
The classroom door was opened, and Ryuguin Qingshan appeared at the door of the classroom

"Let's go! Everything is arranged, at 'Warm Color KTV’"

For Makise Takashi, these words of Ryuguin Aoyama were like a spring rain that moistened the earth after a long drought.


Makise Takashi clenched his fist and slammed it on the table to vent his excitement.

Suzuki, who was standing next to him, noticed the wound on the corner of Ryuguuin Aoyama's mouth, and the smile on his originally happy face instantly disappeared,"Aoyama, you were beaten?!"


"What the hell!!!"

The two brothers jumped down from the table and looked at Ryuguin Qingshan at the door, noticing the scars on his face.

"Who, who attacked you?" Makise Takashi rushed forward and put his hands on his shoulders, staring at the wounds on his face.

"Is it Serizawa and his group? The Beast Army?!"

Ryuguin Aoyama was beaten, and the only people that Makise Takashi could think of were Serizawa and his group.

"What are you making a fuss about! Let's go to the social gathering."

Taking away Makise Takashi's hand on his shoulder, Ryuuguuin Aoyama looked at everyone with a smile.

They all looked at him seriously, and he knew that they wanted to seek fairness for him; Makise Takashi grabbed the hat on his head and slammed it to the ground,"Damn it! I'm going to settle accounts with Serizawa and the others, you guys come with me!"

As Makise Takashi said this, everyone in the class stood up in unison, and the Mikami brothers rolled up their sleeves and prepared to start a fight with Serizawa.

"What are you doing?!"

Ryuguin Aoyama grabbed Makise Takashi who rushed out of the class and used his eyes to stop the Mikami brothers and the other brothers in the class.


Although Suzuki is not very good at fighting with fists, when he saw the wound on Aoyama's face, he agreed with Makise Takashi's decision and went to fight Serizawa and the others.

"My injury has nothing to do with Serizawa and the others. I just bumped into them by accident."It hit Kumakiri Rikiya's fist.

Obviously, the injury caused by a fist is not the same as the injury caused by a bump. They all know it very well.

"If you don't want to go, I will take my brothers with me! We can't just let this go like this." Makise Takashi said heavily, with the anger on his face obvious. Ryuguuin Aoyama smiled helplessly,"What do you mean by let it go? It really has nothing to do with Serizawa! I got the wound on my face by accident!!"

Seeing that Ryuguuin Aoyama repeatedly emphasized that it had nothing to do with Serizawa, Makise Takashi put away his anger and was no longer as excited as before.

Ryuguuin Aoyama bent down to pick up the hat on the ground, patted off the dust on it, and handed it to Makise Takashi's hand,"Don't waste time, the time is almost up."

Just as he said this, the phone beeped.

No need to look, it must be a message from Aizawa Ruka, urging him to take people over quickly.

""Let's go! What are you still standing there for~"

Glancing at them, Ryuguuin Aoyama was the first to leave the classroom door, Makise Takashi followed him with his hat in his hand, and the Mikami brothers and Suzuki also followed. On the way there, seeing that Ryuguuin Aoyama was acting like nothing had happened, they looked at each other and finally pushed Suzuki out.

Suzuki turned his head to look at them behind him, and after a moment of thinking, he said,"Aoyama, since your injury was not caused by Serizawa and the others, then who did it?"

When Suzuki asked this question, the Mikami brothers behind him gave Suzuki a thumbs up and praised him for a good job.

After all, they couldn't swallow the fact that Aoyama was beaten by someone;

"I was tricked by a kid."Longgongyuan Qingshan frowned and smiled bitterly, turning his head to look at the three people behind him.

"Don't even think about doing anything for me. Wait until I catch that guy, and then you just watch the show." After saying that, he took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

The two brothers Mikami jumped forward quickly, and put their hands on Qingshan's shoulders,"Then it's settled! Don't forget to let us see who the kid who deserves a beating is~"

A dangerous light flashed in their eyes......

Ryuka Aizawa, who was already in the private room of the"Warm Color KTV", was waiting anxiously. She opened the door of the private room and bumped into them who were about to enter.

"Why are you so late!"Aizawa Ruka pouted her lips slightly and looked a little emotional.

Ryuguin Aoyama smiled apologetically, pulled Aizawa Ruka to stand by the door, and let Suzuki and the others outside come in, most importantly, Makise Takashi.

Suzuki came in, and the Mikami brothers and the others also came in. As the protagonist of this party, Makise Takashi was lingering by the door and didn't come in. Ryuguin Aoyama strode over, glanced at the girls in the private room who were tilting their heads to look at the door, turned around and whispered:"What are you doing? This is specially arranged for you, why are you standing outside!"

Thinking that he saw the girls were nervous, Ryuguin Aoyama grabbed Makise Takashi's arm and tried to pull him in.

"Don't, don't, don't touch me first......"

Makise Takashi looked uncomfortable, hunched over, and tightly grasped Ryuguuin Aoyama's arm.

Seeing him like this, Ryuguuin Aoyama immediately realized that he was not nervous at all, but must be suffering from that.......

Seeing that the two of them were taking a long time to come in, Aizawa Ruka, who was inside the room, leaned over and asked with concern:"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Ryuuguuin Aoyama quickly used his body to block Makise Takashi behind him, and smiled awkwardly:"No, nothing, we'll be in right away, you guys go drink and sing first, go in quickly, and don't worry about us!"

While urging her to go in and pushing her in to sit down, Ryuuguuin Aoyama stepped out of the door and closed the door of the box with his hand.

"Can't you just hold it in for a bit, stop thinking too much, and hold on?!!"

Longguyuan Qingshan said helplessly, there was really no way out for him, who could he pick up like this, he might as well just pick up instant noodles!

"Hehe~ I'm used to it!"

Makise Takashi slowly stood up straight.���

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