The three of them walked to the front of the school building together, and a gust of wind blew from behind.

The three of them turned their heads and looked behind them. It was Hayashida Kei, this guy who didn't socialize with anyone all day and even rarely spoke.

Looking at Hayashida Kei, the smile on Serizawa's face disappeared little by little. Tokisei told Genji on the rooftop that day that he was his apprentice. Looking at Hayashida Kei who passed by, Serizawa clenched his fists tightly.......

""Let's go, Tamao!"

Shisheng patted his shoulder and continued to walk out of the school gate.

Serizawa loosened his clenched fists, his expression returned to normal, and followed the two people walking in front.......

When Ryuguin Qingshan returned home, he went straight to his room and fell heavily on the bed where he slept. When his head touched the pillow, he immediately felt sleepy.

When Ryuguin Qingshan opened his eyes again, time had changed from night to day, and it was time to go to school in the morning.

He sat up from the bed and rubbed his hair with his hands. It was really thanks to the bowling game yesterday that he had a dreamless night and slept through the morning.

Because he woke up late, he was waiting for him.���When I got to school, the second class had already started.

I opened the door of the classroom and the teacher was giving a lecture to himself as usual. The students were playing and making noise.

"Hey, Ryuguuin is here! Come in quickly!"The teacher stopped and greeted him with a smile.

Ryuguuin Aoyama nodded slightly and said,"Sorry, I'm late."After saying that, he walked to the back of the class.

No matter what, a teacher is a teacher after all, and saying"sorry" won't hurt him, and he was really late for school.

The teacher on the podium smiled with satisfaction at Ryuguin Aoyama; the teachers in Suzuran would pay attention to the students who dominated their class, and they would be particularly wary of such students.

But Ryuguin Aoyama seemed different. There were rumors in the school that he was very good at fighting, but no one had ever heard of him doing anything to the teachers in school.

Thinking about this in his mind, the teacher turned around and continued to write the knowledge points of this class on the blackboard. He would continue to talk regardless of whether anyone was listening or not.

The bell rang, and the students in the class went out of the front and back doors of the class noisily.

The teacher standing on the podium packed up the textbooks and stood behind the podium, hesitating and not in a hurry to leave the classroom.

Ryuguin Aoyama, who was sitting at the back, met the teacher's gaze on him and frowned slightly. Is there anything wrong with him? He has been looking at him a lot during the whole class.

The teacher came over with the textbooks and said politely:"Ryuguin classmate, do you have time? The teacher wants to talk to you~"

After saying this, the teacher felt that what he said was wrong again, and said again:"It’s the principal who wants to talk to you about something. Can you come over now?"

Speaking of the ‘principal’, Ryuguin Aoyama remembered that Suzuki had mentioned this to him before school was over yesterday.

"Come on, Qingshan! Do you want to go to the bathroom? Have a cigarette."

San Xuexue, who had just woken up, came over yawning and saw the teacher who had not left yet.

"Eh? Teacher, you haven't left yet?! Shouldn't you just run away as soon as the class is over? Ha, ha ha."

The teacher smiled awkwardly at what Sangaku said. It was true that he usually did this. Not only him, but all the other teachers in class were like this.

"Mikami-san, the teacher wants to talk to Ryuguin-san about something. Also, it's wrong for students to smoke......."

The teacher faced Sansugakkyu's fist, and his voice became smaller and smaller. In the end, he didn't finish his words, and his voice disappeared completely and his mouth closed.

Ryuguin Aoyama stood up and pressed down Sansugakkyu's fist that was teasing the teacher."What are you doing~ Don't tease the teacher! You go first, I'll go over later."

After saying this to Sansugakkyu, he turned around and said to the teacher:"Let's go, teacher, I'll go to the principal's office with you." When the teacher heard this, he was delighted and quickly turned around and walked out of the class.

Sansugakkyu watched Ryuguin Aoyama and the teacher walk out of the classroom, and shook his head in confusion. Why did he bother with the teacher and the principal? Wouldn't it be better to smoke together?

He called other people and left the class together.

He came to the principal's office and just walked in, he saw the principal asked him to sit down with a flattering smile on his face, and personally made a cup of tea for him and placed it in front of him.

After everything was done, the principal smiled and sat down on the sofa opposite Ryuguin Aoyama.

"Since Ryuguin transferred to Suzuran, has he encountered any difficulties at school? As the principal, I want to see if I can help you solve them."Ryuguin Aoyama laughed unabashedly,"Principal, what can you help me solve? These are all problems that can be solved with fists. Is the principal willing to fight for me personally?" With a playful smile on his lips, he leaned forward slightly, his eyes fixed on the embarrassment on the principal's face.

The principal didn't know how to answer his question for a moment, so he could only laugh dryly and took a sip of tea from the teacup to cover up his embarrassment.

Putting down the teacup, he got back to the topic,"Before Ryuguin transferred, his grades in the previous school were excellent, right!"

"Oh, I guess so! It's okay," Ryuguin Qingshan said casually, waiting for the principal to make it clear.

"There is an important exam coming up. Can Ryuguin-san take it?...Can I make good use of my excellent grades and get good grades?"

"As long as Longgongyuan is willing, you can choose any teacher in the school to give you pre-exam tutoring."

After hearing what the principal said, Longgongyuan Qingshan immediately said three words,"I don't want to." After saying that, he got up from the sofa and turned around to leave.

I thought it was something else, but I didn't expect it to be something like an exam. Boring!

"Ryuguin classmate!! After listening to this, it’s not too late to make a decision before leaving."

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support from [卓荦不藉.] and the 2,000 flowers from other big guys!

Thank you all for your support.

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