The noise was so loud that the principal hurried to the front of the teaching building after learning about it, shouting for Bando Hideto to stop.

At this time, Washio Gota, who was being dragged, was already conscious and a little confused. If he continued like this, his life might be in danger.

Bando Hideto stopped the motorcycle, untied the people tied to the back of the motorcycle, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the motorcycle rumbled away from the front of the teaching building.

Several teachers moved Washio Gota, who was on the verge of coma, to the school infirmary for the school doctor to treat his wounds.

This incident did not cause much trouble in Suzuran. Everyone knew that Bando Hideto was a ruthless character; and Washio Gota provoked such a person and was treated like this. In their opinion, it was a self-inflicted suffering for himself.

Ryuguin Aoyama, who was awakened by the noise, was not sleepy at all. He took out the books in the drawer and opened the textbook and put it on the table.

The two brothers Mikami saw him like this and laughed. Can you really study in such a lively Suzuran?

With his eyes fixed on the textbook, Ryuguin Aoyama was thinking about Bando Hideto. He seemed to have seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember where exactly. After closing the textbook that had been opened for less than three minutes, Ryuguin Aoyama stood up and walked out of the classroom.

Suzuki hesitated whether to follow him out, but the two Mikami brothers held his shoulders on both sides, and he couldn't move for a while.

Ryuguin Aoyama left the school alone, passed by the bar he had been to before, and slowly stopped.

It was daytime now, which was the quietest time for bartenders.

Seeing that the door was open, Ryuguin Aoyama turned and walked into the door. The bar that was deafening at night was now deserted and unusually quiet.

The middle-aged bartender behind the wine cabinet saw someone coming, put on his leather jacket, and smiled on his face. It was obvious that he recognized Ryuguin Aoyama

"Hey, bro! What would you like to drink?"

""I want a glass of milk!"

Longgongyuan Qingshan said deliberately with a smile, pulling a high stool to sit down at the bar.

The middle-aged man fumbled behind the counter for two minutes, and finally brought him a glass of foaming beer with a slice of lemon on the edge of the glass.

Longgongyuan Qingshan smiled and raised the glass to his mouth.

"In broad daylight, a student staying in a bar is a bit too much, even if he is from Lily of the Valley~" the middle-aged man said with a smile, and brought a small dish of peanuts to go with the wine.

"It's okay if it's too much~"

Ryuguin Qingshan echoed the middle-aged man's words, holding a half-drunk beer glass to his mouth.

"Since you know you've gone too far, you should stop doing it, right?"

A female voice suddenly sounded behind Ryuguin Qingshan. When he turned around to check, the beer glass in his hand was taken away.

The girl with long black hair raised her head and drank the remaining half glass of beer, then put the glass back in front of him.

"I'm thirsty, can you buy me half a glass of wine, is that okay?" The girl leaned forward and asked with a smile.

Ryuguin Aoyama chuckled, with a little helplessness in his smile. It was the first time he met such a girl, and it seemed a little difficult to deal with her.

The middle-aged man spoke from behind the wine cabinet,"Xiao Rujia-chan~ Don't bully me!" He put another glass of beer next to Ryuguin Aoyama

"Xiaoruka-chan?" Ryuguin Aoyama looked at the girl.

""I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Aizawa Ruka!" She stretched out her fair and slender hand in front of the other person.

Ryuguin Aoyama hesitated for two seconds and shook her outstretched hand,"Ryuguin Aoyama."

Looking at the two of them shaking hands, the middle-aged man smiled and said,"Ruka-chan is so naughty. There are so many people in the nightclub who want to treat you to a drink, but you don't even take a sip."

"Now because I'm thirsty, I snatched the wine from the young man, which is quite interesting~"

The middle-aged man said in an ambiguous tone, which made Ryuguin Qingshan laugh awkwardly.

He finished the wine in the glass, put the money under the glass, got up from the stool and left;

"Welcome back next time~" The middle-aged man put away the money and the wine glass, then turned around and washed the glass by the sink.

Seeing that the man had reached the door, Aizawa Ruka quickly ran up and chased after him,"Hey, Ryuguuin Aoyama! Do you want to come and listen to me sing tonight?"


Ryuguuin Aoyama turned his head to look at Aizawa Ruka, and remembered what the Mikami brothers said before, that a very pretty girl came here, could it be her?

"Could it be......Are you singing here?"

Aizawa Ruka walked slowly to him and nodded slightly,"Yes! Come here to listen to me sing in the evening, and I will pay you back for your wine."


Ryuguuin Aoyama stopped talking halfway and said again:"Okay, I'll come in the evening."

A smile appeared on Aizawa Ruka's face,"Then it's settled, see you in the evening! I'll go practice first, bye."

She waved at him, turned around and ran back into the bar.

Ryuguuin Aoyama raised his hand to touch the hair beside his ear, and after thinking for two seconds, he turned around and left the door of the bar.

It was still early, standing at the intersection, Ryuguuin Aoyama was hesitating whether to go home or go back to school; while he was hesitating, his body was pushed from behind, and he stood unsteadily on the road, and was almost hit by a speeding car.

Turning his head to look behind him, he didn't see the person who pushed him clearly, he only saw a boy in a silver-white school uniform hurriedly leaving

"Hey, do you want to die? You little bastard!"The driver stuck his head out and yelled.

Ryuguin Qingshan retracted his gaze, strode forward and grabbed the driver's collar, making his face red.

PS: Thanks to [Meow a Woof】、【ki. (taboo.)】、【Wushen] Big brothers' votes support!

Thank you for the support of 3,000 flower big brothers~

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