The award ceremony, which was originally calm and peaceful, ended with the first place winner hitting the second place winner, causing the second place winner to be taken away by ambulance. The second place winner spread rumors.

The headlines of the newspapers the next day were exclusively covered by this report.

However, because the other party was a student, their information and appearance were not published in the newspaper. People who read the newspaper wanted to know the people involved in the incident, but they had no way to find out.

After this incident, there was no one named Iguchi Gong in Lingfeng High School. It was said that he moved and transferred to another school after being discharged from the hospital, and no one knew his whereabouts.

Because of this incident, Lingfeng High School investigated the"rumors" said by Iguchi Gong and found evidence that the vice principal and teacher had accepted bribes over the years.

The superiors directly dismissed him from his post and investigated him. As expected, he will be imprisoned for two years after the judicial process.

Regarding Yumiko's matter, the principal personally found her, apologized to her on behalf of the school, and reissued her a teaching contract, but Yumiko refused.

She loves the podium and her students, but now that she has left school, she has decided to open her current coffee shop.

As one of the parties involved, this incident has no effect on Ryuguin Aoyama, who goes to school, goes home, and lives his life in a swaggering manner.

【Ding Dong! Mission of the Hot-blooded Combat System: Defeat Class E! 【

Defeat Class E?

Ryuguin Aoyama raised his lips in an arc. This hot-blooded combat system coincided with his idea.

In just a few days, Genji had recruited many people from the first and second grades to expand his GPS Corps. It seemed that he was already accumulating his own strength to prepare for the"peak battle" in the future.

On the basketball court, after listening to the mission issued by the system in his mind, Ryuguin Aoyama threw the basketball in his hand and it went right into the basket, a three-pointer.

He turned around and shouted to his brothers, and everyone looked at him. Ryuguin Aoyama raised his hand to gather the hair on his forehead.

"Want to move around? Go to Class E!"

Everyone understood what he meant and became excited.

Makise Takashi wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, and stood in front with his neck stiff, looking completely ready.

"When? Right now! The brothers all want to move."

As Makise Takashi said this, a group of people walked towards them not far behind Ryuuguuin Aoyama.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama slowly turned around, facing the sunlight, he had to frown and raise his hands in front of his eyes to see clearly the people walking towards him.

The person walking in front of the crowd was the boss in charge of Class E - Tamura Chuta!

Following behind him were his brothers from Class E.

Putting down his hands to block the sunlight, Ryuuguuin Aoyama straightened his shoulders slightly and looked directly at the people who were striding towards him.

"Hey, Ryuguuin! There are rumors in the school that after you take down Class C, our Class E will be next."

As he spoke, Tadashi Tamura raised his chin and looked at Ryuguuin Aoyama who was standing opposite him,"So we brothers, let's take you down first!"

After speaking, Tadashi Tamura took the lead and rushed towards them with big strides. The people in Class E followed Tadashi Tamura's steps and surged up like a tide.

Ryuguuin Aoyama turned his head to look at the people behind him, and the Mikami brothers, Makise Takashi and others met his gaze and understood his meaning.

"Hey, brothers! It's time to get active——"

Makise Takashi shouted loudly, and rushed forward with his fist raised, brushing shoulders with Ryuguuin Aoyama.

The two Mikami brothers did not hesitate, and they looked at each other.

Mikami Gakuen:"Suzuki is going to miss the show~"

Mikami Gou:"You are such an unlucky guy!"

As the two brothers talked, they quickly rushed towards the people running towards Class E.

Ryuguuin Aoyama stood there and did not move, but his eyes were fixed on Tamura Chuta who was in the center of the crowd. Only by taking down the leader of Class E can we take down the entire Class E!

"Let's get started——"

Ryuguuin Aoyama shouted, stepped forward quickly, grabbed the person from Class E who was holding his brother, and with a smile on his face, punched hard. He turned around and grabbed the other person who was swinging a fist at him, caught the other person's fist with one hand, and grabbed the other person's shoulder with the other hand.

Using both hands to exert force, he threw the person out.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen people from Class E had been knocked down, and more than half of them were still fighting.

Sangaku shouted at Makise Takashi with a smile:"Hey, gorilla! Why are you slowing down? Are you not doing well? Hahahaha......"

After knocking down the man in front of him with one punch, Makise Takashi turned around and yelled,"Bullshit, I just finished warming up!" Ryuguin Aoyama easily dealt with the man standing between him and Tamura Chuta.


""Tada Tamura, the people you brought are not good enough at all!!!"

Ryuguin Aoyama's powerful fist hit the opponent's face directly.

Looking at the fierce Ryuguin Aoyama, Tamura Tadashi crossed his arms and raised them to block the opponent's fist.

Bang - the fist hit Tamura Tadashi's crossed arms, and Tamura Tadashi's body was hit. He staggered back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

Ryuguin Aoyama followed closely, then jumped up and punched Tamura Tadashi again, who had not yet stood firm.

Bang - this punch hit Tamura Tadashi's face hard, and he was knocked two or three meters away and fell to the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough......"

Tadashi Tamura on the ground coughed violently, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

He grabbed Tadashi Tamura by the collar, lifted him up, and looked him in the eye,"You are right, I am going to take down Class E!" He hit the opponent's head with a right hook, and the man flew to the side. Tadashi

Tamura grabbed the ground and tried to get up again. His two legs appeared in his sight first.

Then he raised his head and looked up, and saw Ryuguuin Aoyama who was slightly bent over and facing him head-on.

PS: Please support me!

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Today, I would like to thank the big guys and the big guys in the skirt for their crazy complaints. We will continue to fight tomorrow.......

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