Ryuguin Aoyama quickly chased after them, shouting,"Hey, stop for a moment, the people in front!"

A group of Fengxian people walking in front heard the shouting behind them and stopped one after another. The one with a band-aid on his nose turned around first.

Yuukiri Rikiya, one of the four kings of Fengxian.

Yuukiri Rikiya put his hands in his pockets and saw that it was a tall boy in a Crow school uniform who called them.

Suddenly, Yuukiri Rikiya's whole aura changed, and his eyes became sharp, staring at the people who were striding towards them.

""Hey, crow boy! Did you call us?" One of them stepped forward and asked.

Ryuguin Qingshan's attention was not on the speaker, but on the man he had beaten yesterday. He saw that he was panicking and wanted to run away with a guilty look on his face. Ryuguin Qingshan stepped forward to push the group of people apart, ready to catch the man first, and then confront their leader face to face.

Just as he was about to catch the boy, a strong hand pressed his shoulder, tightly grasping his shoulder, preventing him from moving forward.

"Crow boy! What do you want to do? Do you want to bully our Fengxian people in front of me? ? ?"

The person who held down Ryuguin Aoyama's shoulder was none other than Yuukiri Rikiya.

When Ryuguin Aoyama turned his head, Yuukiri Rikiya's fist had already hit him hard in the face.

Ryuguin Aoyama bent down and lowered his head to avoid the fist, and the next second he pushed Yuukiri Rikiya aside with both hands to distance himself.

Immediately, all the Fengxian people surrounded him, rolled up their sleeves, raised their fists and stared at Ryuguin Aoyama.


Longgongyuan Qingshan sneered and glanced at the people who gathered around him.

"Are you trying to protect him?"

As they spoke, the Fengxian people rushed up and punched Ryuguin Qingshan, while Yuuki Rikiya stood outside the circle, with a smile on his face.

"Brothers! Let this crow of the lily of the valley know our Fengxian's manners!!!"

Following the voice of Yukiri Rikiya, the people of Fengxian became very excited and rushed towards Ryuguin Aoyama one after another.

"" Shit,"

Ryuguin Aoyama broke free from the hand behind him, turned around and punched out quickly, knocking the man to the ground.

His school uniform was grabbed and pulled by other people. Ryuguin Aoyama frowned, turned around and swung his fist,"Bang!!!" The man staggered back and bumped into Yukiri Rikiya.

Yukiri Rikiya pushed away the person who bumped into him and sneered. This kid seemed to have some strength.

Meeting Yukiri Rikiya's gaze, Ryuguin Aoyama's eyes were filled with anger. He had no memory of having any intersection with this person.

He took off his Suzuran jacket and threw it to the ground, kicking the people who approached him away, and these people rushed forward one after another.

The person who was knocked down by Ryuguin Aoyama gritted his teeth and continued to rush forward.

Seeing that all his people were injured, Yukiri Rikiya knew that he had to take action. The person in front of him should have his own place in Suzuran.

"Hey! Boy——"

""I'm Yukiri Rikiya, what's your name?"

As he spoke, Yukiri Rikiya rushed forward, twisted the shoulder of Ryuguin Aoyama who was fighting with others, and punched him in the face.

Ryuguin Aoyama, who was not prepared, was hit, his face tilted to the side, his eyes looking at the ground.

The hot atmosphere seemed to be condensed for a moment;

Ryuguin Aoyama raised his hand to wipe the corner of his mouth, it was burning and painful, and a sweet and fishy taste spread in his mouth

"My name is, Ryuguin, Aoyama!"

As he spoke, he swung his arm and punched towards Yukiri Rikiya


Yuukiri Rikiya took two steps back, steadied himself, looked down at the place where he was hit, and clenched his fists with a crackling sound.


Yukiri Rikiya swung his fist forward. He had already remembered the name Ryuguuin Aoyama.

Ryuguuin Aoyama took a step forward and smashed his fist hard at the fist that was swung at him.

Boom— the two fists collided with each other, breaking the skin on the knuckles.

Ryuguuin Aoyama gritted his teeth, took another half step forward, and kicked Yukiri Rikiya in the abdomen.


Yukiri Rikiya took the kick in the abdomen, and his body staggered and hit the street wall on the side;

Ryuguuin Aoyama quickly went forward to pursue the victory, but those entangled Fengxian students rushed towards him again to block his way.

""Fuck you!"

He knocked down the first person, followed by the second and third people.......

If he doesn't knock down these minions completely, they will keep pestering him.

Yukiri Rinya, who had recovered, rushed forward with his fist raised. Damn it, he was so angry. How could so many people not beat one person? After knocking down the last person, Ryuguuin Aoyama panted slightly, turned around and waved his left arm to block Yukiri Rinya's fist.

Then he raised his right fist and hit Yukiri Rinya in the face.


A mouthful of blood spit out from Yukiri Rikiya's mouth.

Ryuguin Aoyama bent over and breathed heavily, staring at Yukiri Rikiya. He really couldn't understand why this man in front of him wanted someone to follow him.

Thinking that he was followed to the countryside, a surge of anger burned in Ryuguin Aoyama's heart.

"I'm going to your uncle——"

He jumped up and punched Yukiri's head from top to bottom. Yukiri

's whole body was shaking, his head was buzzing, his vision was shaking, his legs were shaking, and he took two steps back and fell to the ground.

Looking at the man who had fallen to the ground, Ryuguin Aoyama walked towards him step by step.......

PS:《Hot Blood High School: Domination from the Top is finally available!

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Continuously updating......

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