Ryuguin Qingshan opened his eyes completely and frowned, looking flammable and explosive.

"Smee Maasai, Smee Maasai、......"

"We are very sorry, please forgive us.~~~"

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama like this, the two apologized with trembling voices.

Ryuguin Aoyama sat up, took a deep breath, and suppressed the emotions that were about to explode, but the displeasure on his face was clearly written.

The noisy class quieted down because of the apologies of the two people here, and everyone's eyes were fixed on them.

Ryuguin Aoyama raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, but scared the two people and made them take two steps back.

Seeing this, Ryuguin Aoyama chuckled, and they were so scared that they put down their hands and stood up from their seats, patting the shoulders of the two people,"Be careful next time."

Although Ryuguin Aoyama said this, the two people still didn't dare to raise their heads. It was not until he left the classroom that the two people straightened up and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

Sangaku smiled at the two people, laughing at their good luck.

After leaving the class, Ryuguin Aoyama ran into Genji, who he hadn't seen for a few days. He was not as lonely as before. Now there are always a few people following him wherever he goes.

Genji, who was chatting and laughing with the people around him, saw Ryuguin Aoyama coming out of the class. He hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly at Ryuguin Aoyama.

No matter what, even if he knew that he would compete with him for the top of Suzuran in the future, Genji could not face him with a hostile attitude from the bottom of his heart.

Ryuguin Aoyama slightly curved his lips, nodded slightly and passed by Genji.

No one around Genji noticed the relationship between the two, and no one would think that there would be any connection between them.

After being in Suzuran for so long, Ryuguin Aoyama thought that the small platform on the top floor was still the most comfortable place to sleep.

However, there were always people like Serizawa on the top floor, but it didn't matter. He just went up there to sleep, and no one would dare to do anything to him because of this.

Coming up from below, I saw Serizawa holding a cigarette and playing a bowling game with his brothers.

However, the bowling here is a little different from the bowling in the gym. The bowling here is for students standing up and tied up like bowling balls.

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama suddenly coming up, Serizawa temporarily stopped what he was doing,"Hey, how did you get up here?"

"I came up to take a nap, I hope it won't bother you, right?"

Ryuguin Aoyama asked Serizawa with his hands in his pockets, and continued to walk towards the place where he usually slept.

Looking at Ryuguin Aoyama who was walking behind him, Serizawa stretched his body. The people on the opposite side who were bowling, the waiting time was even more terrifying for them.

Serizawa took a few steps back and gestured with his hands to see if his homemade 'ball' was aimed at the middle of the nine 'bowling balls'.

"How many can be knocked down?"

"I think it should be seven.~"

"Seven? ? ? I think it should be all of them."

The people standing by were discussing calmly, while Serizawa was ready and ran towards the"ball".

The nine"bowling balls" were so scared that they screamed when they saw Serizawa taking action.

Hearing the shouts, Serizawa became even more nervous and concentrated all the strength in his arms into his clenched fists.


The ball flew out at once under the heavy blow of Serizawa's fist.——

‘The ball fell to the ground, and once again jumped up and smashed into the nine bowling balls.

People were knocked away, hit by the ball, and finally only the one on the edge was still standing, but he fainted after taking a look at the people around him.


Seeing that he didn't hit the target completely, Serizawa cursed with an annoyed look on his face. He used a little too much force when punching and didn't hit the target completely.

Glancing at the people next to him,"Hurry up, let them stand back in their proper positions.""

"Hey, hey, hey, boys, get up quickly, get up!"

Someone walked up and kicked the person who had just been missed,"Hey, boys, get up quickly!"


Seeing the puddle of water under him, he couldn't help laughing.

He waved at Serizawa on the other side and shouted,"Haha, you're scared to death this time, let's switch to someone else!"

Serizawa was slightly stunned,"Huh? Scared to death! Coward." He turned around to drink some water and prepare for the next game.

Ryuguuin Aoyama, who was lying on the small platform at the top, couldn't fall asleep after hearing such a loud noise, so he simply sat up and watched Serizawa's bowling game below. He was suddenly woken up in class, and now the little sleepiness he had left was wiped out by the 'bowling ball' here. The

'bowling ball' over there once again set up its position, and got the ball back, waiting for Serizawa's next shot.

Serizawa noticed that Ryuguuin Aoyama was not sleeping, but sitting and watching below.

"If you can't sleep, how about coming down to play a game!"Serizawa invited, and Tokisei and Tsutsumoto went to Tokaji's house. He was very bored now.

【Ding Dong! The hot-blooded combat system has detected an additional task: Please ask the host to make a bet with Serizawa and win! 】

Betting? Ryuguin Aoyama frowned slightly.

Serizawa below saw him frowning and reluctant, shrugged, felt that he was meddling, and strode towards the prepared"ball".

Ryuguin Aoyama came down from the small platform above,"It's okay to play a round, but it's boring to just play ball."

Coming to Serizawa's side, Ryuguin Aoyama continued:"Why not bet on something, wouldn't it be more interesting?" Looking at Serizawa, let him make the decision.

PS: Thank you for the reward support from the big brother [Song Huaixiao], thank you for the flowers support!

Hot-blooded high school exchange skirt, the skirt number is attached at the end of Chapter 42, and the big brothers who need to come in can join.

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