Ryuguin Aoyama rode a motorcycle, his hand tightly gripping the accelerator. The car quickly weaved through the traffic and drove towards Yumiko's new store.

Finally, it stopped in front of the coffee shop that Yumiko had just opened a few days ago, pushed open the door and strode into the store.

Because it was a new store, there were promotions and there were quite a lot of people in the store. Although Yumiko had hired employees, she personally served coffee to the customers.

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama suddenly enter the store, she raised the tray in her hand and tucked it under her arm, and took off the headscarf on her head,"Why are you here suddenly?"

Ryuguin Aoyama strode forward, came to her with a serious expression and stopped,"Yumiko, teacher!"


Yumiko was stunned. Why did he suddenly call her teacher?

"What, what's wrong? You're skipping classes to come to my shop to drink coffee? Go sit over there, I'll ask someone to make you a cup."

Yumiko smiled and said, turning around to go to the counter.

"Teacher Yumiko!!"

Ryuguin Aoyama grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"You lied to me, didn't you? You didn't resign from the school, but you were fired by that bastard vice-principal, right?!"

Hearing this, Yumiko's tray slipped off her arm and fell to the ground. Her face turned pale, and she stared at Ryuguin Aoyama, biting her lower lip tightly.

"Right, I want to hear you say it yourself."

Looking into Yumiko's eyes, Ryuguin Aoyama continued

""Ha," Yumiko suddenly chuckled, bending down to pick up the tray on the ground,"How about this, let's sit down aside and talk!"

The two of them sat down at an empty table nearby, and Yumiko took a deep breath. After all, he still knew about it, so now she could only tell the truth.

"Actually, it's nothing. You are a student in my class, and as your class teacher, it's my duty to say a few more words for you."


Yumiko stopped talking halfway and sighed.

"What's more?"

Yumiko raised her eyes and looked at him,"Besides, resignation or expulsion is not important. If it happens again, I will still protect you, Ryuguin, understand?"

Listening to her words, Ryuguin Aoyama didn't know what to say for a moment. If he had been a little more patient at that time and didn't beat up the vice-principal on the spot, would there be a different result?

The hand on the table was warm. Yumiko covered the back of her hand with her hand.

"Don’t think it is your responsibility. Although I am not a teacher anymore, I am now a store manager with a promising future~"

Ryuguuin Aoyama looked up at Yumiko who was smiling at him, and asked slowly:"There is an exam coming up. Do you want me to handle it well?"

"Of course!" Yumiko answered without hesitation.

"Although I am not a teacher, I still hope that your grades will continue to be excellent. I am very optimistic about you."Longgongyuan

Qingshan took a deep breath and nodded slightly,"I know, then you go ahead and do your work! I'm going back to school."

""Now that you're here, don't you want to have a cup of coffee?" Yumiko chased him out of the store and asked.

Riding on a motorcycle and wearing a helmet, Ryuguin Aoyama smiled and shook his head at Yumiko,"No, I'll come for coffee after the exam!"

After saying this, Ryuguin Aoyama rode away from the store on his motorcycle.

Yumiko looked at his back and breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was not difficult to say it, but how did he know that he was fired?

Could it be the vice-principal or teacher?

Yumiko frowned and thought about it. She felt that this possibility was very unlikely. The vice-principal hated Ryuguin Aoyama to the core. How could he meet with Ryuguin Aoyama?~

""Manager! Please come in for a moment~" the clerk shouted in the store.

Yumiko came to her senses and stopped thinking about these things. She turned around and went into the store to help.

Ryuguin Aoyama was riding a motorcycle and saw the principal strolling in front of the teaching building. He stepped on the accelerator and the motorcycle rumbled towards the principal.

Seeing that the motorcycle was about to hit him, the principal screamed in fear, stepped back and was tripped by a stone on the ground, and fell to the ground.

Ryuguin Aoyama stepped on the brakes in a hurry, and the motorcycle spun gracefully and stopped steadily in front of the principal.

"Oh my god, who is that? The motorcycle almost hit our principal!!"

Someone shouted in the corridor, and many people came out of the classroom and leaned over the window to look down. They saw the person on the motorcycle took off his helmet and revealed the face of Ryuguin Qingshan.

"Dragon, Ryuguin, Classmate......???"

The principal, who was almost frightened on the ground, was surprised when he saw the person clearly. Even if he didn't agree to his request, he couldn't almost hit him with a motorcycle.

Looking at the principal who hadn't gotten up yet, Ryuguin Qingshan said,"I promise you! In the next exam, my score will definitely be higher than Lingfeng School."

Hearing him say this, the principal didn't care about his image anymore, and quickly got up from the ground and grabbed Ryuguin Qingshan's arm.

He asked with a look of surprise and urgency,"Really? You, you agreed? And you will definitely be higher than the first place in Lingfeng School?"

"Oh, that's it!"Longgongyuan Qingshan fiddled with his bangs carelessly.

He continued:"But principal, don't forget to deposit the promised bonus into my card without a penny less."

He took out a note with the card number written on it from his pocket and threw it into the principal's shirt pocket.

PS: Ask for support! Big guys.

Thanks to [Short News?] and [Boring Adjustment] for their monthly ticket support.

Continuously updating the code......

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