The principal took out a recorder from his pocket and placed it on the table. He stared at Ryuguin Qingshan's back, making sure he would stop. Ryuguin Qingshan, who had already walked to the door of the office, stopped and turned his head to look at the recorder on the table,"What is this?"

"The recorder has something recorded in it. Maybe Ryuguin will be interested if he listens to it." The principal said with a smile.

Ryuguin Qingshan realized something, chuckled, turned around and sat back down,"Then listen to it!"

The recorder was turned on, and after a burst of noise, someone started talking. The more he listened to the voice of the person speaking, the more familiar it sounded.

"The vice-principal teacher of Lingfeng School, right?"Longgongyuan Qingshan raised his eyebrows and looked at the principal.

The principal nodded and signaled him to continue listening to the recording.

‘I heard that Suzuran High School wants Ryuuguuin Aoyama to achieve the Education Bureau's goals for their school in the next exam. What do you think, Vice Principal?’

‘As for that kid, Ryuguin Qingshan, hehe, a guy who only cares about violence, wants to get good grades? No way. '

The disdainful voice of the vice principal continued to play from the recorder.

Ryuguin Qingshan smiled lightly, looked at the principal, and said:"Principal, I'm not a child. Do you think a few bad words from others can make me change my mind?"

After saying this, Ryuguin Qingshan was about to get up and leave, but was stopped by the principal.

"Young people should calm down, give me, the principal, some face, and make a decision after listening to what I have to say."

The voice in the recorder continued to play:

‘That kid is just trash. He dared to attack a vice principal like me. Even if he has good grades, so what? He left Lingfeng High School and transferred to Linglan High School. He is nothing. How can he have good grades? Ridiculous!’

‘And that Yumiko, she always protected him, I knew they were having an affair, haha, the day after she beat me up, I asked the school to expel her’

‘Fighting with me, singing against me, nothing good will happen! I will make sure she never has the chance to stand on the podium in her lifetime!!!’......

The recorder played other words later, but Ryuguin Aoyama didn't hear any of them.

Now there was only one sentence circling in his mind, that is, Yumiko was fired by that bastard, and the first time he saw Yumiko after leaving Lingfeng School, she told him that she handed in the resignation letter herself.

The reason why she said that was probably because she didn't want to burden herself!

So when she saw the bastard vice-principal in Xindian that day, she dodged, because she was afraid that the fact that she was fired would be exposed in front of her.

When the principal saw the expression on Ryuguin Aoyama's face, he reached out and turned off the recorder on the desk.

"Ryuguin-san should care about the female teacher who protected you. Why not do it for the sake of that female teacher and get excellent results in the next exam?"

"Let Lingfeng's vice principal see the strength of Longgongyuan. And now the number one in their school has always been the Jingkougong classmate you beat since you left."

"What do you think? Think about it. As long as you can pass the exam higher than that student Iguchi Ko, the school will prepare a considerable bonus for you."

The principal said everything he needed to say, and even offered a bonus as a sugar-coated cannon to lure the other party. Now he is just waiting for the result.

Ryuguin Aoyama stood up with a serious expression and said,"I'll give you an answer after I think about it."

He opened the door of the principal's office and strode away. Ryuguin Aoyama now only wanted to find Teacher Yumiko to verify this matter.

Although he had listened to the recording, he still wanted to hear what she said.

After waiting for a long time, Ryuguin Aoyama did not show up. Sangaku came to find him and bumped into him head-on. He put his hand on his shoulder and said,"Here you are! Let's go smoke a cigarette~"

He took the hand off his shoulder and said,"I'm busy now! Lend me your car." He reached out and pulled off the motorcycle key hanging on the other's waist.

""Hey, what's going on? Do you want me to go with you?"

Sansho asked loudly, but Ryuguin Aoyama had already walked away.

Tokaji Yuji, who was about to enter the school at the school gate, saw Ryuguin Aoyama coming out and stopped him with a sneer on his face.

"Hey, Ryuguin Aoyama! Our business is not over yet, let's continue the battle another day!"

Ryuguin Aoyama ignored Tokaji's words and moved to the other side. Unexpectedly, Tokaji also moved over as if playing a prank and continued to block his way.

"Get out of my way!!!"

Ryuguin Aoyama, with a cold face, jumped up and punched Tokaji Yuji who was blocking the way.

Tokaji Yuji's body shook, and he staggered back to make way,"Damn it, you......"

He noticed that Ryuguin Aoyama was different from usual, so he stood up. Ryuguin Aoyama and others had already walked not far away and rode away on a motorcycle parked nearby.

Rubbing the place where he was hit, Tokaji Yuji grinned and took a breath. This guy hit really hard.

When he walked to the front of the teaching building, he heard a voice coming from above his head. He looked up and saw that it was Shisheng waving at him, and Tsutsumoto was standing next to him.

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