach the top of Lily of the Valley"


"Me?"Ryuguuin Aoyama chuckled,"Me too!"

Genji was not surprised by such an answer. He picked up the wine glass and clinked it with the glass next to Ryuguuin Aoyama's. He raised his head and drank the wine in one breath again.

PS: Thank you for your support!

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