While laughing, he pointed at the 'bowling ball' on the other side and laughed:"Haha, number nine! Number nine again!!!"

Ryuguin Aoyama turned to look at the happy Serizawa and said slowly:"Eight ball!" He stretched out his hand to take back the money he had just put on the mahjong table.

Watching the big pile of money leave his eyes, the smile on Serizawa's face gradually became stiff and disappeared.

Yes, why should he be happy? It was just a draw and he didn't lose, but he didn't win either.~~~

Ryuguin Aoyama felt a little bit sorry, it was a tie, which meant that the system task was not completed, he wanted to find another way to bet with Serizawa

"Oh, that......I haven't taken my money back yet, why did you take it?"

Serizawa watched Ryuguin Aoyama put the money into his pocket, and he felt itchy inside. How great it would be if he could put the money in his pocket!

"It's a draw! I don't lose or win, so of course I have to get my money back~"

Ryuguin Aoyama said calmly, but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he could see that Serizawa was unwilling to give up.

"How about another round???" He asked casually, and he began to feel happy in his heart. He didn't have to think of other ways to continue gambling with Serizawa, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Seeing him say this, Serizawa was still waiting for der, and nodded repeatedly,"Of course! Again, again! The money is on the table. There is no winner or loser, how can we take it back!"

Ryuguin Aoyama smiled and took out the money he had just put in his pocket and put it on the table,"Then let's continue, let's see who can take the money on the table!"

The money was put back on the mahjong table, and Serizawa turned around and shouted,"Hurry, hurry up! Put it back in place."

While shouting, he turned around and kicked the idle person on the side,"Damn it, you go over and help too!"

The nine 'bowling balls' were rearranged, and the balls were brought over again, asking them to prepare to start the game. Everything was ready, just waiting for Serizawa and Ryuguin Aoyama to start

"How about it? Who goes first?"

Serizawa asked, but his body had already stepped forward on its own. He was anxious to win money, so he naturally wanted to be the first to kick the ball.

"You should go first!"

Ryuguin Aoyama didn't care about that. It didn't matter who went first or second. He took two steps back to make room for Serizawa.

With the experience of the previous two 'eight-balls', Serizawa carefully observed the corresponding positions of the ball and the 'bowling balls', and his eyes fell on the number nine that had never been hit.

So he moved the ball, so that the position of the ball was slightly off the center and slightly upward.

He swung his arms and strode forward,"Hey!"——"A punch hit the ball and it flew out with a bang.

"Oh, oh, don't, don't, don't, don't......"

Looking at the trajectory of the ball, Serizawa realized that he was too eager to win, and he couldn't control the strength of his punch, so the ball rolled and flew too far up.

Ping-pong, a group of people fell to the ground, and as the ball slowly rolled down, Serizawa blew big mouthfuls of air, hoping to blow the ball on the other side to continue rolling.

Needless to say, even if there were three or four Serizawas, they couldn't blow such a big ball with their qi sinking into their dantian.

"Shit, Shit, Shit!!!"

Three 'shit's in a row made Serizawa so angry that he was about to explode. Seven balls, one less than the last time.

Cursing, Serizawa turned and looked at Ryuguin Aoyama. If this guy had maintained his strength from the last time and played eight balls, he would not only not lose, but also win his money.

"Hehe, hehe......"Laughing dryly, he slowly backed away to make way for Ryuguin Qingshan

"The wind direction seemed to be bad just now.~~~"With his eyes open, he made excuses for not moving aside.

Ryuguuin Aoyama didn't expose the problem, but strode forward. With the experience from the previous fight, he knew that as long as he controlled the strength, there should be no problem.

Without saying a word, he quickly stepped forward and punched the big ball,"Bang!!!" Staring at the flying ball, Ryuguuin Aoyama looked calm. If he couldn't hit a home run, he would definitely win by eight balls.

Serizawa watched the ball ping-pong and continue to roll. His heart suddenly jumped to his throat, and he prayed in his heart, seven balls, seven balls, seven balls!......

The ball hit the sixth, then the seventh, and the ball was still rolling, the edge hit the side, and the eighth ball fell down.......

Serizawa covered his eyes with his hands. There was no need to watch any more. It was eight balls anyway. It didn't matter whether he hit a home run or not. The other party would have to beat him.

The ball finally stopped. It was just a little bit away from a home run. Ryuguin Aoyama shrugged with a little regret, but it didn't matter. Eight balls was enough to beat Serizawa. He turned around and walked towards the mahjong table."Sorry, I won!" He said, reaching out for the money on the table.


Serizawa removed his hand from covering his eyes, jumped over and pressed down Ryuguin Aoyama's hand that was holding the money.

"Hmm? You are......"

Ryuguin Aoyama was puzzled. Did Serizawa want to cheat in public?

"that......We forgot to talk about the rules before we started playing, and we haven’t even decided on how many games to win!"

"Eh?!" Ryuguuin Aoyama said, and continued:"Didn't we say that the winner would be decided in one round?"

Serizawa smiled,"Haha, the one in the last round, the rules for this round haven't been decided yet!"

It was obvious that he wanted to refuse to pay the money for this round. Although he lost, he couldn't just let Ryuguuin Aoyama take the money. He made a final struggle.

"Didn't you say that we are all men, so we should be more decisive?"Ryuguin Qingshan asked back

"Didn't you also say that I'm the boss and I have the final say?!"Serizawa continued to press his hand and loudly refuted.

Unexpectedly, he was quite cunning. Ryuguin Aoyama smiled lightly and was taken advantage of by Serizawa's previous words.

PS: Thank you for your support. The update is late.

Continuously updating, the next chapter will be later......

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