Ryuguin Qingshan dragged the wellhead worker all the way to the school playground.

When he let go of his hand, the wellhead worker lost his balance and fell to the ground with fear in his eyes.

"you...What do you want to do?"

He slowly stood up with his hands on the ground, looked at the students who had been chasing him, and snorted coldly.

"In front of so many people, you still want to continue to hit me? I heard everything that was said in the office, Longgongyuan, if you have the guts, just do it!"

Jingkou Gongliao was sure that in front of so many people, Longgongyuan Qingshan would not dare to hit him again.

After all, the vice-principal teacher just said that if he did it again, he would be expelled from this school!


Ryuguin Qingshan couldn't help but chuckle, this idiot didn't think that he brought him to the playground just to see the scenery?!

"What are you laughing at?! If you have the guts, do it."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I was the one who reported you to the principal for fighting and asking for money in the street~"

Looking at the Ryuguin Aoyama in front of him, Iguchi smiled smugly.


Ryuguin Aoyama hesitated for a moment, then immediately realized that it was no wonder that the system prompt in his mind just now,"beat up the despicable Iguchi worker", turned out to be a metaphor for this.

He clenched his fists, and his knuckles made a crisp sound. His eyes fell on Teacher Yumiko, and a trace of apology flashed across his eyes.

He turned around and swung his fist, smashing the smug smile on Iguchi worker's face with one punch.

"Damn it, do you think I brought you to the playground just to chat?"He took a big step forward and then threw another heavy punch;

Iguchi, who couldn't even get the upper hand in a fight with Suzuki, had no ability to fight back in front of Ryuguin Aoyama. He was like a fish on a chopping board, being slaughtered at will by Ryuguin Aoyama.

"The teacher forbids us to fight in the classroom, so he brought you to the playground, and you are so proud of yourself?"

Ryuguin Qingshan stepped forward and picked up the wellhead worker who was beaten by him and made him look into his eyes. With his other hand, he raised his fist.......

"Ryuguin Qingshan!! What are you doing? You just came out of the office and came to the playground to commit violence in front of all the students!"

The vice principal and teacher rushed to the playground and shouted to stop him.

"Let me go.......I beg you......"

The well-dressed worker, who couldn't bear the beating, opened his bloody mouth and begged for mercy.

Looking at the vice-principal, Qingshan clenched his fist and threw it at the well-dressed worker's mouth without hesitation.


"Cough, ah——"

The wellhead worker screamed like a pig, fell heavily to the ground, his legs twitched twice, and he fainted completely.

The air was silent for a moment.......

After the silence, there was a noise

"Call an ambulance! What are you doing?

The vice-principal yelled at the teachers around him and rushed forward, his neck and face flushed with anger, pointing his finger at the Qingshan of Longgongyuan.

"You, you! You violent guy, you are fired, you are fired!!!"

"Get out of here right now!!!"

"Vice Principal, this must have a reason. Can you......"

The vice principal interrupted Teacher Yumiko who was trying to plead for mercy.

"No! This school can no longer accommodate him. Yesterday he beat people up and robbed them in the commercial street, and today he beat his classmates into such a mess in school!"He was so angry that he was incoherent and swore.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The system rewards you with +3 physical strength and +1500 money. 】

Ryuguin Qingshan frowned slightly, his expression showing disdain. Jingkougong, a weakling, got such a pitiful reward.

He raised his hand and pinched the finger of the vice-principal who was still pointing fingers at him. With a little force, the vice-principal immediately gasped in pain.


"You, you let go! I command you!"I couldn't pull my hand away, so I had to endure the pain and ordered

"You order me? Ha, are you qualified? I was just fired by you last second~"

With the last note, there was a crisp sound, and the vice-principal's fingers were bent to an incredible degree.

The ambulance came to the playground to take the wellhead worker away, and Ryuguin Qingshan returned to the classroom, put on his schoolbag and prepared to leave


Teacher Yumiko called him from behind.

"Ryuguin-san, are you just leaving like this? I'll ask the school for mercy, maybe......"

At the end of the conversation, his voice became quieter because he didn't have the confidence to persuade the school not to expel him.

"Teacher! You don't need to beg me. As you can see, this school is no longer suitable for me."

Shrugged his shoulders, a faint smile appeared on his face, not caring about being expelled at all. Anyway, if he didn't study, it would be meaningless to stay in this ordinary school.

"Then, the teacher will try to recommend you to another school!"

Yumiko didn't want to see Aoyama, who was an excellent student, drop out of school because of the fight. As a teacher, she hoped that students could continue to study.

"Thank you for your kindness. I have decided where to go. Goodbye, Teacher Yumiko!"

Ryuguin Aoyama turned around and waved to Teacher Yumiko behind him.

By the time Yumiko realized what was happening, Aoyama and the others had already disappeared into the corridor. She quickly opened the window and shouted downstairs,

"Where are you going?"

Ryuguin Aoyama, who had just come downstairs, looked up and said,"Liulan." Yumiko, who was lying on the window, said nothing. Although she was not dropping out of school, would going to Liulan be a good place to go?......

PS: Guys, it’s been almost a day, the flowers and comments haven’t moved, tears are running down my cheeks

Everyone, please support us in the evening, otherwise will we really fail on the first day? TOT

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