"Do you think I am someone who wants to die?" Ryuguin Qingshan narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a dangerous aura.


"Loose, loose......let go......"

The driver who had been arrogant and irritable just now immediately became docile, took out the money from the car and handed it over.

Ryuguin Qingshan loosened his hand that was grabbing his collar, took the money given by the driver, threw it into the air, turned around and strode away.

He chased in the direction where the suspicious figure he had just seen left, but when he passed by, the person had already disappeared at the corner of the alley.

From the quick glance just now, the silver-white school uniform should be the student uniform of Fengxian School.

Ryuguin Qingshan stood there with a slightly dazed look in his eyes. Could it be that the people from Fengxian were attacking him?

Is this really the case?............

Ryuguin Aoyama put this matter in his heart for the time being and did not tell anyone. After all, he had not figured out what exactly happened.

In the evening, he came to the bar as promised to listen to Aizawa Ruka singing.

There were crowds of people dancing in front of the noisy stage, and Aizawa Ruka was singing on the stage.

Ryuguin Aoyama sat in his seat in front of the counter as usual, and nodded slightly when he met Aizawa Ruka's gaze.

The middle-aged man brought a glass of beer with a smile and said,"Please! Ruka-chan, please."~~~"

""Oh, thanks!"

He raised the glass to his lips and quickly scanned the people around him. He didn't see Fengxian in the silver-white school uniform around him.

On the stage, Aizawa Ruka held the microphone, singing and dancing hot bar dance. Her long black hair swayed with her body, exuding charm. After singing on the stage, Aizawa Ruka came down from the stage and someone else came up. She came to the counter and stood sideways.

""I'm here! It's been half an hour since the show started, and I thought you weren't coming~"

As she spoke, Aizawa Ruka once again skillfully took the glass from Ryuguuin Aoyama's hand and drank the remaining half of the beer.

Ryuguuin Aoyama chuckled and said,"This is...Drink half of my cup, and give me back half?"

Ryuka Aizawa pouted her lips slightly, nodded with a smile,"I guess so! What do you think of the song I sang just now?"

"Oh, it's pretty good."Ryuguin Qingshan said casually

"So, can we be friends?"

"Hmm?" Ryuguin Aoyama didn't hear what she said clearly,"What did you say? What's wrong with us?"

Aizawa Ruka pulled a high stool and moved closer to him. Because the music was too loud, she could only move closer and casually gathered her hair by her ears.

She said again loudly:"Can we be friends?"


The expression on Ruka Aizawa's face changed a little bit, and she pursed her lips awkwardly.

"Is it not possible?"

"No, it's okay."

With Ryuguin Aoyama's words, Aizawa Ruka breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled.

Looking closely at Aizawa Ruka's face, she had bright eyes and white teeth, and dimples at the corners of her mouth when she smiled, and she looked particularly sweet.

Looking at Aizawa Ruka, Ryuguin Aoyama also chuckled. Although he didn't know why she wanted to be friends with him, it seemed that there was no harm or impact.

"I have one more song to sing. Let's go have a midnight snack together after that! I'll treat you."

Aizawa Ruka said to Ryuguin Aoyama as she hurriedly stood up. The guitarist on the other side of the stage waved at her to go on stage quickly.

Ryuguin Aoyama watched Aizawa Ruka go on stage with a smile on his face.

""Young man, you have good luck with women! You are very good at pleasing girls." The middle-aged man said jokingly, and put a new beer on the counter.

Ryuguin Aoyama smiled and shook his head. He had good luck with women, but he didn't seem to do anything deliberately.

On the stage, Aizawa Ruka sang a song, and her eyes looked towards him.

‘Everybody's banging on the door, let me see how you shake this floor;’

‘I want to make you boil......’......

This time, Ryuguin Aoyama stared at Ruka Aizawa on the stage. Just as the Mikami brothers said, she had a steady stage presence, sang passionate songs, twisted her sexy waist, and drove the people below to go crazy with her.

Ruka Aizawa on and off the stage are not the same person at all; on the stage, Ruka Aizawa is like an elf of the night, exuding moving charm all the time; off the stage, Ruka Aizawa smiles sweetly, more like a simple sister next door.

The two walked out of the bar, and Ruka Aizawa took him to a small vendor on the side of the road and stopped.

Turning around, she smiled and said,"Are you disappointed? I'll treat you to dinner here."

As she spoke, Ruka Aizawa smiled and sighed,"It's not easy to make money, so save as much as you can. I think the taste is no worse than in a big restaurant."

"What's there to be disappointed about? It doesn't matter where we eat."Ryuguin Aoyama took the lead and sat down in front of a simple table and chair.

A group of people who were drunk and staggering passed by them. Suddenly, one of them felt his feet go weak and fell beside Aizawa Ruka's legs.


Frightened Aizawa Ruka screamed

"Yes, yes, no......"The person on the ground looked up, saw the white and tender legs in front of him, and subconsciously reached out to touch them.

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