"Just writing a self-review is not enough! Teacher Yumiko, please don't be too kind to your students. Violence is very serious. If we don't impose severe punishment, will our school become like Suzuran?"


Yumiko was blocked by the vice principal

"It's not just about checking, but also about ensuring that such violent incidents don't happen again; even if Ryuguin is the top student in the grade, we can't condone such violent behavior, and we will expel him and transfer him to another school!"

The vice-principal's words were so powerful that Yumiko couldn't say a word.

"Ryuguin classmate......You have heard what the vice-principal said. Write a profound self-examination and never do it again! Go ahead."

Yumiko still wanted to protect the students in her class from the bottom of her heart, but the vice-principal was her superior and made the decision. She had no right to refute it.

Coming out of the office, Ryuguin Aoyama didn't take the matter to heart at all, but the matter had already spread in the class.

Standing outside the classroom, I saw through the glass that Iguchi Ko was talking to the class enthusiastically.

"Ryuguin Qingshan is a hypocritical guy. He beat up a student from another school and seriously injured him. I heard that he also robbed the student of his money!"

The corner of the well mouth showed a triumphant smile.

"Huh? No way? Ryuguin classmate?......That shouldn’t be the case, right?"

"Yes, Ryuguuin-san doesn't look like the kind of person who would get into fights or rob people!"

"This person's mind is really unpredictable, but you can't tell what kind of person he is by looking at his appearance!"......

The more he talked, the more outrageous it became.

Edogawa Suzuki couldn't stand it any longer and stood up, slapping his hands on the table.

"Hey, don't go too far, Qingshan is not the kind of person you say he is, he did it because of me, because the other party provoked him!"

His eyes fell on the wellhead worker who spread the rumor in the class;

"Hey, there's you too, the wellhead worker!! Qingshan didn't steal the money, that's the laundry fee, do you understand? I gave you the laundry fee for dirtying your clothes!!!"

Without Longguyuan Qingshan, the wellhead worker was unusually arrogant and taunted,"Laundry fee? You beat someone to the ground and you still have the nerve to ask for laundry fee?!! Haha, what a ridiculous guy!"

"You bastard!!!"

Unable to hold back his anger, Suzuki stepped forward and wrestled with Iguchi.

The students in the class just stood around and watched, and no one stepped forward to stop the fight and separate the two.

Whoosh - the door of the classroom was pushed open from the outside, and Ryuguin Aoyama appeared at the door of the classroom.

Seeing who came in clearly, the class suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on Ryuguin Aoyama, looking at him.


Edogawa Suzuki held the wellhead worker on the ground with his hands, looked up at Aoyama, and his mouth was cracked.

The wellhead worker on the ground saw Aoyama coming back and raised his head,"Huh, what's the matter, your boss who beat people is here, do you have a backer?"

"You damned fellow, you are talking nonsense again!"

As he spoke, Suzuki once again punched Iguchiko in the face.

"What the hell! Rumors about Qingshan!"

"It’s obviously the truth!!"

The two of them punched each other in the face;

""Hurry up, report to the teacher!"

A student in the class went out to find the teacher.

Ryuguin Aoyama walked up and pulled up Suzuki who was still punching;

"Let me go, let Qingshan go! This guy just needs to be taught a lesson!!!"

The reason for the fight yesterday was because he was kicked down by Suzuran's bad student, which led to the fight; now Qingshan was punished because of the fight; Suzuki was already feeling bad, and when Iguchi Gong fanned the flames in the class, he lost control and started fighting. Iguchi

Gong, who was helped up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the two of them with resentment in his eyes.

One laughed at him for not being able to get the first place in the grade; the other hit him in front of the whole class; the anger burned from the bottom of his heart little by little, and his hand touched the seat behind him.......

"Damn it, you all deserve to die, everyone who bullies me deserves to die——"

The Iguchi worker picked up the seat he was touching and took it towards the two men.

The quick-eyed and quick-handed Ryuguin Aoyama had already realized it when he picked up the seat, so he left Suzuki beside him and caught the seat with one hand.



Boom— the students retreated in panic, all afraid that they would be in trouble.

The homeroom teacher, Ms. Yumiko, who rushed over, saw this scene and held the door frame with her hand,"Ryuguin, Iguchi! Stop it, stop it! No fighting."

Ryuguin Aoyama turned his head to look at the anxious Ms. Yumiko, remembering that she had just pleaded for him in the office.


A system prompt sounded in my mind:

【Ding Dong! Hot-blooded Battle System Task: Beat up the despicable wellhead worker! 】

However, this guy really deserves to be punished. Regardless of whether there is a task issued by the system or not, he will not let him off easily.

Turning his head, holding the seat tightly with his hands, he raised his foot and kicked the wellhead worker directly to the ground.

"Ah, Ryuguin classmate! Stop it, fighting is not allowed in the classroom!"

Hearing what Teacher Yumiko said, Ryuguin Aoyama put down the chair he had just snatched, strode forward, grabbed the wellhead worker on the ground, and dragged him out through the back door.

"Ryuguin-san, where are you taking him?!"Teacher Yumiko chased after him.

Students in the class rushed out of the classroom, and people from other classes leaned out or came out of their classes to see what was going on.

PS: I would like to ask here, is anyone reading this? If so, please support me on the first day! I am crying while typing this......

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