He came to Kumagiri Ya, crossed one leg in front of him, grabbed his collar with one hand, and lifted him up.

"I ask you, why are you going against me!!!"

"Why did you ask Fengxian's people to follow me?!!!"

"Why did you push me from behind onto the road and almost get hit by a car!!!"

"Tell me, why is that!!!"

Looking at Ryuguin Aoyama who was roaring at him, Kumagiri Rikiya showed doubt in his eyes and held Ryuguin Aoyama's hands tightly with both hands.

""What are you talking about? I just met you today!"

Suddenly, Ryuguin Aoyama's expression froze on his face. Looking at Kumakiri Rikiya who was held by his hand, he didn't look like he was lying at all.


"You haven't done these things?"

Longgongyuan Qingshan asked again, his tone was obviously not as angry as before.

"I, Kumakiri Rikiya, met you for the first time today, why did I do these things to you?"

Kumakiri Rikiya clutched his collar tightly with both hands, staring up at Ryuguuin Aoyama above his body with wide eyes.

Looking into his eyes, Ryuguuin Aoyama slowly loosened his hands, moved his legs aside and stood aside, glancing at the people he had knocked down.

Kumakiri Rikiya slowly sat up with his hands on the ground, raised his hand and touched his bruised face,"Hey, Ryuguuin Aoyama...Aoyama! You got the wrong person!"

Ryuguin Aoyama thought about everything here carefully and looked at Kumakiri Rikiya on the ground,"If I made a mistake, then who was the Fengxian student who was with you before?"

"which one?"

"It's the one with bruises and bandages on his face."

Kumakiri Rinya rubbed his buzzing head. There was indeed such a person between them just now, but he was not familiar with him.


"You guys, do you know the guy who just ran away?"

The brothers who were lying on the ground got up one by one, holding onto the wall or the electric pole, and shook their heads to indicate that they didn't know.

"I don't know. We were walking on the road and that person joined us halfway."

"And seeing that he was wearing Fengxian's school uniform, we didn't ask any more questions!"

At this point, Ryuguin Aoyama felt that he might have fallen into someone's trap, but it was obviously not the person in front of him named Kumakiri Rikiya.

He raised his hand to touch his nose awkwardly, and stepped forward to extend his hand to Kumakiri Rikiya. Kumakiri Rikiya, who was sitting on the ground, looked at Ryuguin Aoyama, his eyes fell on the hand he stretched out to him, hesitated for two seconds, and put his hand on it.

He used his hand to pull Kumakiri Rikiya up from the ground,"If it really wasn't you, then...sorry......"

Kumagi Rikiya chuckled, shrugged his shoulders, and said,"Ha, is it enough to just say sorry? Did the beatings from my brothers go in vain?!"

"So what do you want to do?"Ryuguuin Aoyama straightened his back with a cold face and looked into the eyes of Kumakiri Rikiya.

Seeing that the other party was looking at him seriously, Kumakiri Rikiya tilted his head slightly and said,"Find that kid and find out what happened."


Kumakiri Rikiya took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it to his lips, took a puff of the cigarette, and continued slowly:"After we settle things between us and him, then we'll settle things between us and you!"

Ryuguin Aoyama lowered his eyes to look at the ground, then raised his head and nodded at Kumakiri Rikiya,"Then we'll do as you say, after we settle things between him, we'll settle things between us."

At this time, Ryuguin Aoyama felt a surge of energy in his heart. He was actually fooled by that kid, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama turning and leaving, Kumakiri Riya behind him shouted,"Hey, if that guy is really Fengxian's man and has done something dirty to you, we Fengxian will give you an explanation."

Ryuguin Aoyama stopped and turned to look at Kumakiri Riya,"I'll take care of it myself."

A cigarette was thrown from Kumakiri Riya's hand to Ryuguin Aoyama;

Ryuguin Aoyama took the cigarette and gestured in his hand,"Thanks!" After saying that, he turned around and strode away; when Ryuguin Aoyama's back disappeared at the corner of the street, Kumakiri Riya threw away the cigarette in his hand and stepped on it to put it out;


"You all know that guy just now! From now on, find him!!!"

Kumakiri Rikiya's expression became fierce. He would not allow such a dirty person to exist in Fengxian, and he and his brothers could not fight in vain.




Kumakiri Rikiya led the group to search the streets for this person.

Ryuguuin Aoyama, who had left not long ago to look for someone, received a message from Aizawa Ruka, telling him that she had asked a few sisters to wait for them at the"Warm Color KTV". Ryuguuin Aoyama touched the corner of his mouth that was injured with his hand. He had forgotten about this matter after the fight.

Now he can only go back to Suzuran to call Makise Takashi and others to participate in the social gathering that Aizawa Ruka helped arrange.

The matter about that kid can only be put aside for the time being.

Seeing that school was about to end, and there was no news from Ryuguuin Aoyama, Makise Takashi, who was dressed in a white suit, began to get restless.

In front of him sat Suzuki and the Mikami brothers;

"Is it going to work? Is there any hope? Does Aoyama have any news?" Makise Takashi shook Suzuki's small body.

Suzuki almost had a concussion and grabbed Makise Takashi's clothes,"Don't worry! Wait a little longer, Aoyama said to wait for news, but he didn't say there is no news."

Letting go of his hand, Makise Takashi turned around in the classroom. Every minute and every second now was torture for him.

PS: Thanks to [bzd叫什么] for the first order reward!

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