Ryuguin Aoyama came all the way to the bar, and when he arrived, Aizawa Ruka was practicing a new song. Aizawa Ruka waved at him and continued to talk and practice with the guitarists on the stage; Ryuguin Aoyama found a seat and sat down

"Yo~ The little brother is here! Come and see your girlfriend!" The middle-aged man said jokingly, glancing at Ryuka Aizawa on the stage.

"No, no, it's a friend......."

Ryuguin Aoyama started to explain, but the middle-aged man didn't believe what he said at all. He brought a glass of beer and placed it in front of him and left.

Looking at the beer in front of him, Ryuguin Aoyama didn't want to drink it. It seemed that he needed some time to look at Aizawa Ruka on the stage. He originally wanted to lie on the table and rest for a while, but in the end he fell asleep without knowing it.

After Aizawa Ruka finished practicing, he came over and saw Ryuguin Aoyama sleeping. He slowly sat down and supported his chin with one hand to look at his sleeping face.

His facial features were sharp and his high nose bridge made his whole face look handsome, revealing a masculine spirit. Engrossed in watching, Aizawa Ruka unconsciously reached out to touch the bangs in front of his forehead. When her fingertips touched his forehead, she felt the heat beyond normal.

Aizawa Ruka quickly covered his forehead with her whole hand. Sure enough, his body temperature was higher than normal and he had a fever.

The sleeping Ryuguin Qingshan felt a chill on his forehead. He raised his hand to grasp the chill and pressed it against his forehead.......

When Ryuguin Aoyama woke up again, he raised his head and reached for the beer in front of him to quench his thirst, but Aizawa Ruka held the cup down behind him.

"Drink hot water, and then eat this!" As he said this, he put the medicine he had just bought on the table.

Looking at the antipyretic medicine on the table, Ryuuguuin Aoyama raised his hand and touched his forehead. It was indeed a little hot.

On the other side, Aizawa Ruka poured hot water in front of him and asked him to drink the medicine he bought. After drinking the medicine, Ryuuguuin Aoyama brewed his words and asked,"Are you free in the evening?"

"You want to treat me to a meal?" Feng Ze Ruka approached him, propped up her chin with one hand, and looked at him with both eyes.

"Ahem, ahem, that counts as it!"Longgongyuan Qingshan touched the back of his head. It's really hard to ask others to do things for you.

"Hmm? So what does that mean?" Aizawa Ruka blinked her puzzled eyes.

"I have a brother....He, I want to help him arrange a social gathering, can you help me?" Unconsciously, he found that he was stuttering and staring at her anxiously. He planned that if she said she didn't agree to help, he would give up immediately and go back to tell Makise Takashi that the social gathering was canceled.


The two looked at each other, no one spoke.

"You want me to join your brothers?!!"Aizawa Ruka's eyes widened, and she stood up to leave.

"No, no, no......"

Ryuguin Aoyama quickly denied it and grabbed her hand. He said that he came to her just to ask her to help invite some female friends, not to ask her to socialize with Makise Takashi. He had never thought of this idea.

Aizawa Ruka lowered her head to look at her tightly held hand, slowly sat down, and softened her tone,"What is that? Ask me to invite some female friends to participate?"

"Yes, yes! That's what I mean!" As he spoke, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"You know, I don’t have many female friends, so I can only ask you to help me~"

Ryuguin Qingshan said sincerely, but he was also telling the truth. He really didn’t have many female friends, and he could count the girls he knew by name on his fingers.


Aizawa Ruka suddenly grinned and covered her mouth with her hands.

Seeing that she was very angry just now, she smiled happily the next second. Ryuguin Aoyama slowly let go of her hand, confused.

"That, that......Is it possible?~~~"Ryuguin Aoyama asked hesitantly.

Aizawa Ruka leaned over to his ear and deftly brushed the hair off his face. The scent of shampoo entered his nose.

"As long as it's not me, that's fine! I'll take care of this."

When she left his ear, he didn't know if she did it on purpose, her lips seemed to touch his cheek.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at Aizawa Ruka who had already left, let out a long sigh, raised his hand and touched the side of his face. Did she just kiss him?......

Ruka Aizawa walked to the door of the bar, turned around and smiled at him, gestured with her hand"phone" and asked them to call each other in the evening.

Ruka Aizawa disappeared at the door. Ryuguuin Aoyama felt that his heart almost beat twice. He picked up the water cup at hand and drank up the warm water in the cup.

Damn it, the social gathering is settled. If Makise Takashi doesn't behave well at that time, I will definitely beat this bastard. He hurriedly stood up to leave, and bang, his knee hit the chair where Ruka Aizawa had just sat.

The middle-aged man saw the whole scene and shouted:"Brother! Come on!!!"


Come on, damn it."

Ryuguin Aoyama kicked the chair that hit his leg and quickly left the bar.

Makise Takashi, who was waiting for news at school, had changed into the white suit he wore to the social gathering before, and was sitting in the classroom quietly waiting for news from Ryuguin Aoyama.

The sweat on his forehead was dense.......

Ryuguin Qingshan, who was about to go back to school, saw a man among the group of Fengxian people. Although his face was bandaged, he still recognized him as the one he beat up yesterday.

Among the group of Fengxian people, there was a man with a band-aid on his nose;

Ryuguin Qingshan narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if he was the one who attacked him behind his back.......

PS: Thanks to [4564**】Thanks to the reward support from the boss!

Thanks to the monthly ticket support from the boss [cm199895]!

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