The principal patted his jacket pocket with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, classmate Ryuguin. As long as you keep your promise, the bonus will not be delayed for a second and will not be reduced by a single cent. It will all be deposited into your card."

Ryuguin Qingshan nodded slightly, got off the motorcycle and walked towards the teaching building.

The principal's eyes fell on the motorcycle parked in front of him, turned around and shouted,"Hey~ Classmate Ryuguin! Motorcycles cannot be parked in the school!"

Ryuguin Qingshan, who was about to go up the stairs, stopped and chuckled,"Or you can take the trouble to push it out for me?"

He put his hands in his pockets, raised his legs and stepped up the stairs, no longer paying attention to the principal behind him.

No matter what, he is the head of a school, how could he help students push motorcycles? Wouldn't it be a joke if it got out?

A teacher happened to pass by, and the principal waved,"Teacher Honda, come here! Push this motorcycle outside the school."

Teacher Honda nodded quickly, came over and pushed the motorcycle outside, and the principal's instructions sounded behind him again.

"Push it outside and make sure to park it properly, don't mess it up!!"

"Yes, Principal."......

Back in the classroom, Ryuguin Qingshan threw the motorcycle keys to Sanxue,"Thanks, I parked the motorcycle at the teaching building......."

I leaned out of the window and saw a teacher pushing a motorcycle toward the school gate.

"Parked outside the school gate." He said to Sanxue with a smile.

Sanxue didn't care where the motorcycle was parked, but wanted to know what he did on the motorcycle and what happened between him and the principal.

""Aoyama, do you have something to say? Tell us~"

Seeing Sanshangxue say this, Mikami Gou also stepped forward;

Suzuki also went over out of curiosity, feeling that Aoyama was very secretive today.

Seeing everyone looking at him with shining eyes, Ryuguuin Aoyama chuckled,"Hey, what could it be? I have an exam next, and the principal asked me to do well in the exam."

"Exam?!"Mikami Gou was confused.

"Our school has an exam?" Sanshangxue asked back, laughing.

Edogawa Suzuki suddenly became excited,"Hey, don't laugh, Aoyama's grades were the best in the previous school!"

He raised his chin proudly.


"I go——"

The Mikami brothers were filled with disbelief. Ryuguuin Aoyama, who was great at fighting, used to be the best in the school!!!

"This is the word...What about literature and martial arts?......"

Sanshangxue couldn't remember the word on his lips for a moment, and looked at Mikami Gou, who shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know the word either.

Suzuki sighed slightly,"Literature, martial arts, double, complete!"

"Yes, yes, that's the word, it's the word"literary and martial arts", Qingshan, you really can't see, what's so deep that it doesn't reveal~"

""They are very capable but not very well-hidden."

Suzuki added helplessly, is fighting the only thing on their mind?

Ryuguin Aoyama said it, but he didn't tell them about the bonus afterwards, after all, there was no need to tell them.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the class changed, and they felt something was wrong. The two Mikami brothers turned around and looked at the door of the class. It was Makise Takashi who broke into their B class.

""Oh my god,"

Sangakyu kicked over the stool that was blocking the way, and he was already on guard.

All the people in Class B gathered together to confront the group of people including Makise Takashi who suddenly broke in.

Ryuguin Aoyama slowly stood up from his seat, patted Sangakyu on the shoulder, signaled him not to be impulsive, and strode to the front.

Makise Takashi stepped forward and bowed his head respectfully,"I, Makise Takashi, bring my brothers to report!!"

The others behind Makise Takashi all bent down and bowed their heads respectfully.

Mikami Gou was confused, looking at the gorilla with his head down and his gorilla army, a little confused, and asked:"Aoyama! What did you do secretly?"

Ryuguin Aoyama helped Makise Takashi up with both hands,"From now on, we are all brothers." Makise Takashi straightened up and nodded heavily,"Yes, from now on I, Makise Takashi, will follow you, Ryuguin Aoyama, and my brothers will follow you too."

Suzuki came to Sangaku and asked softly,"What did Aoyama do? How come he came to our side when Serizawa couldn't take him down in several battles?" Sangaku, who was also confused, shook his head,"You don't know, and I don't know even more!"

But no matter what, the addition of the gorilla and his gorilla army made their team stronger, although it was temporarily not as strong as Serizawa's"Beast Army".

But now with their original status, plus the strength of Ryuguuin Aoyama, and now the gorillas, they are considered a large club organization in the school.

Thinking of this, the two Mikami brothers suggested giving their club a name.

Thinking about it carefully, they haven't named their organization yet. They have always been represented by"Class B", but now it's different with the addition of Class C.

"Give it a name?"Ryuguin Aoyama frowned slightly.

Suzuki said,"Yes, give it a name! Everyone else has a name, like Serizawa's 'Hundred Beasts Army', Genji's‘GPS’We need a name too!"


"This is a must!"


PS: Are there any big guys reading this? We are in urgent need of a name for the new organization. Let’s brainstorm and come up with a name that we approve of. It will appear in the following article.

If you have a good name, please leave it in the comment section.

Finally, I’m asking for your support!

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