At this point, without saying anything more, Ryuguin Qingshan took back the hand holding the money.

"In that case, then just tell me how many rounds and how many wins there are in this round!"

"Best of Three"

"OK. So I have won one game, and there are two more games to go."

They were talking about the rules, and the bowler was asked to stand straight again. The psychological shadow increased little by little, and I looked up at the sky,"Mom, save me!"......

"Sure! You won the last round, let's continue."

Serizawa said as he stepped forward to prepare for his new opening shot. This time he must keep his composure and not be careless.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at Serizawa and chuckled. What was this guy talking about? Even if? It was obvious that he won with eight balls and seven balls.

""Hey, boys, cheer up!!!" He shouted, walked to the ball, and punched it.

Bang - this time the ball rolled in the air and hit the center when it fell, and all of them fell down.

"Ha ha ha ha——"

Serizawa laughed out loud, slapped his thighs, turned around and shouted to Ryuguin Aoyama triumphantly:"Home run, see, home run!!!"

This time he had it all fixed. No matter what Ryuguin Aoyama hit, even if it was a home run, the worst that could happen was that the game would be tied, and they could just turn the tables in the next game.

Just as Serizawa expected, Ryuguin Aoyama didn't hit a home run, but hit eight balls, and the two of them were tied at one to one.

The next game was a life-or-death game, and it was the critical moment.

Before Serizawa threw the ball, he took a deep breath and looked at Ryuguin Aoyama standing by the side. He had to win, had to win, had to win, had to win!!!

He used all the strength in his arms, and the ball flew out with a bang, hitting the"bowling balls" in front of him. The people on the other side were so scared that they almost lost their voices.

Ping-pong balls fell down one after another, and the last one stood up"strongly" and stood firm.


Ryuguin Aoyama, who had not been able to concentrate, also showed some seriousness, narrowed his eyes, controlled his strength, and punched the ball in front of him. The ball landed in the center, and as it rolled, it directly knocked down the surrounding 'bowling balls', a home run. With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he turned around and looked at Serizawa, to see what he would say this time, whether it was a one-game decision or a best-of-three, he would win.

Seeing that all the money on the mahjong table was about to be taken away, Serizawa frowned,"No, no, no, no......."

"Still not enough?!"No matter how good-tempered Ryuguin Qingshan was, he was still a little unhappy.

"You said it was best of three, and now I have won two out of three, so isn't that my win?" He stretched out his hand and insisted on taking the money from the mahjong table.

The people from the Hundred Beasts Army surrounded him and the mahjong table in an instant.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama had a fierce look in his eyes and glanced at the people around him,"What? You are bullying the weak with your numbers? Will I submit???"

Serizawa, who was behind him, quickly pushed aside the brothers who were surrounding Ryuuguuin Aoyama and said sternly,"I am playing a game with him, it is none of your business, get out of here!!"

The people who were surrounding him slowly stepped back and stood aside, watching what would happen next. As long as Serizawa nodded, they would go on immediately.

"Serizawa, what do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to play a few more rounds with you. I don't want to end it too early. How about we play best of five?"

The rules were changed again, from one round to best of three, and now it's best of five, which made Ryuguin Aoyama's mouth twitch slightly.

Regardless of what Serizawa said, he won, but the system didn't issue a prompt for a long time.

Could it be that the"and win" in the system task is a victory recognized by Serizawa???

"I go~~~"

Ryuguin Aoyama was so angry that he raised his hand to cover his face. He thought he had taken advantage of the system, but he didn't expect that the system would take advantage of Serizawa in the end.

Seeing him like this, Serizawa smiled a little guilty. No matter what, he did cheat in this game.

In this case, Ryuguin Aoyama knew there was no need to argue with Serizawa. As long as he didn't agree with the result of the bet, the system would not consider that he had completed the task.

He put down his hand covering his face with a resigned expression,"Okay! You have the final say. Anyway, as long as you admit defeat, that's all I ask."

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama say this, Serizawa grinned and looked at Ryuguin Aoyama with a different look. This guy seems to be good.

In the next bowling game, 'five games, three wins' Ryuguin Aoyama won three; eight games, six wins, Serizawa lost; ten games, seven wins, Ryuguin Aoyama won seven; twelfth game, Serizawa won six, and the two sides tied;......

In the thirty-two rounds, Ryuguin Aoyama won twenty-one;......

The rules of the game changed again and again, and in the end no one could count how many rounds they had played. The students who were acting as"bowling balls" on the other side went from being nervous at first to being numb now.

When the ball flew towards them, they didn't shout or scream, but closed their eyes in resignation, and either got knocked down or luckily stood.

Life and death are indifferent, everything is up to fate......

It was Serizawa's turn again. He walked towards the ball with a tired look on his face, raised his fist weakly, and finally hit the ball lightly with his fist. The ball didn't move much. He sat down on the ground and shook his hands weakly,"No more, no more, you win."......Money, money, take it too......."

Ryuguin Aoyama didn't rush to get the money, but put his hands on the table, panting and asked:"Are you sure? You don't want to change it???"

Serizawa shook his head,"No, you win, you win......."

PS: Please support me! Flowers, comments, votes......

The big guy who sent the bomb in the comment area, this is expensive, it’s better to send some masks, which are more practical! The next chapter will be released later, please support!

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