
Serizawa turned his head and looked around. He didn't have anything to bet on. He couldn't possibly bet on the Mahjong set on the table!

"What can I bet on?......Gamble some money???"

Speaking of money, Serizawa felt a little itchy. Playing bowling is to kill time, but it would be different if it is related to money.

Playing mahjong is to earn some living expenses; if he can make some more money from Ryuguuin Aoyama now, he will be a little richer in the next few days.

Seeing that Serizawa has taken the bait, Ryuguuin Aoyama smiled and said,"Anyway, I can't sleep now, it doesn't matter, you can bet on anything you want."

"Hehe, let's gamble some money, this is more interesting."As he spoke, Serizawa took out all the money from his pocket, which was what he won from playing mahjong these days.

Since he was going to gamble, he would gamble big; if he bet big, Ryuguin Aoyama would definitely follow suit.

Ryuguin Aoyama took a look at the money that Serizawa put on the mahjong table, took out a stack of money from his pocket, and took out the same amount and put it on the table.

"oh oh......You must be living a pretty good life!"

Seeing the other party take out so much money, Serizawa's eyes widened. If it were him, he would be rich enough to buy a new motorcycle for Tokisei.

Putting the remaining money back into his pocket, Ryuguuin Aoyama said with a smile:"Not bad! Living expenses."

Serizawa laughed along. Anyway, Ryuguuin Aoyama didn't seem to be short of money, so it didn't matter if he won more of his money.

Putting his hands on his waist, he took a deep breath and said:"How about one bet to decide the outcome? We are all men, so let's be quick and decisive."

After hearing this, Ryuguuin Aoyama didn't care. Anyway, the system allowed him to gamble with Serizawa and win. If he lost this time, he could just try two more or change to another bet.

Anyway, the system didn't stipulate which bet he had to win with Serizawa.

""Okay, you're the boss, you have the final say, let's decide the winner in one go!"

Seeing him so straightforward, Serizawa raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder,"Great! Hehe, let's get started, I'll go first."

""Hey~ boys, stand still!!!" He yelled, moving his body left and right. As long as he won this round, the next few days would be easy.

The students on the opposite side, who were playing the bowling game, were so scared that they were shaking all over. They wanted to run away, but their feet were tied and they were holding a big sign with the name on it, so they couldn't move at all.

His fingers were cracking, and he felt like he was ready. He aimed his hand in the direction. As long as he controlled the strength, he would definitely hit a home run.

Swinging his arms, Serizawa strode towards the"ball".


With his roar, his fist hit the ball and it flew forward.

Serizawa was full of confidence this time. He controlled the power well and was sure to hit a home run this time.

‘The ball rolled in the air and flew towards the bowling ball. Ryuguin Aoyama raised his hand to touch his ears, waiting for Serizawa's result.

Boom boom, the bowling balls fell one after another after being hit by the ball. Just when everyone thought it was a home run, the rolling ball slowly stopped.

It stopped just ten centimeters in front of the number nine bowling ball.

"Shit, damn......."

Serizawa squatted down in annoyance, looked up at No. 9 who was still standing, jumped up suddenly, pointed at No. 9, turned around and asked,"Was it him just now?"

"Uh, this......Yes, but......"

Before the person who answered could finish his words, Serizawa rushed over to No. 9 and knocked him to the ground with a punch.

"Damn it, it's all because of you, I didn't hit a home run!"

Serizawa came over cursing, his face red with anger.

Looking at the angry Serizawa, the person who had just answered scratched his hair and whispered,"It was number nine, yes, but number nine was replaced just now......."


Serizawa was stunned, remembering that No.9 fainted from fright, and then he looked embarrassed and smiled at Ryuguin Aoyama.

"It's your turn! Mine is eight-ball."

Because it was not a home run, Serizawa was a little unsure. He was afraid that if the opponent hit a home run, he would end up with nothing.

The 'bowling balls' on the opposite side were once again arranged and the number nine was replaced again.

Ryuguin Aoyama stretched his limbs, shook his neck left and right, stood behind the ball, squinted his eyes and looked at the position. The position of the ball was slightly offset from the center of the opposite side.

When hitting, use a little more force to the upper right, and it should be able to hit the center of the 'bowling ball' and get a home run.

With this plan in mind, Ryuguin Aoyama stepped forward and swung his fist,"Bang!!!"The ball flew quickly to the other side.

Ryuguin Aoyama stood there, his eyes fixed on the ball flying by; standing next to him, Serizawa was watching the ball flying by, his heart in his throat, afraid that he would really hit a home run, which would be bad for him.

The ball rolled and fell below the center, but it was not the center after all, and the ball rolled and hit it.

Ryuguin Aoyama was waiting for the result calmly. Anyway, there was no chance of a home run, after all, it did not hit the center.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

When the result came out, Serizawa was the first to laugh happily.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support from [Full of Fatherly Love. ], and thank you for the support from the big guys.

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